It is an established belief that the Protector Dorje Shugden is in essence an emanation of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom, in the form of a Dharma Protector or Dharmapala. This is taught in the writings of great lineage masters such as H.H. Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang’s “Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors” and H.E. Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche’s “White Diamond (rin chen pha lam dkar po)”. More recently, exciting information has come to light of Dorje Shugden’s name written in the Kangyur, hidden in a passage about the names of Manjushri.
The Kangyur is a collection of texts recording the spoken teachings of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni. Works to translate this immense text from the traditional Sanskrit language to Tibetan script had begun since the 7th Century. However, it wasn’t until the 14th Century that the Tibetan version of the Kangyur and Tangyur (the great Indian and Tibetan commentaries on the Buddha’s teachings) took on its current form. The great Zhalu scholar and translator, Buton Rinchen Drub, is credited for his lifelong effort to collect, edit and translate the encyclopaedic Kangyur and Tangyur into the Tibetan language, which would become his most enduring legacy and the foundation for all Buddhist study. In fact, Buton Rinchen Drub is also recognised as one of the previous incarnations of Dorje Shugden.

Dorje Shugden’s name (with red markers – རྡོ་རྗེ་ཤུགས་ལྡན།) hidden within the 108 names of Manjushri in Volume PA (པ) of the Kangyur
The great discovery of Dorje Shugden’s hidden name in the Kangyur was made by H.E. Dragyab Chocktrul Ngawang Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen, a close disciple of H.E. the 19th Denma Gonsa Rinpoche. Kyabje Denma Gonsa Rinpoche had also been known by the name “Kangyur Rinpoche”, a reference to his great deeds of giving Dharma discourses based on the Kangyur texts. Kyabje Denma Gonsa Rinpoche was also known for being able to recite up to six volumes of the Kangyur in a single day. This is a feat that is almost unachievable by any other individual, as each volume consists of 500-700 pages on average. One can only imagine Kyabje Denma Gonsa Rinpoche’s proficiency and in-depth knowledge of the Kangyur as he sped read through thousands of pages yet understood its gross and subtle contents.
When the 19th Denma Gonsa Rinpoche entered clear light, Dragyab Losang Gyaltsen received his master’s reading glasses along with instructions to continue teaching the Kangyur. After many years of teaching and reciting the Kangyur according to his teacher’s instructions, Dragyab Losang Gyaltsen came across a passage in Volume PA (པ) of the rgyud bum genre of the Kangyur, and found the name of Dorje Shugden hidden within the 108 names of Manjushri. Delighted with his finding, Dragyab Losang Gyaltsen gave the following explanation:
According to Dragyab Chocktrul Ngawang Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen, Manjushri emanates in infinite forms according to our needs. One of these is the form he emanates in when we are in need of vajra (indestructible) protection. Accordingly, the name of Dorje Shugden is hidden within the syllables of the 108 Names of Manjushri that were spoken by Lord Buddha, specifically in the name of Manjushri’s form pertaining to such protection.
This discovery has delighted many Shugden Buddhists around the world. Some may wonder why this fact was only discovered centuries after the Kangyur was translated. However, if one has seen the immensity of the Kangyur, consisting of approximately 70,000 pages, it is easy to understand how rare it is to have a great scholar dedicate his life to reciting and teaching the Kangyur over and over again, let alone notice this subtle point.
This significant discovery also coincides with prophecies of Dorje Shugden’s arrival as the Dharma Protector of our time. The Shugden community believes that it is because Dorje Shugden’s time is drawing closer that these precious discoveries are made – to help us gain more trust in Dorje Shugden’s ability to assist us both in our daily life and spiritually.
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Posted on May 28, 2016 #1 AuthorAn incredible discovery indeed. To actually find the exact accurate spelling of Dorje Shugden’s name in Tibetan within that single line in the Kangyur is not something that just anyone can observe and discover. The point about how Dorje Shugden’s time is drawing near and thus this discovery is something that I believe very much. Some people may not believe in prophecies, but then Je Rinpoche’s arrival was predicted by Lord Buddha himself, and also to not believe in prophecies is equal to saying that we don’t believe that Maitreya will come in the distant future to turn the wheel of Dharma once again.
Posted on May 29, 2016 #2 AuthorIt is so incredible and unbelievable. But as in many things in life it is an amazing find. Thank you for publishing this information to us.
Pastor Jean Ai
Posted on June 1, 2016 #3 AuthorI agree with you…thousands of pages literally in the Kangyur, and this comes to light at this time. Dorje Shugden with Manjushri, metaphysically and now literally.
Posted on June 4, 2016 #4 AuthorYes, it is very amazing that H.E. Dragyab Chocktrul Ngawang Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen, came across this mention of Manjushri 108 names. And, that the name of Dorje Shugden is among the 108 names. Agreed, Dorje Shugden’s time is drawing near.
As the Kangyur is a collection of texts recording the spoken teachings of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni, this is very definitive. This just goes to show that Dorje Shugden has started moving in our world even as far back as 2,500 years ago as Dorje Shugden IS Manjushri and an enlightened being, and this works were translated from Sanskrit to Tibetan during the 7th Century bu Buton Rinchen Drub, an early incarnation of Dorje Shugden.
Posted on May 29, 2016 #5 AuthorWow, this is one of the greatest news I’ve ever heard, Buddha himself has already mention about Dorje Shugden’s name in one of manjushri form long before he even existed. Can Buddha be wrong? If he’s wrong, then what about the whole Buddhism we learn today? Buddha can never be wrong, Dorje Shugden is definitely not a spirit. This finding is really mind-blowing and terrified, if we still call Dorje Shugden a spirit, are we questioning the existence of Buddhism for the past 2500 over years?
Grace Leong
Posted on May 29, 2016 #6 AuthorWow !! Fantastic discovery !!
Dorje Shugden has undoubtedly brought so much help and blessings to so many beings in the last 400years , it deserves the recognition deemed fit and not be marred by a whole load of negative controversies which some humans created to cover their mistakes and to keep them in power.
The sharing above will help clear up many of these doubts and controversies and allow the Dorje Shugden teaching and lineage to grow and flourish to benefit even more !!
Thank you dorjeshugden .org for this wonderful sharing !!
Datuk May
Posted on June 1, 2016 #7 AuthorAs Tsem Rinpoche’s students, we have always been taught to do due diligence in our beliefs, so that our faith is grounded and not shaken by frivolous and unpleasant derogating gossips which would unsettle our already unstable animal minds.
Although I have always believed in Rinpoche, His teachings and Dorje Shugden, I am still so amazed that the manifestation of Dorje Shugden had been prophesied by Shakymuni Buddha and recorded in the Kangyur.
The Buddha’s words are without contradiction and it is amazing that CTA is still trying to create doubts and schism in the propitiation of the great protector whose time has come.
Cynthia Lee
Posted on June 2, 2016 #8 AuthorThis is indeed good news for the Shugden Buddhist!
The workings of the divine never fail to amaze me. This is why we can put our full faith in Enlightened Beings such as Buddha Shakyamuni and Dorje Shugden who possess the power of clairvoyance to see into the far future thus helping us in the most beneficial way possible at the right time.
Posted on June 2, 2016 #9 AuthorThis is indeed an exciting discovery, especially when Dorje Shugden is being accused of being a spirit and his practice banned from practice. Now we can be certain that Dorje Shugden is definitely enlightened, an emanation of Manjushri and had even been spoken of by Buddha Shakyamuni. He is certainly needed as so much degeneration has and is still happening to the purity of Buddhist practice. Thank you for this information.
Posted on June 5, 2016 #10 AuthorWow! It is another evidence that Dorje Shugden is the emanation of Lord Manjushri. The Kangyur is the spoken texts of Lord Buddha and if the Buddha has spoken about Dorje Shugden, then it must be true. Also it was spoken by the Buddha even before Dorje Shugden existed. And now we can see that Dorje Shugden is spreading very fast in China, temples and monasteries being restored by the Chinese Government. Indeed, the time is now for the protector to arise again.
Wan Wai Meng
Posted on June 5, 2016 #11 AuthorWhat is hidden will be made known, such is the power and efficacy of the Dorje Shudgen. I rejoice that more information about Dorje Shugden is coming to light, despite the Gaden Phodrang efforts to wipe Tulku Dragpa lineage from the face of this earth or the ban that debilitated many Dorje Shudgen lamas and practitioners.
Posted on June 6, 2016 #12 AuthorMany anti Dorje Shugden people have questioned that why Shakyamuni Buddha do not mentioned about Dorje Shugden. With this evidence we could see that it was mentioned. Thus, Dorje Shugden’s protector is not man made or created, it is from the emanation of Manjushri Himself.
May @DalaiLama lift this illogical ban
Pastor Tat Ming
Posted on June 10, 2016 #13 AuthorIt is now indisputable that Dorje Shugden is Manjushri because Lord Buddha actually spoke about him in Kangyur !
Caryl Munson
Posted on June 11, 2016 #14 AuthorThis is what many Buddhists need. We, the Shugden Practitioners, are all very excited about this discovery. It just goes to help affirm our faith even more, and it gives many of us hope that the ban will eventually be lifted, and harmony between DS and non-DS practitioners will be restored.
Posted on June 11, 2016 #15 AuthorWell said Caryl. That is what many Shugden practitioners all hope for. Definitely all of us here at dorjeshugden.org pray for this
Posted on June 11, 2016 #16 AuthorWhats incredible is the timing of this discovery, at a time when the future seems bleak and the times are degenerate. Its been over 2500 years since the Buddha spoke these words, and over 2000 years from when these words were spoken to the time of Dorje Shugden appearing.
When I first came into Buddhism almost 10 years ago, I was very intrigued by the concept of ‘termas’ and had wondered how they could be embedded in rocks, caves and so forth, waiting for the right person to come along and discover them.
And now this hidden name of Shugden in the Kangyur, which to me is just like a ‘terma’ hidden within the very words of the historical Buddha, waiting for Dragyab Tulku to come along to read that particular page, realise its significance and to spread knowledge of this newly discovered ‘terma’ to the world. Just incredible.
Posted on June 13, 2016 #17 AuthorIncredible discovery from Dragyab Losang Gyaltsen. Kangyur has existed for thousands of years and its translated commentaries has been found centuries ago, yet this particular discovery of Dorje Shugden’s name was only found just recently? As we know Dorje Shugden is the protector of our time (kaliyuga era) and we have a close affinity with DS, i guess this explained the reason why? This discovery also proved that Dorje Shugden is an enlightened Buddha just like Lord Manjushri, Buddha Shakyamuni cannot be wrong on this.
Sock Wan
Posted on June 13, 2016 #18 AuthorWhat a discovery! Many texts, prayers, praises about Dorje Shugden are mainly written after Dorje Shugden arisen as a Dharma protector. Recently Dorje Shugden’s name is found in Kangyur which was written long before there was Dorje Shugden, it is another strong proof that Dorje Shugden is indeed an enlightened being, an emanation of Manjushri.
Wylfred Ng
Posted on June 13, 2016 #19 Author这真的是佛教界的一大发现!!多杰雄登的名字早在2500年前就已经由佛陀口中说出。
佛陀是证悟者, 可预知未来所发生的事情。 就如佛陀在世时就已经预言宗喀巴会在雪域之乡出现, 把当时没落的佛教振兴起来。也吩咐弟子目犍连把龙王供奉的海螺埋藏在西藏, 过后由宗喀巴大师见寺时取出。
在甘珠尔(Kangyur)中发现多杰雄登的名字就如同当初佛陀预言宗喀巴大师会出现一样, 佛陀已经知道多杰雄登在2000年后会出现,为生在末法时期的我们伸出援手,让我们可以更顺利修习佛法。
谢谢 dorjeshugden.org 网站公布了这个振奋人心的消息。
Posted on June 13, 2016 #20 Author甘珠尔是藏文大藏经的一部分,是佛陀所说教法之总集。甘珠尔的意思是教敕译典,与丹珠尔(论述译典)相对。
然而在着伟大的甘珠尔经文中,记录的是佛陀所说的教法,是巧合还是佛陀但在善巧,然而却是却又借着伟大的高僧在在甘珠尔中的文殊菩萨- 《圣妙吉祥真实名经》中,发现了竟然隐藏着多杰雄登护法的名字,这又证明了其实文殊菩萨与多杰雄登的关系是密不可分的,同时这也证明了多杰雄登护法恰恰是我们这个时代的护法,感谢这份珍贵的发现,让我们全部人都对多杰雄登护法更有信心。
Jerry Sito
Justin Cheah
Posted on June 20, 2016 #21 AuthorClearly this has to be one of the finds of the centuries in Buddhism World. Many who doubted Dorje Shugden whether He is a spirit or a Buddha, Buddha Shakyamuni have already mentioned it before hand on contrary. This finding is important to show people that Dorje Shugden wasn’t made up but it is authentic plus being widely practiced in Tibetan Buddhism world and He is the emanation of Manjushri Himself.
Posted on June 20, 2016 #22 AuthorAs I was reading the article, I thought what a great “terma”. I remember a teaching from His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche on what a “Terma” is, and it is something that is blessed which is placed in the air, mind, rock, tree, ground, areas, etc and when a right person comes and pray, the “terma” will ripen/open and manifest a miracle.
This is indeed a miracle, the find, timing and circumstance of it is miraculous! Dorje Shugden, who is one with Manjushri, was predicted by the Buddha, and so for those of us who need more faith on Dorje Shugden, we need not look any further than this as it is spoken directly by the Buddha. This is great news, and thank you dorjeshugden.org for having this website and article to continually educate us on Dorje Shugden and his enlightened nature!
Chris Chong
Posted on June 21, 2016 #23 AuthorThis ins truly an amazing discovery. With the name of Dorje Shugden appearing in Kangyur, this is a powerful and solid evidence that the Buddha himself had already acknowledged and prophesied the emergence of this powerful protector. This is clear enough to to prove that Dorje Shugden is not a demon since his name is included as one of Manjushri’s 108 names in Kangyur. This discovery was made in a niche time where Dorje Shugden controversy is at worst. Since we do not have the ability to know which lama is right and which lama is wrong, why don’t we just go to the source and trust the historical Buddha, Buddha Shakyamuni and he had included Dorje Shugden name as one of Mnajushri’s name.
Jill Yam
Posted on June 21, 2016 #24 AuthorThis is just so unbelievable. Imagine to be able to find the hidden name of Dorje Shugden in the Kangyur which is about 70,000 pages.
And the prophecies of Dorje Shugden arriving as our Dharma Protector of our time is so coincidental with the discovery.
The name Dorje Shugden is found hidden in the passage in the names of Manjushri .
This provers once again that Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Manjushri who is in fact an Enlightened Buddha.
Thank you for the superb sharing.
Frederick Law
Posted on June 22, 2016 #25 AuthorWhat is more surprising, the Kangyur which consist of 108 volume in total, had clearly written and mention the name of Dorje Shugden as 1 one the 108 names of Lord Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom. This finding is a strong proof that Lord Buddha had prophesize the coming of Dorje Shugden who arose as Dharma protector to help people of our time.
Stella Cheang
Posted on July 24, 2016 #26 AuthorDorje Shugden’s name is mentioned in the Kangyur, a collection of texts recording the spoken teachings of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni. Kangyur is a 70,000 pages Tibetan text consisting of hard works of the great Zhalu scholar and translator, Buton Rinchen Drub. He dedicated his whole to collect, edit and translate the encyclopaedic Kangyur and Tangyur into the Tibetan language from Sanskrit.
Dorje Shugden’s name was “hidden” in te rgyud bum genre of the Kangyur, among the 108 names of Manjushri. The explanation of the text draw light to the significance of Dorje Shugden : “Manjushri emanates in infinite forms according to our needs. One of these is the form he emanates in when we are in need of vajra (indestructible) protection. Accordingly, the name of Dorje Shugden is hidden within the syllables of the 108 Names of Manjushri that were spoken by Lord Buddha, specifically in the name of Manjushri’s form pertaining to such protection.”
Posted on September 6, 2016 #27 AuthorWrathful Kalachakra
Pastor Han Nee
Posted on September 19, 2016 #28 AuthorI am enthralled by the significance of this discovery and the timing. The time for Dorje Shugden to fully arise as Protector of the teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa, particularly his wisdom teachings on Nagarjuna’s Middle View(the Correct View of Emptiness) is NOW. This age needs badly the wisdom teachings to counter wrong views , root cause of all suffering.
That Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings are so rare and precious that we may not receive it in the future is clearly shown in the Lamrim, where the following account is given. A Mongolian gave the Panchen Lama a gift and made prayers for a good human rebirth and to meet with Lord Buddha’s teachings . The Panchen Lama told him he would meet with Buddha’s teachings. However, when he made further prayers to meet with Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings(in the future), the Panchen Lama was silent about this – he did not say this would happen. Hence, it is necessary for a Protector to arise to protect the teachings so that Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings are preserved for the future.
This discovery of Dorje Shugden’s name hidden within the 108 names of Manjushri in the Kangyur, Lord Buddha’s teachings, establishes without a doubt, that Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Manjushri, arising as a Dharma Protector, for this degenerate age. He is most effective and impactful as a Dharma Protector because of our karmic affinity to Him.
That the discovery has been made by a close student of H.E. Denma Gonsa Rinpoche, who is also known as the “Kangyur Rinpoche” comes with no surprise, especially when we learn the following from Dragyab Chocktrul Ngawang Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen . ” When the 19th Denma Gonsa Rinpoche entered clear light, Dragyab Losang Gyaltsen received his master’s reading glasses along with instructions to continue teaching the Kangyur”. Thus it came to pass that , as Dragyab Losang Gyaltsen was scouring the Kangyur texts in his diligent study of them, he came upon the NAME OF DORJE SHUGDEN HIDDEN WITHIN THE 108 NAMES OF MANJUSHRI!
Posted on September 26, 2016 #29 AuthorThe teachings will reveal itself when the time is right. So, as with all that is good and true, the truth will be revealed. So, that is good enough for me, that the name of Dorje Shugden was found hidden in a passage about Manjushri.
Posted on October 15, 2016 #30 AuthorThank you admin for the sharing. It is indeed a great discovery, and this is a strong prove that Dorje Shugden is indeed a Buddha and Dharmapala. Hope that more and more people read this discovery, especially those who disagree about Dorje Shugden, really hope that they accept this as it is proven in text that Dorje Shugden is indeed a Buddha.
Posted on November 6, 2016 #31 AuthorWhat a magnificent discovery on the history of Dorje Shugden footage! Thousand of pages in the Kangyur, Dorje Shugden is in 1 of the 108 name list. and like what Fong mentioned all the facts. There is no more reason for people to criticise and cursed anymore. Great news! Thanks for sharing Rinpoche.
Posted on May 15, 2017 #32 Authorwhy no believe he is already here.already incarnate. Looking at all the practionners who practice his teaching wondering how come they do not believe i am here.
Posted on August 3, 2018 #33 AuthorRidiculous. I could simply take in a few letters/syllables from this kangyur and claim that the worldly goddess, Kali is mentioned in this, therefore, making her an enlightened form of Manjushri or Saraswati. Pure rubbish. Please do not make yourselves seem so stupid with such phonetic rubbish that could mean anything from promoting Nechung as an enlightened being to Dorje Legpa being counted in this “enlightened” category as well.
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Posted on July 11, 2019 #36 AuthorWow…..great discovery of Dorje Shugden’s hidden name in the Kangyur . It was discovered by H.E. Dragyab Chocktrul Ngawang Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen. He was a close disciple of H.E. the 19th Denma Gonsa Rinpoche who was well known for his proficiency and in-depth knowledge of the Kangyur. He was also in memorising thousands of pages and reciting texts of the Kangyur in a single day. Incredible for a great Lama . After his passing, H.E. Dragyab Chocktrul Ngawang Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen following his teacher’s instructions , taught and recite the Kangyur for many years and discovered the name. It came as a supressed and has enraptured many Shugden Buddhists around the world. This significant discovery also correspond with divination of Dorje Shugden’s arrival as the Dharma Protector of our time. Interesting read of the discovery Dorje Shugden’s name hidden in a passage about the names of Manjushri. Dorje Shugden is Manjushri and an enlightened being, and this texts were translated from Sanskrit to Tibetan during the 7th Century by Buton Rinchen Drub the great Zhalu scholar and translator and also an early incarnation of Dorje Shugden.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this great news.