Is this website still running?
Posted by Anthony March 8, 2018 1 17
Hi there, have been quite a long time seems this website is not updating… Looking forward to more interesting article and discussions regarding Dorje Shugden…
Shugden QuotesView all
Tagphu Dorje Chang went to Tushita Heaven to get the initiation for Dharmapala [Dorje Shugden] from Lama Tsongkhapa. Two different …
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
When we rely on Dorje Shugden, all things around us – entourage, people, friends, finances, needs, spiritual development, meeting the …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
People who have this Shugden initiation and people who practice Dorje Shugden, those people have very great, successful meditation and …
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
Now is the time to rely upon Dorje Shugden.
- H.E. Morchen Dorje Chang Kunga Lhundrup
Glory of the wisdom, compassion and power of infinite Buddhas, Miraculously powerful protector of Manjusri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings, Arisen as a …
- H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama
Dorje Shugden is a fully enlightened Buddha. His speech is that of Dharma and his mind abides in Dharmakaya. His …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
These days times are so degenerate no-one else is coming, but now Grandpa Shugden himself will definitely come as your …
- Sakya Mahasiddha Pema Dudul
Because the lamas in Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s lineage of incarnations are manifestations of the wisdom buddha Manjushri, and because Drakpa …
- H.E. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
In our country, there was a great Mahasiddha Buton Rinchen Drub. He was also the Dharmapala [Dorje Shugden].
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
Dorje Shugden can bless, protect, foretell the future, help find resources, give hope, give advice, dispense attainments and even be …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
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Answer from Pastors
March 25, 2018 #1 AuthorDear Anthony,
Yes, this website is still active. If you do want to ask any questions of have a discussion, you can always ask here or post your question on the discussions page: