Mantra of destruction

Posted by Ken April 7, 2018 1 128

Hello, is the mantra «Om benza wiki bitana shartrum maraya phet» a mantra of Trakze or is it for another form of Dorje Shugden?

Hello, is the mantra «Om benza wiki bitana shartrum maraya phet» a mantra of Trakze or is it for another form of Dorje Shugden?

  • Answer from Pastors


    April 7, 2018 #1 Author

    Dear Ken,

    The mantra Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shatrum Maraya Phet is not the mantra of Trakze, or another form of Dorje Shugden. This mantra invokes the main form of Dorje Shugden but with the main focus of the destruction of obstacles, and inner and outer enemies. Inner enemies here refers to emotions and thoughts that lead ourselves and others to suffering. Outer enemies here refers to situations that cause ourselves and others suffering.

    Trakze’s mantra is Om Benza Wiki Bitana Rakya Rakya Hung. You can read more about Trakze’s practice here: I hope this helps. Thank you.

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