Can’t sleep well if put Dorje Shugden postcard at home

Posted by HHLIM September 25, 2018 1 49

Last few days i was given free postcard of Dorje Shugden when i visited Forest Retreat at Bentong.So i bring back home and put...

Last few days i was given free postcard of Dorje Shugden when i visited Forest Retreat at Bentong.So i bring back home and put at the table in my center of the house which facing my dad.He is now amputated and sleep at the bed.But that day when i put up the poster he cant sleep and always scream and getting mad.Its this normal??

  • Answer from Pastors


    October 3, 2018 #1 Author

    Dear HHLIM,

    Thank you for your question. What you have described is not normal. Dorje Shugden is the emanation of Manjushri, who is the Buddha of Wisdom. As a Buddha, he cannot affect people in negative ways. When we see a Buddha image or hear their prayers and mantras, we can only be affected in positive ways. This is because all Buddhas operate from the highest form of compassion. They only do what is the best for us and they can never harm us.

    I think what is happening to your father is probably due to his state of mind. You should talk to him and explain to him who Dorje Shugden is, his benefits and that he is an emanation of Manjushri. That might help to ease his mind. Sometimes having an image of a deity can disturb some people’s minds because they do not know who the deity is. This is especially the case if they are not familiar with the form of the deity. To them it may seem strange at first, but once they know the benefits of Dorje Shugden then their minds will calm down. You can explain to your father about the benefits of Dorje Shugden’s practice. You can find a list of these benefits here:

    Since your father is an amputee, he may be suffering from mental stress at having lost his limbs. This is very common with people who have been amputated, even if not recent. If you father is open to the idea, you can ask him to chant Dorje Shugden’s mantra, which will bring him a lot of peace. You can also move the image to another location of the house if your father does not like it where it is. I hope this helps. Thank you.

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