Why can’t the Buddha’s help us?
Posted by Help January 16, 2016 1 20
I have been chanting Dorje Shugden mantras and other mantras as well for a jobless member of my family to get a job as well as sponsoring 2 pujas (I can’t afford more as I am the sole provider of my family) for him. But nothing happens. What else can I do? I’m so desperate that I want to seek help from the deities who are unenlightened beings. My financial burden is reaching breaking point soon. Why, why can’t the Buddha’s help us? Any job will do as long as it can buy food to feed the stomach.
Shugden QuotesView all
First you [Dorje Shugden] gave me a highly qualified Spiritual Guide, Under whom I studied and practiced Dharma. When through …
- H.E. Gyara Tulku Rinpoche
The Dharmapala (Dorje Shugden) is real and he is the emanation of Vajrapani. From the Thousand Buddhas, he is the …
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
Among all the Dharma Protectors, four-faced Mahakala, Kalarupa, and Dorje Shugden in particular have the same nature because they are …
- H.E. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
HUM, Lobsang Dragpa, essence of the ocean of mandalas, Three precious yidams’ mandala attendants, Especially the principal of the potent …
- Kyabje Dragri Dorje Chang
Manjushri in angry form, You are the hero in terrifying role. Main of my powerful war gods, You are the …
- H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche
To Lama Dorje Shugden, In places where people are wild and untamed, You assist and protect me. You show reasons …
- the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen
Because the lamas in Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s lineage of incarnations are manifestations of the wisdom buddha Manjushri, and because Drakpa …
- H.E. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
In our country, there was a great Mahasiddha Buton Rinchen Drub. He was also the Dharmapala [Dorje Shugden].
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
Dorje Shugden holding the wish-fulfilling jewel to his heart represents that he can fulfil all wishes and increase your Dharma …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
I am grateful to my friends/students always. Therefore I think always how to repay their kindness in this life and …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
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Answer from Pastors
January 16, 2016 #1 AuthorDear Help, There are a number of reasons why he cannot get a job. Mantras, prayers and pujas all actually do work but the help of the enlightened beings depend on our karma and our own efforts to overcome the effects of our karma.
I would suggest that he engage in practices that purify negative karma such as Vajrasattva practice (http://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/prayers-and-sadhanas/an-important-purification-practice.html) or 35 Confessional Buddhas.
This should be coupled with the practice of Dorje Shugden, so that the prevailing karma can be purified. But together with this, karma is made by action. Therefore it will take effort on his part to purify his karma not to have a job, and also effort to look for a job. When doing this then the enlightened beings will definitely manifest to help the situation. I hope this helps.