Composed by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, this praise to Lama Dorje Shugden is a reminder of the breadth and scale of the assistance that Dorje Shugden can provide to us, in both the secular and spiritual sense.
It highlights the benefits of committing to Dorje Shugden as our Dharma Protector as well as the commitment he makes to us as a Dharma practitioner in Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage. Through this, we generate a strong sense of faith in the Protector to guide and watch over us until we achieve Bodhicitta. Reciting this praise on a daily basis therefore also creates the causes for us to receive the life entrustment (srog gtad) of Dorje Shugden.
Prayer to Dorje Shugden
Composed by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen
May 25th, 2013
To Lama Dorje Shugden,
In places where people are wild and untamed,
You assist and protect me.
You show reasons for them to turn
Their minds around towards the Dharma.
When I have no money, food, medicine or housing,
You provide everything for me.
And what I need your provisions grow
And increase with time.
You show me the Six Paramitas continuously.
When I am depressed, sad and lose hope,
You assure me of your presence,
Your blessings and your friendship
Lifting my spirits.
No friend can be better than you.
When I have been abandoned by others
Who are not real friends,
You are my real friend, confidante and inspiration.
You show me a friendship that is super worldly
And at the same time worldly.
When I am afraid, attacked or have been cheated,
You replace what has been taken, reassure me
And advise me to continue.
You give with love, abundance and no agenda.
You give solely to benefit.
You are my Buddha, my Yidam, my Guru, my Protector
And my complete source of blessings.
By relying on your rituals, mantras, prayers and puja,
I can always create a powerful Vajra Manjushri link to you
That will extend to future lives.
May I never be separated from you
In this and future lives.
Bless me to gain real genuine Bodhicitta,
Love, forgiveness,
Compassion and skilful means.
You give me purpose, goals and visions that surpass anything
We can be attached to or be tricked by in samsara.
Nothing we have attachment for in samsara can hold light
Next to your advice and your goals for us.
I trust you and surrender my attachments to your goals and advice.
Which are meant for my benefit.
Bless me to have entourage, sponsors, help, assistance and
Many auspicious signs from You. Follow me like a shadow to the body.
Never abandon me when my mind occasionally turns negative and
Keep me close to you. Let me always have close contact, signs and omens from you.
You are no other than the Gentle Lord Manjushri in a worldly form to rescue me.
I love you as I have not loved anyone else.
I trust you because you will never disappoint me.
I believe in you because you abide in pure compassion and powerful abilities.
I will never choose anything or anyone in samsara over you.
You never ask me to choose, but I am just
Expressing your nature and the reasons for my choice.
Your presence, blessings and existence is permanent without permanence whereas the friends and objects I am attached to do not last and in the end have to be abandoned or leave. I am left in despair even before they leave. But your presence is promised till the 1,000th Buddha appears. I choose you and your ways Lord Protector.
I hold you close to me. You are more precious than diamonds, gold, money, rich friends, foods, travel, palaces, fame and reputation to me as your nature is fixed yet changing. I will remain loyal and devoted to you above anything because it is so rare to find such a support such as you in this degenerate age.
Hold me close. Love me. Protect me. Bless me. Watch over me and my loved ones. Show me swift action to tame my and other’s minds. In return I promise you to work compassionately and skilfully towards the benefit of others. I promise you to develop in this life compassion, love and wisdom so I may rank among the highly skilled beings that take birth for others. Bless me to be so and not be afraid. As fear arises from ignorance and not the state of our goals.
I must and will realise you are far better to cling to than children, parents, husband, wife, partner, friend, sponsor, confidante and any relations I deem to have, have had or will have. By resolutely alliancing myself to You, I will in fact benefit those I have wrongly or conceptually clung to. Bless me to realise and immediately enact this attitude.
May I gain your wisdom mind that is equal to the attainments described by Nagarjuna and Lam Rim. May I not be stuck in the quicksands of samsara and my tight mind anymore. All sufferings, problems, delusions, and their results arise from my clinging to the wrong objects time and time again. Finally I have found the right being to rest my mind with and this being is no other than You.
Om Svasti!
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Posted on April 22, 2016 #1 AuthorHi all, is it super worldly or supra worldly? Because they mean radically different ideas. Thanks for sharing!
Sharon Ong
Posted on July 4, 2016 #2 AuthorI bow at the feet of the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen who wrote this beautiful prayer that covers all my aspirations. I like the last verse as it is so relevant to me.
May I gain your wisdom mind that is equal to the attainments described by Nagarjuna and Lam Rim. May I not be stuck in the quicksands of samsara and my tight mind anymore. All sufferings, problems, delusions, and their results arise from my clinging to the wrong objects time and time again. Finally I have found the right being to rest my mind with and this being is no other than You.
So utterly grateful to have been given this practice and connection to a loyal friend and guardian angel like Dorje Shugden.
Alice Tay
Posted on October 13, 2016 #3 AuthorThere are many masters, mahasiddhas, yogis, geshes, lineage holders and many others practiced Dorje Shugden. Due to the compassion of Dorje Shugden, when we make offerings to propitiate Dorje Shugden sincerely, Dorje Shugden together with his entourages will help us swiftly.
Thank you for sharing this sacred praise to Dorje Shugden. May everyone be blessed by Dorje Shugden. May all the visions of current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen manifest swiftly.
Stella Cheang
Posted on November 15, 2016 #4 AuthorThank you and bowing down to the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen for this glorious praise to Dorje Shugden. It is so beautifully written. “You give me purpose, goals and visions that surpass anything
We can be attached to or be tricked by in samsara.
Nothing we have attachment for in samsara can hold light
Next to your advice and your goals for us.
I trust you and surrender my attachments to your goals and advice.
Which are meant for my benefit.”
Thank you for this sharing. _/\_
Posted on December 8, 2016 #5 AuthorWhen I am depressed, sad and lose hope,
You assure me of your presence,
Your blessings and your friendship
Lifting my spirits.
No friend can be better than you.
For days, when it is all grey and nothing but negative thoughts abound, this verse shall serve me well. When doubts run lose in my mind, may this serve me well.
Thank you for this praise to Dorje Shugden, o incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen.
With folded hands and bowed head, on bent knees, I pay homage.
Jacinta Goh
Posted on July 2, 2017 #6 AuthorDown to earth prayer. With an incense and I kneel down reciting this prayer and may this prayer be fulfilled. May I have strong connection with current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen in this and all my future lives.
Posted on September 19, 2017 #7 AuthorDear Your Holiness Tulku Drakpa Gyaltse,
Thank you for giving us this beautiful prayers. I like this prayer a lot. Especially the 1st paragraph where Dorje Shugden always guide us and people around us towards dharma. Dharma is important, only by understanding and practice dharma people could understand themselves more and help themselves towards enlightenment.
“To Lama Dorje Shugden,
In places where people are wild and untamed,
You assist and protect me.
You show reasons for them to turn
Their minds around towards the Dharma.”
This prayer gave me confident to go on when i face my emotional, health problem or any obstacles.
Thank you Your Holiness.
Bowing to Your Holiness feet,