Setting up the altar

Posted by Philip Strumolo May 27, 2018 1 25

I am a beginner in this practice and no immediately ready to set up my altar. However, can you use the same space that...

I am a beginner in this practice and no
immediately ready to set up my altar. However, can you use the same space that was once used a an Hindu altar? Can one purify that space ? or must one use a different table? There is a space constraint .issue. Yet I do not wish to offend our holy teachers.

  • Answer from Pastors


    May 27, 2018 #1 Author

    Dear Philip Strumolo,

    You can use any space you like that is available to you, as long as it is a respectable area. Actually, there is no way to offend the enlightened beings, as they are above all emotions and concepts. However, from our side we should be as respectful as possible when setting up an altar space for the representations of the enlightened beings.

    If you are using a space that has been used for something else before, you should clean it well. And then you purify it with incense reciting the mantra “Om Ah Hung” are you do so. So, you light incense, and then wave it over the space while reciting the mantra. Then you can set up the altar there.

    If you are making offerings on the altar, then you can use the same procedure to purify and bless the offerings once they are made. I hope this helps. Thank you.

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