Practising Dorje Shugden and Singdongma together?
Posted by Francisco Rodríguez January 16, 2016 1 144
Dear friends, it supports the practice of lion-faced Dakini with the practice of Dorje Shugden? Is there a problem in practice them to come from different schools? I am a practitioner of Dorje Shugden and these doubts have some comments I’ve read on the Internet. Thank you.
Shugden QuotesView all
We received the practice of Dorje Shugden not from an ordinary being, not an ordinary scholar, not an ordinary teacher …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
In the aspect of a supra‐mundane Protector, he is Dharmaraja Kalarupa and, in the aspect of a mundane protector, he …
- H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche
Dorje Shugden has never asked anything of me except to practice Dharma, transform my mind, apply lojong teachings and be …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
O Duldzin, King of the Dharma, I thank you for your kindness. Your body is the synthesis of all Sangha …
- H.E. Gyara Tulku Rinpoche
Because the lamas in Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s lineage of incarnations are manifestations of the wisdom buddha Manjushri, and because Drakpa …
- H.E. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
We need to recognise that all Buddha’s wisdom appears in the aspect of Manjushri, that he in turn appears in …
- H.E. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
If we rely on Dorje Shugden with unwavering faith, he will care for us just like a father caring for …
- H.E. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Manjushri. Being so, he will confer the five types of wisdoms, protection from the …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
[Dorje Shugden] is a very special protector and very precious, so therefore you have to do puja monthly.
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
During Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s life he heard many teachings from the Fifth Dalai Lama, and again, as stated above, he …
- H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche
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Answer from Pastors
January 16, 2016 #1 AuthorDear Francisco Rodriguez, Yes you can most certainly practise Singdongma (Lion-faced Dakini) and Dorje Shugden. They are both enlightened beings, therefore there is no contradiction practicing both of them. Within the Nyingma tradition, Singdongma is considered a fierce manifestation of Padmasambhava, whereas in the Kagyu, Sakya and Gelug traditions her practice stems from the practice of the Chakrasamvara Tantra. In both cases she is fully enlightened. Dorje Shugden is an emanation of the Buddha of Wisdom Manjushri in the form of a protector, therefore he too is obviously an enlightened being.
To clarify however, it is best to practise according to one lineage. And there are many reasons why, primarily because the form of practice will correspond to the specific teachings in that particular lineage, that is why there are differences in practices of the same deity within different lineages. As the teachings are explained in a different manner it is all too easy to get confused as to the meaning.
Therefore it is advisable to adhere to one lineage. When you get to a certain level of realisation, you come to realise that all the lineages lead to the same state but simply in different ways, therefore best to adhere to and practice one lineage very well. We have many people in Kechara who practice both Singdongma and Dorje Shugden.
You can find more information about Singdongma here: and more information about Dorje Shugden here: