A Lama of Sera Jey Monastery, His Eminence Dagri Rinpoche Jetsun Gyatso Thaye composed this confessional prayer beginning with a request for the enlightened beings to pay attention to the practitioner’s requests.
It then highlights the causes for our unhappiness and suffering before Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche recognises Dorje Shugden’s qualities by describing what he can protect us from, which creates the karma for our suffering – the three poisons of ignorance, hatred and desire. This confessional prayer is extracted from Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche’s longer work called “Treasury of the Four Activities“.
Confessional Prayers to Dorje Shugden
By Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche
Lobsang Dragpa, essence of the ocean of mandalas,
Three precious yidams’ mandala attendants,
Especially the principal of the potent dregs,
Dorje Shugden and retinue consider me.
Recklessly drunk from the three poisons,
Accumulated downfalls by nature and transgression
The limits of faultless precepts and commandments,
With an ailing and repenting mind I confess.
Pervasive Guru present in the 10 directions,
Peaceful and wrathful Yidams established by the Jina,
Oath bound Protectors of the Secret Vehicle,
From my heart I lay bare all samaya transgressions.
Displeasing, disrespect, reproach and wrong view toward
The Glorious Guru Vajradhara,
In the presence of the Yidams and Protectors having the wisdom eye,
I confess all lack of faith.
Especially to life ruler of the Dregs,
Forgotten, broken and inferior offering tormas,
To the Protector performing the four activities
I confess all broken thanksgiving service tormas.
Carelessness of what ought to be accepted and rejected,
The root and secondary [precepts] of body, speech and mind,
To the listening Protectors and retinue,
With a regretful mind I confess these faults.
Primordial, naturally pure Dharmakaya,
Free from all conceptual elaboration,
May all faults written with the pen of conceptualisation,
Be purified within the sphere of emptiness.
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hi like to ask can i practice Dharam of Dorje Shugeden with out a Teacher or lama ?Guru?iiam 78 year of age. in canada.thank you
Möge Daddy seine Telepathie Kräfte verbessern, nam myoho renge kyo
Hello dear Rinpoche. I found this page and would welcome a reconnection via email. You took two automobile tours with my wife Carol and me Indiana and Michigan in 1990 and 1991. You also had supper at our house once. I hope this finds you in good health! Carol, unfortunately, is in very poor health due to advanced Alzheimer's disease. Please keep her in your thoughts.
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Alice Tay
Posted on January 16, 2018 #1 AuthorHave faith in Dorje Shugden and open mind to accept and learn this Confessional Prayer to Dorje Shugden.
Thank you for this sharing.