
Posted by Kenneth October 15, 2017 1 213

Hello, is the mantra for Control as found in the mantra-section; om benza wiki bitana washam kuru ho, the same mantra as the one...

Hello, is the mantra for Control as found in the mantra-section; om benza wiki bitana washam kuru ho, the same mantra as the one in the Wangze-practice? Or is this mantra for Control for another form or Dorje Shugden?

Best wishes,

  • Answer from Pastors


    October 18, 2017 #1 Author

    Hello Kenneth,

    Yes the “control” mantra of Dorje Shugden is the same as in the Wangze practice. This is because Wangze is the control form of Dorje Shugden. He manifested in the form of Wangze with the primary function to “control”. Even though Dorje Shugden has many types of mantras, this one corresponds to a particular form of Dorje Shugden, and that is the function of control. You can recite this prayer by visualising Dorje Shugden in his normal appearance or in the form of Wangze. If you are engaging in the Wangze practice however, then you should obviously visualise Wangze when you do the practice.

    In general, the Buddhas have four types of enlightened activity. These are pacifying, increasing, controlling and wrathful. Both the mantra and the practice of Wangze belong to the “control” aspect. You can read more about Wangze’s practice here:

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