Most deity practices within the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition have an initiation or empowerment of that particular deity which grants permission to practice and gives the practitioner access to the full benefits of the practice. The initiation or empowerment is a process whereby a qualified teacher confers upon his or her students the oral transmission, description, explanation, visualisation and ways to practice, along with instructions on appropriate offerings and specific mantras tailored to the particular student if necessary. Although the process appears to be very technical to the casual observer, the deeper significance behind receiving such practices is that one receives a lineage transmission filled with blessings stemming from the lineage lamas that can be traced all the way back to the time of Buddha Shakyamuni.
Serious practitioners who wish to establish a deeper connection with Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden can receive the life entrustment initiation, also known as sogtae. The life entrustment initiation is not unique to Dorje Shugden’s practice. The ritual can also be found in other Dharma Protector practices, including the Dharma Protector Setrap whose sogtae is in the works of Changlung Pandita and Dharma Protector Nechung’s sogtae which is contained in the collected works of Thuken Dharmavajra.
Commonly asked questions relating to Dorje Shugden’s sogtae are ‘Is practising without sogtae allowed?’ and ‘Is it beneficial to practise if one does not have sogtae?’ The answer is yes it is allowed, and yes it is beneficial. To verify this answer, one has to examine the history and nature of Dorje Shugden’s practice.
In nearly all rituals and prayers to Dorje Shugden, there is no indication of a pre-requisite sogtae; a note which is often indicated for practices that are forbidden to non-initiates such as the higher practices of Vajrayana Buddhism. Looking back through its 350-year history, there are no indications of any Life-Entrustment practices in the Sakya and early Gelug rituals of Dorje Shugden. As the practice grew, an earlier life-entrustment ceremony was developed; however the great scholar and Lama Rinchen Wangyal of Sera Monastery stated clearly in his writings that while it is excellent to receive the Life-Entrustment initiation, it is not absolutely necessary.
Due to unknown circumstances, the life-entrustment ritual was lost with time, only to be revived later by His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche at the request of Dorje Shugden through an oracle. The text ‘Melodious Drum Victorious in All Directions’ composed by Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche has become the most commonly used text for Dorje Shugden’s fulfilment ritual (kangso) today. In this text, it is clearly stated that the life-entrustment ritual is not a pre-requisite to engage in Dorje Shugden’s practice.
After Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche composed the life-entrustment ritual to replace the one that was lost, he brought it to be validated by his own Guru, the great yogi and meditation master Tagpu Pemavajra, who was able to astral travel to Tushita Heaven.
I have written this at the request of Shugden, because in the past there was a tradition of Sogtae (srog gtad) to Shugden but later neither the tradition nor the text could be found — they have become like flowers in the sky — so Shugden has asked me two times to write a new initiation text.
I have passed on the practice of initiation (dbang) to some disciples in accordance with my own experience, and [a text] has been written as a seed for [a detailed text]. But only that would be not reliable and something like an illegitimate son. Therefore, I explained it in detail to my master Tagpu Dorje Chang and presented this draft to him.
He took that draft and wrote his text down, combining this seed text with his own vision. Tagpu commented about the five types of Shugden, the respective colours etc., the offerings to be arranged, thus at the time of initiation the large Lamrim text should be there on the altar, a chakra representing one’s life, damaru, dorje etc. The practitioner has to utter the life generating words of Vajrabhairava and to make torma offerings.
The initiation can be given to somebody who has received initiation into Vajrabhairava and keeps the commitments connected with it. His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo
While one may engage in the practice of Dorje Shugden without taking the life-entrustment initiation, in order to receive it one must have Yamantaka’s initiation and have kept the commitments associated with this practice.
Traditionally, the life-entrustment ritual which lasts for about 30 minutes can only be given to three people at any one time. When a practitioner has received sogtae, he or she has to uphold the associated commitments, just like in the case of receiving the initiation of a Tantric deity. The practitioner is also given a ‘heart’ crystal (lado) and a chakra (sogkhor) which have been consecrated during the life entrustment ceremony, as a blessing and reminder of their commitments.
Once the Lama has sealed the spiritual bond between the practitioner and Dorje Shugden during the life-entrustment ritual, Dorje Shugden is sworn to protect the initiate until the initiate has achieved Bodhicitta, and the initiate swears to take Dorje Shugden as their Protector until they attain Bodhicitta. Regardless of whether Bodhicitta is gained in this lifetime or over the course of several lifetimes, Dorje Shugden is sworn to guide and protect the practitioner until its fruition. Once this is achieved, the practitioner no longer requires the assistance of a Dharma Protector as they have become high-level Bodhisattvas themselves and, as such, they protect other sentient beings in turn.
Just like any other initiation into a deity’s practice, receiving the life entrustment of Dorje Shugden entails a certain set of commitments to be upheld by the practitioner in order to continuously generate the merits to receive his divine help. Upon receiving sogtae, the practitioner is required to perform a Dorje Shugden kangso once a month. If he or she is unable to perform it themselves at the appointed time, they can do the kangso ahead of time or request the monasteries to perform the kangso on their behalf.
As Dorje Shugden originally arose to protect Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings from degeneration, another of the commitments upon receiving sogtae is for the practitioner to put their full effort into learning and practising the teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche said,
If you have to or if you wish to do some kind of Dharmic activities with other sects of Buddhism, that is okay to do some kind of activities but your main practice or the principle practice, you have to make the commitment with this lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa.
H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
Receiving Dorje Shugden’s life-entrustment is a big step in our spiritual progress as he not only guides us in this lifetime, but also gently leads us back to the Dharma in all future lives so that we may eventually gain Bodhicitta. And if we keep the commitments that we have undertaken for the rest of our lives, it is a sign of our spiritual growth, a sign that we have lessened our self-grasping and a sign that we have clarity in engaging in Dharma activities. As Lama Tsongkhapa has mentioned,
Keeping one’s vows is important, and should never be forsaken even at the cost of one’s life.
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
Sharon Ong
Posted on June 17, 2016 #1 AuthorThis is a great write-up on Dorje Shugden’s Life Entrustment Initiation, a must-read for those who aspire to go even further in their spiritual practice. It explains very succinctly why we need a spiritual best friend like Dorje Shugden who will protect and guide us across multiple lifetimes until we realise Bodhicitta.
I particularly like the part on the commitments after receiving sogtae as it gives people like me a fair gauge of how our practice is progressing and whether we are ready to take the next step in our Dharma practice.
Thank you for this insightful post. May there be many receiving this heart crystal in the near future.
Posted on July 24, 2016 #2 AuthorThe teachings and comittments required by Dorje Shugden practitioners who are serious about their practice and want to bring it up to a higher level, are very clearly stated above. This is really useful and practical. That’s one of the beauties of Buddhism. The reality is the Buddha’s can only provide the teachings, guidelines and methods, the work or transformation needs to come from the individual practitioner. The Buddhas achieved their Buddhahood in the same manner.
It is hard work in our deluded minds to keep the vows and committments of our practice, but what in samsara is not “hard work”? in fact no hard work or person in samsara can promise to see us through to achieving Boddhicitta, only an Enlightened Protector like Dorje Shugden can.
Sarah yap
Posted on August 5, 2016 #3 AuthorReceiving Dorje Shugden’s sogtae is sure something important and looked forward to. Infact, since his initiation is only allowed to be given to those with higher tantric practice, it is actually an essential practice as it is said one will have many spiritual obstacles when we received the higher teachings.
Posted on August 10, 2016 #4 AuthorThe emphasis on commitment here is very strong. So, to even wish to be considered for sogtae, one has to be able to keep simple commitments given to us by our Guru.If we cannot do that, then we are definitely not ready for sogtae.
So, simple commitments given by the Guru, going for pujas, daily sadhanas or daily meditations must be carried through – emphasis is on consistency.
Thank you for the insight to the basic requirements to enable us to gauge ourselves.
Alice Tay
Posted on August 24, 2016 #5 AuthorSome people think that Dorje Shugden is a demon that should be destroyed. But they may not know how Dorje Shugden’s compassion is.
If Dorje Shugden is a demon, he will not get involved in life-entrustment ritual i.e. sworn to guide and protect the practitioner until they attain Bodhicitta.
From here we can see the statement about Dorje Shugden is a demon is absolutely incorrect.
Moh Mei
Posted on September 27, 2016 #6 AuthorCompassion is a essence of Buddha, hence while there are many rituals and rules for various reasons and purposes, there is never any stopping anyone who sincerely want to practice and benefit from the practice.
Of course for those who has the merit, it would be great blessing to receive the Dorje Shugden sogtae.
Pastor Henry Ooi
Posted on September 27, 2016 #7 Author“Once the Lama has sealed the spiritual bond between the practitioner and Dorje Shugden during the life-entrustment ritual, Dorje Shugden is sworn to protect the initiate until the initiate has achieved Bodhicitta, and the initiate swears to take Dorje Shugden as their Protector until they attain Bodhicitta.”
The above extracted paragraph shows the true nature of Dorje Shugden, one of compassion and wisdom. How swiftly we develop Bodhicitta is entirely up to us, Dorje Shugden will be there to protect and provide the necessities during our spiritual practice.
Eric kksiow
Posted on September 27, 2016 #8 AuthorThank you DS.ORG for sharing such an important information to all of us on this website. It’s a very holy process. I really hope everyone would have the merits to be receiving this initiation.
I think it is just amazing that the heart crystal and chakra would be hand made by the lama. It is just so holy to be receiving something like this. Or even to have the merits to go through the initiation.
Thank you
Eric kksiow
Posted on September 27, 2016 #9 AuthorIt’s interesting to know that the life-entrustment ritual was lost and revived later by His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche and it was requested by Dorje Shugden. It’s sounds to me that Dorje Shugden knows that this practice will benefit many people at this time and the tradition need to be reconnect back. Receiving sogtae is a commitment for our practice to help us to gain higher attainment in our dhrama practice. I hope one day I’ll get this chance to uphold this commitment life after life.
Posted on September 27, 2016 #10 Author“While one may engage in the practice of Dorje Shugden without taking the life-entrustment initiation, in order to receive it one must have Yamantaka’s initiation and have kept the commitments associated with this practice.”
“Receiving Dorje Shugden’s life-entrustment is a big step in our spiritual progress as he not only guides us in this lifetime, but also gently leads us back to the Dharma in all future lives so that we may eventually gain Bodhicitta. And if we keep the commitments that we have undertaken for the rest of our lives, it is a sign of our spiritual growth, a sign that we have lessened our self-grasping and a sign that we have clarity in engaging in Dharma activities.”
People who obtained the initiation must commit fully, and practice well, hence, the full benefits will arise. We should stop expecting instant effects from practicing Dharma, if we do not do our parts.
Highly qualified lamas will only give initiations to students who are serious and ready to commit, because if people who are not serious and not ready, they will collect negative karma if they received initiation due to not practicing it.
Jace Chong
Posted on September 27, 2016 #11 AuthorThank you for the article.
The life entrustment initiation that revived by HH Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche must have a great meaning for future generations. This is very important for people to hold this practice dear to heart to continue the sacred lineage.
I really hope one day, many many people including myself would have the chance to receive Sogtae from my Guru and have the heart crystal with me which I will carry until end of my life.
Thank you.
pammie yap
Posted on September 27, 2016 #12 AuthorThe two statements that strike me the most while reading the post are,
“while it is excellent to receive the Life-Entrustment initiation, it is not absolutely necessary.” and “Regardless of whether Bodhicitta is gained in this lifetime or over the course of several lifetimes, Dorje Shugden is sworn to guide and protect the practitioner until its fruition.”
1)Dorje Shugden’s practice can be done by anyone! Without initiation, we can still receive the blessings.
2)Dorje Shugden, full of wisdom guiding us hand in hand all the way till we gain Bodhichitta.
3)Gently leading us back to Dharma so that we can practice again. This is where I strongly believe that I must have received sogtae in 1 of my previous lives, to be able to practice and continue with my spiritual path.
Pastor Antoinette
Posted on September 27, 2016 #13 AuthorTo receive sogtae is a great honour and gift. Dorje Shugden will guide us until we receive bodhicitta. We are very blessed to have a qualified teacher who gives us the practice of Dorje Shugden. To receive the sogtae is very helpful as we encounter many obstacles on our way to Buddhahood.
Luckily, we do not need to have initiation to engage in the practise of Dorje Shugden but we can rely on him to protect our Dharma practice and activities without initiation.
Julia Tan
Posted on September 27, 2016 #14 AuthorMay i be the fortunate one to receive Sogtae in the near future. It is the promise and commitment we have for each other. This is like a seal from Dorje Shugden to Bodhicitta. Every vows that in order for us to take, bring us into another level of spiritual practice. This is also showed how serious we are with our practice.
June Kang
Posted on September 28, 2016 #15 AuthorThe life-entrustment ritual which lasts for about 30 minutes can only be given to three people at any one time, wondering “why is only 3 peoples at any one time?“
However the life-entrustment is not simply given, in order to receive it one must have Yamantaka’s initiation and have kept the commitments associated with this practice. Showing that the practice is serious and bring result toward enlightenment.
Wish all of us have opportunity to receive it in this lifetime.
Posted on September 28, 2016 #16 AuthorLife entrustment initiation is not unique only to Dorje Shugden, but it is also the same practice for other enlightened Dharma Protector like Setrap, etc, and this lineage can trace back up to Buddha Shakyamuni time. Something with such pure lineage and practice, it already showed that Dorje Shugden is an enlightened Buddha.
Thanks to His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, with his ultimate compassionate motivation, and his decision of reviving Dorje Shugden Sogtae, it has benefited so many people worldwide throughout these years. If it was not because of Pabongka Rinpoche, until today, we may not even have Dorje Shugden Sogtae, what I want to say is, sometimes the things we do may be very small, or there may be a lot of effort that need to put in, but the outcome can be very huge, it can benefit millions of people in the future years to come. All the high lamas always show us what is compassion, kind, generous, and all other good qualities by action and not just only talking, just like what Pabongka Rinpoche did by reviving DS Sogtae.
The Enlightened Buddha in the pureland and the Living Buddha on earth, is always for the benefit of sentient beings, may more and more people able to receive sogtae and never be parted with the 3 Jewels.
Pastor Chia
Posted on September 28, 2016 #17 AuthorTo receive Dorje shugden life entrustment initiation must have higher yoga initiation like Yamantaka initiation. Both have slimier way because when the lama initiate you the protector practice. It sealed the spiritual bond between the practitioner and protector during the life-entrustment ritual until practitioner achieved Bodhicitta, otherwise Dorje Shugden will continue protect the practitioner if they did not gain bodhicitta.
After received initiation. Practitioner also request to do tsog offering monthly to the protector you had initiate and also life commitment to the Dorje Shugden you have received initiation from the lama. Is important to know that before receive the life entrusment initiation.
yin ping
Posted on December 29, 2017 #18 AuthorLife entrustment or Sogtae in Tibetan, is referring to initiation or permission rites of Dharma Protector. This ritual is not uniquely for Dorje Shugden practice, it can be found in other Dharma Protector practice such as Setrap and Nechung.
We are blessed because we can practice Dorje Shugden without life entrustment. For serious practitioners, receiving Dorje Shugden life entrustment can help them move forward even further in their spiritual path, not only this life but in future lives until achieve Bodhicitta.
Practitioners can request Dorje Shugden Sogtae from a qualify Lama. Just like any other initiation practice, the practitioners have to fulfill commitment such as perform kangso once a month, either performing personally or request monastery to perform on behalf when the practitioners unable to do it on the designated time. The practitioners too are required to learn and practice the teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa. Practitioners who can keep their commitments strongly is a way to overcome self-grasping, a sign of spiritual growth.