Dorje Shugden’s heavenly abode (mandala) is a three-storey palace that is manifested from his enlightened mind. When we engage in the practice of this enlightened Dharma Protector, we invoke upon Dorje Shugden and his full 32-deity entourage, which correspond to the 32 deities of the Tantric Buddha Guhyasamaja’s body mandala. Thus, it is important to understand the different elements that make up Dorje Shugden’s divine mandala and to be able to visualise this clearly in our daily meditations and practices.
Dorje Shugden’s Five Families
Dorje Shugden resides on the palace’s ground floor in five different forms. His principal form is Duldzin who rides on a snow lion. Alongside the principle form are his four other emanations and all five are known collectively as ‘Dorje Shugden’s Five Families’.
The five forms are the manifestation of Dorje Shugden’s five aggregates; each aggregate manifests as an individual form. This is akin to a person putting on different uniforms for different tasks. For instance, one can put on a policeman’s uniform to represent the law, a doctor’s outfit to represent the medical profession and so forth. Therefore, Dorje Shugden wears five different ‘uniforms’ simultaneously in order to perform the different enlightened activities.
Each of Dorje Shugden’s five forms also corresponds to the Five Dhyani Buddhas – Amitabha, Akshobhya, Vairochana, Amoghasiddhi and Ratnasambhava – and each represents an aggregate that has been purified of a particular delusion. Therefore, the inner purpose of each form of Dorje Shugden is to remove obstacles pertaining to each aggregate.
Duldzin Dorje Shugden
The principle deity is Duldzin and he is named after his previous life, Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen, the Holder of the Vinaya who was one of the eight main disciples of Lama Tsongkhapa. He wears the golden domed hat of a travelling lama on his head and is attired in the three sets of robes of a fully ordained monk.
In his hands, he holds a meandering wisdom sword and the heart of the enemy (symbolising the uprooting of ignorance), and carries a taming hook in the crook of his left arm. He rides upon a snow lion symbolising his great fearlessness.
Duldzin is the manifestation of the aggregate of consciousness or the Buddha Akshobhya and therefore, he counters anger and hatred. He bestows wisdom and clears all inner and outer obstacles.
Shize Vairochana Shugden
Shize, the pacifying form of Dorje Shugden appears as a radiant prince with a semi-wrathful smile. In his right hand, he holds a ritual arrow tied with a mirror and in his left hand, he holds a noose. He is white in colour and wears flowing white silk robes, a golden turban and rides the King of Elephants.
Shize is the manifestation of the aggregate of form or the Buddha Vairochana and therefore, he counters ignorance. He purifies our negative karma and heals by pacifying serious illnesses and natural disasters.
Gyenze Ratna Shugden
Gyenze, the increasing form of Dorje Shugden holds a long-life vase with the branch of a wish-granting tree skywards in his right hand and a bowl filled with jewels in his left. He is sometimes depicted with a taming hook and victory banner in the crook of his left arm. He is yellow in colour and wears princely yellow robes and rides a golden palomino horse.
Gyenze is the manifestation of the aggregate of feeling or the Buddha Ratnasambhava and therefore, he counters pride and miserliness. He increases life force, wisdom, inner and outer wealth, and all that is meritorious.
Wangze Pema Shugden
Wangze, the controlling form of Dorje Shugden is blood red in colour and has a semi-wrathful and flirtatious expression. He holds a taming vajra hook in his right hand and a jewelled noose in his left. He wears red silk robes adorned with flowers and rides upon a turquoise dragon.
Wangze is the manifestation of the aggregate of discrimination or the Buddha Amitabha and therefore, he counters desire and lust. He brings about peace of mind and helps to tame very difficult people and turn negative situations around.
Trakze Karma Shugden
Trakze, the supremely wrathful form of Dorje Shugden is dark red in colour and has an extremely wrathful appearance. He holds a huge sword in his right hand and clutches a bleeding heart in his left. He is dressed in black silk garments and rides upon a powerful Garuda.
Trakze is the manifestation of the aggregate of compositional factors or the Buddha Amoghasiddhi and therefore, he counters jealousy and fear. His practice is especially efficacious in overcoming powerful and life-threatening obstacles, violent and volatile living spaces and huge obstacles for both spiritual and secular endeavours.
The Retinue of Dorje Shugden
Dorje Shugden’s entourage – the Nine Mothers, the Eight Guiding Monks and the Ten Youthful and Wrathful Attendants – is also manifested from his mind. Taking on various appearances and forms, they surround Dorje Shugden’s Five Families and perform specific functions in relations to the practitioner’s spiritual path in general and practice of Dorje Shugden in specific.
The Eight Guiding Monks
The eight fully ordained monks are dressed in saffron robes and wear various monastic hats including the golden domed hat, the pandit’s hat, the yellow hat, the split meditation hat and so forth. Each carries various items of monastic practice such as the monk’s staff, a begging bowl, a Dharma text, the ritual implements of vajra and bell, the khatvanga Tantric staff and so forth.
The Eight Guiding Monks assist practitioners by removing obstacles and creating favourable conditions for the holding of vows and the growth of the Dharma. In particular, they assist sincere disciples in the practice of Sutra.
The Nine Mothers
The nine beautiful celestial maidens, also known as dakinis, are dressed in heavenly silk garments. They wear the eight jewellery pieces and carry the five objects of desire.
The Nine Mothers allow us to develop control over the four elements within our body and the five senses. In particular, they assist sincere disciples in the practice of Tantra in order to gain Tantric attainments through higher meditations.
The Ten Youthful and Wrathful Attendants
The ten youthful and wrathful deities take on the appearance of warriors who are of Chinese, Mongolian, Nepalese, Tibetan, Kashmiri and Bengali origin. They have a variety of facial expressions ranging from smiling to wrathful and carry various sharp weapons in their hands.
The Ten Youthful and Wrathful Attendants help practitioners avert inner and outer obstacles. In particular, they assist sincere disciples in keeping their commitments to their spiritual guides.
The Great Ministers of Dorje Shugden
Standing guard at the gates of the mandala are the two great ministers of Dorje Shugden, Kache Marpo and Namkar Barzin. These two oath-bound Protectors have entrusted their lives to their king, Dorje Shugden and they perform duties similar to that of a minister assisting their king in governing the kingdom. Both are not emanations of Dorje Shugden but are Dharma Protectors in their own right.
Kache Marpo
The Dharma Protector Kache Marpo is an emanation of the Buddha Hayagriva. Since Dorje Shugden came into existence, this enlightened being bound himself willingly to Dorje Shugden and became his main minister. Although fully enlightened, Kache Marpo manifests as a tsen spirit similar to the Dharma Protector Setrap.
Just like Setrap, he possesses three eyes that symbolise his ability to see into the past, present and future at the same time. His wrathful expression symbolises his great compassion and concern for the sufferings of sentient beings. He wears leather armour with five banners of victory fluttering above his leather helmet. He holds a noose that is tied to the ‘enemy’ – symbolic of ignorance – while simultaneously piercing the ‘enemy’ with a powerful spear.
Scriptural evidence links Kache Marpo to Tsiu Marpo, another Dharma Protector who is the head of the Seven Blazing Brothers, and Kache Marpo is considered to have once been a part of these seven brothers. The tale of the origins of The Seven Blazing Brothers tells of Tsiu Marpo who was once a man by the name of Lise Chorpa from the land of Li. He was a virtuous man who lived in the forest but was wrongly accused to be a threat.
In a witch-hunt, a mob hunted him down and the king blinded by fear, decapitated him. The various parts of his body – his flesh, bones, heart, fluids and so forth became the Seven Blazing Brothers of which Tsiu Marpo is the chief.
Namkar Barzin
Namkar Barzin is an unenlightened Dharma Protector bound by oath to be the minister of Dorje Shugden. He has three eyes, gnaws upon his lower lip, holds a skull cup filled with blood in his left hand and wields a sword in his right. He wears the robes of an ordained monk and rides a mythical mount called a qilin.
Namkar Barzin arose in the 1920s. When he was alive, he was a hot-tempered Mongolian Geshe. At that time, he had just returned from a pilgrimage to the Buddhist sites of India. On his way back to Lhasa, he stopped to visit Dungkar Monastery where he suddenly became very ill. As the Lama of Dungkar Monastery, His Eminence Domo Geshe Rinpoche was away, Umze Sherab requested the Geshe to stay on to recover from his illness. However, the Geshe insisted on continuing his journey because he wanted to return to Lhasa in time for the Monlam prayer festival.
On the journey, his health degenerated further in the rough weather and he passed away along a steep road to Phari. As he lay dying, he engaged in meditative death practices. Several local shamans came across his body and, thinking that he had passed away, performed the last rites for the Geshe which had an adverse effect on his death meditations. To make things worse, some local herders made fun of his corpse. Angered, the Geshe arose as a ferocious raging spirit.
Not long after, the herders and their livestock died one by one under terrible circumstances. They all had expressions of fear on their faces as if they were killed by the unseen. Even the shamans were not spared and died under similar circumstances. One of them actually fell into a trance before dying and uttered strange noises while holding out his hand with four fingers outstretched. The spirit had revealed the number of victims on whom he sought vengeance.
People tried various means to appease this ferocious spirit but nothing worked. Finally, someone reported all that was happening to Domo Geshe Rinpoche. The Lama quickly quelled the spirit in a powerful ritual and placed him under the care of Dorje Shugden.
Then, Domo Geshe Rinpoche installed Namkar Barzin as the Protector of Tromo and Dungkar Monastery. A shrine to this Protector was built and soon after, the monastery’s oracle began to take trance of Namkar Barzin and offer advice concerning the monastery. Prayers and liturgies were composed to propitiate Namkar Barzin as a Dharma Protector in his own right.
The Upper Levels of the Divine Palace
On the first level resides the swift and powerful Protector Setrap Chen together with his own entourage. Setrap is an older Dharma Protector who is closely related to Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden’s previous incarnation was Lama Loden Sherab who brought and established Setrap’s practice in Tibet by establishing Setrap as the Protector of his monastery, Sangphu. Later, when high Lamas tried to destroy Dorje Shugden with deadly rituals because they thought he was a raging spirit, Setrap manifested several visions to distract the Lamas from completing their rituals, thus allowing Dorje Shugden to escape.
Setrap’s true nature is that of Buddha Amitabha but he emanates in the form of a Dharma Protector to benefit sentient beings. Thus it comes as no surprise that the top level of the divine palace is the residence of Buddha Amitabha, because he is the original nature of Setrap.
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hi like to ask can i practice Dharam of Dorje Shugeden with out a Teacher or lama ?Guru?iiam 78 year of age. in canada.thank you
Möge Daddy seine Telepathie Kräfte verbessern, nam myoho renge kyo
Hello dear Rinpoche. I found this page and would welcome a reconnection via email. You took two automobile tours with my wife Carol and me Indiana and Michigan in 1990 and 1991. You also had supper at our house once. I hope this finds you in good health! Carol, unfortunately, is in very poor health due to advanced Alzheimer's disease. Please keep her in your thoughts.
There are no upcoming events at this time.
Pastor KH Ng
Posted on June 5, 2016 #1 AuthorThanks for this posting. It is very much needed to know, understanding the meaning and the entire entourage of Dorje Shugden for during the Kangsol invitation of the mandala of Dorje Shugden and when reciting the mantras, the visualisation of the entourage is especially important. Each group of the entourages have its meaning as stated in the post above from the 5 families, 27 retinues, the Ministers and Upper Levels of the Divine Palace, if visualised clearly adds to our familiarity and ultimately resulting in our aspirations and connections with the Protector’s Mandala stronger. When the visualisation is improved, so does our Dharma practice.
Khoo Hou Haw
Posted on June 22, 2016 #2 AuthorThank you Dorjeshugden.org for such a detailed introduction to the Dorje Shugden’s entourages, their nature and roles in assisting Dorje Shugden’s practise. It makes me easier to understand and visualise during the prayers to Dorje Shugden.
Thank you again.
Li Kheng
Posted on June 22, 2016 #3 AuthorDorje Shugden is such a perfect practice because, together with his entourage, he protects Dharma practitioners journey from the very beginning to the final stage of the tantric path. Dorje Shugden can help us fulfill our secular aspirations through his 5 forms. At the same time, his guides us along our study of the sutra as depicted by the 8 guiding monks. The 9 mothers support practitioners on their secret practice. Dorje Shugden is said to focus specifically on Vajrayogini as she is the perfect practice for this day and age where degeneration is great and distraction is ample.
Whatever practitioners need for their spiritual path, Dorje Shugden is there for them. This reveals the level of compassion that Dorje Shugden has for sentient beings.
Thank you for providing such valuable information that enable us to better understand this uncommon Protector of our time.
Posted on June 22, 2016 #4 AuthorReading from this articles it gave a brief explaination of Dorje Shugden entourages that manifest from his enlightended mind. Every member of the entourage play a significant role to help the people in various ways and manner for their ultimate spiritual benefits.
Notice that Protector Setrap Chen sharing the same palace and Dorje Shugden. This obvious enough to show that Dorje Shugden is enlightened and have a close relationship between them.
Pastor Ong Moh Mei
Posted on June 22, 2016 #5 AuthorA very informative summary article on Dorje Shugden entourage. There are many more details and stories related to Dorje Shugden entourage. The article is worded in a bit confusing and unclear manner on the 32 counts of Dorje Shugden entourage. During the KFR team discussion, thanks to Pastor Henry for clarifying that the 32 entourage count is the 4 forms of Dorje Shugden, Karche Marpo, the 8 guiding monks, the 9 mothers and the 10 youthful and wrathful attendants. Namkar Barzin arose only in 1920s and hence was not included in count as the original text were composed prior to his time.
Jace Chong
Posted on June 22, 2016 #6 AuthorThere was a friend asking me the other day that, when she calls upon Dorje Shugden to help, she was not sure Dorje Shugden will answer the request or not as there are so many people asking for help, Dorje Shugden might be “busy”.
I think this article can answer that because Dorje Shugden manifest to many entourages to assist our requests. Among the entourages, there are different entourages specialized in certain assistances.
During a discussion session with my Dharma brothers and sisters, we discussed about Namkar Barzin Protector, and he is specialized in protecting outer and inner thievery.
Years ago, I remember there was a break-in in my house where I share with my Dharma brothers and sisters. We found that all of our drawers and cabinets were open, but nothing were stolen, even the pedigree pet dog in the house stay still with the gate and doors wide open. Later my housemate told me he has placed a Namkar Barzin at the entrance of the house, so the thief can’t take anything from the house.
This is how powerful Dorje Shugden, with his entourages and ministers are.
Thank you so much for the article.
Pastor Henry Ooi
Posted on June 22, 2016 #7 AuthorIn Kechara Forest Retreat, Malaysia, we have the largest Dorje Shugden in the world with the Nine Mothers, Eight Guiding Monks, 10 Youthful & Wrathful Attendants. And also Kache Marpo, Namkar Bazin, Setrap.
Behind Dorje Shugden, on the left and right are the lineage masters
Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen
Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
10th Panchen Lama
Trijang Rinpoche
Zong Rinpoche
Panchen Sonam Drakpa
Tagphu Dorje Chang
Pabongka Rinpoche
Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche
Gangchen Rinpoche
Posted on June 23, 2016 #8 AuthorThe most beautiful Dorje Shugden statue I ve ever seen, detailed and grand!Furthermore, beautiful statues of Dorje Shugden’s entourages have been nicely set up together with the 24 feet Dorje Shugden statue, Only in Kechara Forest Retreat, Malaysia!
For those who are interested, kindly visit the link below for more information,
pammie yap
Posted on June 22, 2016 #9 AuthorThis post is easy for beginners to understand DS’ mandala when it is put into words and photos as this can show how they look like and will also aid in visualization.
Dorje Shugden is truly the Buddha of Wisdom. Just to help practitioners on their spiritual path, He manifested the 4 forms and entourage to guide us in all ways till we reach Enlightenment. With the support of one another, I would say that it is a complete Protector ‘package’.
Pastor Chia
Posted on June 23, 2016 #10 AuthorDorjeShugden mandala of 32 deities are all emanation from protector enlighten mind.Which has proved Dorje shugden no just a enlightenment protector.He also same as tantric buddha one with Guhyasamaja.
Practising protectors practise, his entourage will help practitioner by
1) removing obstacles and creating favourable conditions for the holding of vows and the growth of the Dharma.
2) Allow us to develop control over the four elements within our body and the five senses and help practitioners avert inner and outer obstacles.
3) Assist sincere disciples in keeping their commitments to their spiritual guides.
Above 27 deities are tremendous help for the practitioner engaging their spiritual practice.
Dorje Shugden 5 form like Dulzin Shugden help people counters anger and hatred, bestows wisdom and clears all inner and outer obstacles.
Shize, the pacifying form of Dorje Shugden counters ignorance. He purifies our negative karma and heals by pacifying serious illnesses and natural disasters.
Gyenze, the increasing form of Dorje Shugden counters pride and miserliness. He increases life force, wisdom, inner and outer wealth, and all that is meritorious.
Wangze, the controlling form of Dorje Shugden counters desire and lust. He brings about peace of mind and helps to tame very difficult people and turn negative situations around.
Trakze, the supremely wrathful form of Dorje Shugden efficacious in overcoming powerful and life-threatening obstacles, violent and volatile living spaces and huge obstacles for both spiritual and secular endeavours.
Julia Tan
Posted on June 23, 2016 #11 AuthorAmazing to know about the entourage of Dorje Shugden. Whenever we are propitiating to Dorje Shugden, we are actually asking for help from all His 32 entourage as well. Through the compassion of the protector, the practice is even specifically categorised into different deities so that we can focus on what we need or any particular obstacles and problems that we need dissolved swiftly. Hence it is very important to protect and carry down the lineage so that it will benefits people who need help in a specific area in their life.
Pastor Antoinette
Posted on June 23, 2016 #12 AuthorDorje Shugden and His entourage are very helpful as they clear our inner and outer obstacles. They also will provide us with the conditions to do Dharmawork to benefit others. Dorje Shugden is the emanation of Manjushri and will also help us to gain wisdom.
We get distracted so easily in daily life and we miss out on what is really important. To have a Dharma Protector is very important to guide us along the way to enlightenment.
The five families of Dorje Shugden are Dulzin who rides on a snowlion. He will uproot our ignorance and conquers anger and hatred. He bestows wisdom and clears all inner and outer obstacles.
Shize counters ignorance, purifies our negative karma and heals by pacifying serious illnesses and natural disasters.
Gyenze counters pride and miserliness and increases all that is meritorious as well as inner and outer wealth.
Wangze counters desire and lust. He turns negative situations around and helps to tame very difficult people.
Trakze counters jealousy and fear. He is especially helpful in overcoming life threatening and powerful and huge obstacles.
The two ministers of Dorje Shugden’s Mandala are Namkar Barzin and Kache Marpo.
Kache Marpo is piercing ‘the enemy’ our ignorance, with a powerful spear.
Namkar Barzin is our guardian, friend and protector to help us overcome our obstacles.
The Eight Guding Monks assist by removing obstacles and creating the conditions to holding the vows and for the grow of Dharma.
The Nine Mothers allow us to develop control over the four elements of our body and the five senses. They also assist sincere practitioners to gain Tantric attainments.
The Ten Youthful and Wrathful Attendants help against inner and outer obstacles. They especially assist sincere disciples in keeping commitments to their spiritual Guides.
Posted on June 23, 2016 #13 AuthorFrom this article, we can see that how compassionate Dorje Shugden is, beside emanating as protector to protect the Practitioners, he even manifest himself in do many forms to provide different aid and guidance to the practitioners that covers so many angles of obstacles that will arise.
It is very important for us to read and understand Dorje Shugden well, because the more we know about him, the more faith we have in him. As commented by other people here, it is good that we have his complete forms and entourage on our Altar to receive full blessing from Dorje Shugden in our spiritual path.
June Kang
Posted on June 23, 2016 #14 AuthorThank you for providing this information. After reading this, is more easy for visualization when reciting the mantras. The understanding of all the Dorje Shugden entourage make the whole prayer more meaningful by knowing that all these attendants are emanated to perform specific functions in relations to the propitiation of Dorje Shugden.
Posted on June 26, 2016 #15 AuthorI’ve always wondered about the details of the the entourage of Dorje Shugden more than the emanations and ministers are there are sufficient information of on the emanations and ministers but almost nothing on the entourage. There is only minimal information as per the above mentioned article.
Does that mean that their work is more tantric related and thus are not mentioned in detail? Will this mean that this is more than a Protector practice? Just a thought.
As mentioned in several places, Setrap Chen helped divert attention of the lama performing the fire puja to dispel Dorje Shugden. I doubt Dorje Shugden really needed the help of Setrap Chen. I think it is more to show his allegiance as Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being and cannot be destroyed in other fire pujas. This is to show that if an enlightened Yaksha and Protector like Setrap Chen can show allegiance to Dorje Shugden, then we, mere mortals who are ignorant should do so too.
Thanks for putting everything together in an article for convenience of reference.
Sarah Yap
Posted on June 30, 2016 #16 AuthorReading about Dorje Shugden and his entourage gives us an inkling of how powerful and potent Dorje Shugden’s practice is, and his capability of helping practitioners at all levels.
One thing that people often over look is that his ministers Kache Marpo and Namkar Barzin are not part of his mandala. It is clearly depicted in thangkas, as they are drawn outside the gate into Dorje Shugden’s mandala.
Lucy Yap
Posted on July 5, 2016 #17 AuthorAttending to Dorje Shugden are his entourage consisting of the nine mothers, eight guiding monks and ten youthful and wrathful deities. Beyond that, there are also two Ministers of Dorje Shugden – Kache Marpo and Namkar Barzin to assist in protecting and spreading the Dharma.
Thank you for this precious info on the importance of understanding the different elements that make up Dorje Shugden’s divine mandala for us to be able to visualize clearly in our daily meditation and practices.
gary foo
Posted on July 8, 2016 #18 AuthorIts really neat to know that the relationship between Lord Setrap and Protector Shugden goes back all the way when one of Dorje Shugdens incarnation, Loden Sherab (The Translator) also brought the Setrap practice from India to Tibet. Then we read how Lord Setrap distracts the Lamas during certain deadly rituals against Dorje Shugden who was mistaken for a spirit. Really like close brothers
Plus its wonderful Dorje Shugden has many powerful allies in his entourage as in this day and age, so much issues can disturb the devotees and thus with his powerful entourage ,assistance is surely rendered swiftly to the needy.
Posted on October 24, 2016 #19 AuthorThank you admin for sharing this information. It is indeed very informative. Dorje Shugden is the protector of current age. Together with his five families and entourages, he can give us swift protection and assistance in many direction and angle. With this information, it aids us to have a clearer visualization, and it helps beginner to have clearer view and know more about Dorje Shugden. Hope that more and more people will be benefited by Dorje Shugden. _/\_
Stella Cheang
Posted on November 14, 2016 #20 AuthorThank you for this very important post on Dorje Sugden’s entourage, which encompasses His five forms (also known as five families), the Retinues as well as the Ministers. The mandala of Dorje Shugden is a 3-storey palace manifestation of His enlightened mind, where all the thirty two members deity-entourage reside. When we pray to Dorje Shugden, we are in effect invoking the blessing and assistant of these 32 deities. Dorje Shugden’s Five Families are Duldzin Dorje Shugden (the main form), Shize Vairochana Shugden, Gyenze Ratna Shugden, Wangze Pema Shugden and Trakze Karma Shugden. Each form is the manifestation of Dorje Shugden to counter our specific obstacles. The Retinues are a manifestation of Dorje Shugden’s mind, who surround the five families, ready to perform specific task. They are the Nine Mothers (assist to develop control over our body and senses, as well to gain Tantric attainments), the Eight Guiding Monks (assist to remove obstacles and create favorable conditions for holding vows and growth of Dharma) and the Ten Youthful and Wrathful Attendants (help avert inner and outer obstacle, as well as assist practitioners keeping commitments to their spiritual guides). Last but not least, the Ministers, Kache Marpo (enlightened Dharmapala) and Namkar Barzin (unenlightened Dharmapala) who stand guard at the gates of the Mandala. They are emanation of Dorje Shugden but Dharmapala in their own rights. They help Dorje Shugden perform duties similar to that a minister assisting their King. We are very fortunate to learn about Dorje Shugden’s practice and know that when we pray to Him, his entourage will be swift to assist us.
Alice Tay
Posted on February 28, 2017 #21 AuthorWhen we engage in Dorje Shugden practice, we invoke upon Dorje Shugden and his full 32-deity entourage including Dorje Shugden’s Five Families (Dulzin Dorje Shugden, Shize Vairochana Shugden, Gyenze Ratna Shugden, Wangze Pema Shugden and Trakze Karma Shugden), Dorje Shugden’s entourage (the Nine Mothers, the Eight Guiding Monks and the Ten Youthful and Wrathful Attendants) and 2 great ministers of Dorje Shugden, Kache Marpo and Namkar Barzin.
Dorje Shugden together with all 32-deity entourage shows that in this degenerate time, we need very much a dharma protector in spiritual path and therefore we should rely upon Dorje Shugden as he is able overcome all outer and inner obstacles swiftly.
Su Ming
Posted on September 25, 2017 #22 AuthorThis article is very clearly written and it makes it so simple to understand.
It was very appropriate for us to read this article in conjunction with the Vajrasecret campaign as of below. I will sponsor a few of the entourage statues on behalf of my families and on behalf of their needs.
Posted on September 26, 2017 #23 AuthorAll 32 entourage are actually emanation of Dorje Shugden himself and share the same mind stream. Dorje Shugden is so compassionate to have so many emanations to tackle our different problem and give us specific aid, in order for us to achieve our spiritual goal. I remembered I heard from one of the teachings that Dorje Shugden actually have more than 32 entourages that we know, there are way more.. and Im actually curious what are the rest of his entourages like? Methar is one of the newer entourage that i have read about on Rinpoche’s blog: http://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/great-lamas-masters/methar-of-tengyeling-monastery.html
Wylfred Ng
Posted on September 26, 2017 #24 Author谢谢如此详细的解说。
多杰雄登曼达拉与眷属总共有32位, 是与密集金刚身坛城一样的。
据说多杰雄登的前身—杜固扎巴坚赞本身是修习密集金刚法门, 而在他被暗杀化身成为多杰雄登的时候也化身成为与密集金刚一样有32位化身的多杰雄登坛城。
虽然化身众多, 不过所有眷属都是由多杰雄登所化, 以不同的方式帮助各位修行者。
Posted on September 26, 2017 #25 Author感谢分享,
多杰雄登是五方佛的转世,他以五个不同的形相出现,代表五个不同的佛。这五个不同的现像在《心 宝》里有加以说明,叫做多杰雄登的五个传承。这之中,主尊是骑着白狮的杜津多杰雄登。大日如来雄登是白色的,骑着一只象。黄色的拉那雄登骑着一头黄金色的骏马。红色的培玛雄登骑着绿松色的祥龙。深红色的卡玛雄登骑着凶怒的大鹏鸟。这些现像也代表了多杰雄登的平息、增长、控制和愤怒的造就。他的主要现像,杜津代表了最优越的造就-也就是顿悟。
Carmen Koo
Posted on October 2, 2017 #26 AuthorAn enlightened mind has no ego – they manifest in different forms, beings, buddhas, protector, yidam, dakini etc to guide all kinds of practitioners. Dorje Shugden’s entourage are all manifestations of his enlightened mind, and its amazing that the human mind itself can have so many negative afflictions. Dorje Shugden helps all, as you can see from his full entourage, and due to his previous lives of being a monk, he often has robes on. He is extremely quick in his assistance and no wonder, because there are so many manifestations and entourages .
Sock Wan
Posted on October 2, 2017 #27 AuthorIt is a very comprehensive article on the entourage of Dorje Shugden. It is not easy to find information like this and I am glad Rinpoche made it available for all of us to learn.
Just like human, Buddha also needs a team of people to help. The difference is Buddha can emanate into their own staff and then take on different roles to help the practitioners. In the Wisdom Hall in Kechara Forest Retreat, we have the full DS entourage on our DS altar.
yin ping
Posted on October 25, 2017 #28 AuthorDorje Shugden is an enlightened protector. Due to his nature of compassion, he manifested in many different forms to assists us. Dorje Shugden’s mandala consists of 32 deities, including the main deity, the great King himself. The entourage should be seen as manifestation from the enlightened awareness of Dorje Shugden himself. With the information and details providing here, it is very useful for our visualization during prayers and meditations.
Harold Musetescu
Posted on September 12, 2018 #29 AuthorYou failed to included the Dharmapalas Methar or Shangmo Dorje Putri who are both found in the retinue of Kache Marpol.