business related question
Posted by Preeti Yaksh September 23, 2016 1 27
when i will start my it fruitful which type of business is suitable for me.
Shugden QuotesView all
During Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s life he heard many teachings from the Fifth Dalai Lama, and again, as stated above, he …
- H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche
We received the practice of Dorje Shugden not from an ordinary being, not an ordinary scholar, not an ordinary teacher …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
You [Dorje Shugden] have been of great assistance to me my whole life. Many of my works were accomplished because …
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
No one can compete with him! He is the one called Dorje Shugden Tsel, The Mighty One Endowed With Vajra …
- The Great Dharmapala Nechung according to the Sakya edition of the wrathful torma ritual for Shugden by Sachen Kunga Lodro
Dorje Shugden is in the form of a monk because Dorje Shugden was a monk for many lifetimes before he …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
If we sincerely wish to experience the benefits of relying upon Dorje Shugden, we must rely upon him constantly over …
- H.E. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
I know if I introduce people to Dorje Shugden, he can help. He will help as he has helped me. …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
You are the fierce and mighty Dorje Shugden, Who sustains tenpa and tenzin like son, And swiftly fulfills all four …
- H.H. the 31st Sakya Trizin Kunga Lodro
Sometimes overwhelmed by loneliness, sadness, difficulties, financial hardships and almost giving up hope, I turned to Dorje Shugden many times. …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
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Answer from Pastors
September 26, 2016 #1 AuthorDear Preeti Yaksh,
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately I do not have clairvoyance to be able to answer this question. Neither am I trained in astrology to be able to give you any guidance from the astrological point of view.
That being said, the level of our ‘success’ in this world depends on our karma. If we have the karma to have good business, then it will come naturally. However there are methods we can employ to increase the chances that our business will do well. Once such method is the practice of Gyenze, who is the increase form of Dorje Shugden. This practice when engaged in properly with a good motivation leads to success and brings us what we need in life.
You can find the practice here:
Thank you.