In the 1980s, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche bestowed the initiation of Dorje Shugden on Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen’s students at Thubten Dargye Ling Dharma centre in Los Angeles, USA. Geshe-la had formally requested the initiation from Kyabje Zong Rinpoche for his students. Geshe-la himself was a very dedicated practitioner of Dorje Shugden.
Geshe Tsultrim Gyaltsen speaks in Los Angeles
My root guru His Holiness Kyabje Zong Tulku Dorje Chang Lobsang Tsondrue Thubten Gyaltsen gives most emanation deity Gyalchen Dorje Shugden’s life entrustment initiation along with very pure and excellent biographies and stories, here is the voice record while giving the empowerment.
I, Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen student formally requested.
His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche begins to speak through a translator
After receiving this Dorje Shugden initiation, you have to do puja once a month. Also, it is necessary to follow the commitment, and you have to make a commitment with the lineage and with the order.
So that means, for example you [might] receive teachings from different traditions but mainly, your practice, your focus, your energy [should be put] into this lineage, the Gelugpa lineage.
If you have to or if you wish to do some kind of Dharmic activities with other sects of Buddhism, that is okay to do some kind of activities but your main practice or the principle practice, you have to make the commitment with this lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa. That’s why I mentioned before, you have to know and told that you should not take initiation if you are not sure. So once you take this initiation, then you have to make a commitment with the Gelug lineage and this is necessary not to mix up everything.
There are sometimes rumours that people say, “Oh, Shugden initiation is not…”, people say that it is not necessary to take Shugden initiation or, some people say Shugden is even not good Protector.
That is not true. People who have this Shugden initiation and people who practise Dorje Shugden, those people have very great, successful meditation and practice. Even worldly measures, like worldly activities and business and job; everything becomes very successful.
Because it says Dorje Shugden is a Gelugpa Protector, so some people they think when you say ‘Gelugpa Protector’, they think we are narrow-minded and they think people who practice Shugden, they think they are narrow-minded and they think people who practice Shugden, they are sectarian. Actually, not sectarian maybe because they are sectarian so they think that the people who practise Shugden are sectarian. People make up all kinds of stories and rumours, you should know that beforehand.
Some people, after taking the Shugden initiation and teachings, when they hear these rumours, they think ignorant people, narrow-minded people make those rumours, and some people think that it is true and so maybe they give up the practice or they even don’t want to have this Protector which is very bad, and that is not good for the person.
Actually it is up to you, whatever you want to do is up to you; your own life, everything is your own choice and your freedom and your own Enlightenment, and what you want to do or not is up to you but I’m talking about what is good for you. You have to be very careful about what you do and you should not become gullible; you should not just follow someone saying “This is no good” and listen to all these stories from people. You should not change your mind, and you should always be aware and you have to make sure.
In Tibet, it doesn’t matter what people say and actually in Tibet, there’s many people who follow this and do this practice and actually, always there’s more and more people who do this kind of meditation.
So you have to know this, you have to be very sure or otherwise, later on, if people say to you “Oh, this practice is no good” and they make all kinds of stories and rumours then if you give up, then it’s not good for you and then it will be a big mistake for you. Therefore you have to make sure that you keep this commitment and follow this commitment.
Because this is your own choice, and no one says you should do or you must do this and your own like you choose to do this so you have to think about this very carefully. No one says you must do this without your own choice, and it’s like if you don’t want to and no one can say “you should do this or shouldn’t do this.”
(repeated from Part 1) Because it says Dorje Shugden is a Gelugpa Protector, so some people they think when you say ‘Gelugpa Protector’, they think we are narrow-minded and they think people who practice Shugden, they think they are narrow-minded and they think people who practice Shugden, they are sectarian. Actually, not sectarian maybe because they are sectarian so they think that the people who practice Shugden are sectarian. People make up all kinds of stories and rumours, you should know that beforehand.
This is a very special Protector and very precious, so therefore you have to do puja monthly.
You have to do the puja once a month, the prayer, long sadhana or long prayer, once a month but if, for example, if next month, if you know you’re going to be very very busy, if you know that you can’t do this, it’s impossible – then you can do the puja for next month, this month. The month before, you can do two [pujas] within two days.
If you don’t know how to read the sadhana, the prayers; if you cannot do the sadhana or you’re unable to do [the sadhana], then you also can ask the Lama, or monks or teachers to do this for you.
It is very important to know that you really want to take this initiation, and it is not just to come here and take this initiation because other people are taking this initiation. If you feel “I should do this and if I don’t do, then maybe I’m going to miss something”, that is the wrong idea. If you really want to make the commitment, then you should take. Otherwise you shouldn’t.
As I mentioned before, if you don’t know how to say the prayer and if you’re unable to do the puja once a month, then you can ask a Lama or your friend who knows this prayer and this monthly puja – you can invite them to your place, and ask them to do the puja.
Or if you can’t do [the puja] at your home, then even if it’s long-distance, like at some kind of monastery or where the Lama or the friend is – you can ask them, or him or her, to do this puja.
The reason I’m saying this again and again is because if you don’t follow just any kind of people, and if you’re not gullible, then it’s okay.
But it is possible sometimes that even a Lama or monk or some kind of teacher says “This is not right, and it’s wrong, and you shouldn’t do this kind of practice” – then it’s possible that you can change your mind. You think, “Because a Lama or some kind of teacher is saying this to me, maybe it’s true” – so people are very easily influenced and they can change their minds.
And one of the reasons [I am saying this again and again is] because many Westerners don’t know the Dharma deeply, and all the significance and symbolism and the meanings. They also don’t know who is the right teacher and who is not the right teacher; they just go wherever there is a teacher or some sort of Lama, and they go and listen to all these teachings and that’s why. Westerners are generally very honest people, very direct, and they’re very good people, they have a good heart.
Like in India or in Tibet, sometimes they some people, they don’t practise Shugden but they say they are practising Shugden. And some people, they do practice and they say something else. What people say and what they do is different, and so there’s kind of a corruption.
In India, some people mislead other people, other Tibetans. When some Tibetans ask them to do the Shugden puja, they will say, “Yes, I will do puja for you.” But after they go, they will do something else, and not the Shugden puja – they do another different puja. The people who asked them to do puja, they don’t know – if they can’t read, they can’t read and write – that these people say they are doing Shugden puja, but they don’t do it. They do something else and they just do what they want to do, and it’s very bad.
The reason why they do that is because in India and Tibet, householders will invite laypeople or monks to do this puja. It is a long puja and long day, so the household makes offerings like dana. These people are lying, saying they’re doing the Shugden puja but they don’t do. And they actually don’t like to do Shugden puja but in order to get some kind of benefit or money or some other reason, they say they do the pujas and it’s very very bad and very samsaric motivation.
Eventually those people, the householders who request for the Shugden puja will know or realise; they know that these people are not doing the right puja because they feel that it is not helping. It is not working because they are not doing the real puja. Eventually, they can feel intuitively because it is not helping, it doesn’t feel right. They will say they don’t want those people to do the puja, and will ask someone and make sure that the people who do the Shugden puja, are also practicing Shugden.
Here, we don’t have that kind of problems and there is no doubt. I’m just talking about general stories so that you have some type of understanding and everything.
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Posted on May 5, 2017 #1 Author“If you have to or if you wish to do some kind of Dharmic activities with other sects of Buddhism, that is okay to do some kind of activities but your main practice or the principle practice, you have to make the commitment with this lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa. That’s why I mentioned before, you have to know and told that you should not take initiation if you are not sure. So once you take this initiation, then you have to make a commitment with the Gelug lineage and this is necessary not to mix up everything.”
I think this paragraph already says much of what is important, which is that we can help other centres but our practice is ours, and we should just keep the faith. If we are not sure, we should not take the initiation and create confusion for ourselves later on. We should study and be clear as to what we are taking the initiation for and our motivation for it. If we are honest with ourselves and can be firm in our faith, then we can take the initiation and keep the commitments. Sound advice to follow and not take initiation for “saving face” or as a one-up-man-ship that you can have the initiation while it is not available to others.
Thank you for sharing this teaching by Zong Rinpoche.
Posted on May 5, 2017 #2 AuthorH.E Zong Rinpoche has wisely put in perspective many core issues relating to the practice of Dorje Shugden. His advices are simple and direct, clearing away many doubts on the controversies which some have set up; for reasons absolutely illogical. As Zong Rinpoche said “Because it says Dorje Shugden is a Gelugpa Protector, so some people they think when you say ‘Gelugpa Protector’, they think we are narrow-minded and they think people who practice Shugden, they think they are narrow-minded and they think people who practice Shugden, they are sectarian. Actually, not sectarian maybe because they are sectarian so they think that the people who practice Shugden are sectarian. People make up all kinds of stories and rumours, you should know that beforehand.”
Some people may then ask “how would we ever know the real truth ?”. In my humble opinion the real truth is kinda impossible to know if our minds are not yet Enlightened !! Hey, but we need the Protector to help us get Enlightened !! Catch 22 !!
Most things in life do not have an Absolute but we often think there is. For example,we often think that wealth equates to happiness , then why some very rich are not happy ? We often believe that the current education system in the world is the ultimate learning path for each one of us to be wise and successful . On the contrary some of the highly academically educated people lack the learnings of life experiences(not from text books) and lack wisdom on life’s challenges and don’t know how to deal with them.
For those on the Spiritual path, we will need to put the teachings into real practice and over time assess the “results”. Purification practices and consistently doing meritorious work will help to improve the faith and clarity of the path. Ultimately, we will have to make a decision! As Zong Rinpoche said “Because this is your own choice, and no one says you should do or you must do this and your own like you choose to do this so you have to think about this very carefully. No one says you must do this without your own choice, and it’s like if you don’t want to and no one can say “you should do this or shouldn’t do this.”
At then end of the day, the decision lies in our own hands. If we really want to make it, we will have to put the teachings into practice. No short cuts! But there is divine help to get there, from the wisdom and compassion of Buddhas and Protectors like Dorje Shugden !!
Thank you H.E Zong Rinpoche !!