Palden Lhamo, the great Protectress is quite well known for her system of dice divination. This system of divination uses three dice with a number from one to six indicated by dots on each face to specify the outcome of the divination. Likewise, Dorje Shugden is also known for his highly accurate system of dice divination, which uses a single dice with Tibetan characters on each of its six faces.
There are currently two authentic divination texts that are in use to contact Dorje Shugden. Of the two divination texts, one is from the writings of His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Dorje Chang, and the other is from Dorje Shugden himself who composed the text while in trance of the previous Choyang Duldzin Kuten.
While in trance for over two hours, Dorje Shugden composed and bestowed the oral transmission and commentary of this divination text, thus beginning a new divination lineage. The secretary of the oracle at that time compiled the text during the trance with Dorje Shugden in his peaceful form, Duldzin. The secretary is now the abbot emeritus of Shar Gaden Monastery, His Eminence Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende.
Dorje Shugden’s divination text is broken down into six basic sections along with subsections and introductory advice. The six basic sections are based on each of the six faces of the dice. Therefore, the outcome primarily depends on which side the dice falls on.
Each section or each side of the dice is further broken down into approximately ten subsections. Each subsection describes the details of the results to be expected, whether to engage in or to avoid a certain action, pujas to be performed, remedial solutions and so forth. The ten subsections are based on the general categories of:
- Dharma activities
- Visitors and friends
- House and place
- Success
- Legal actions
- Sickness
- Life span
- Spirits
- Medical treatments
- Travelling, wealth and resources
Those who wish to engage in this profound practice of divination based upon the infallible Dorje Shugden should first engage in the prerequisite retreats and practices. One should first receive the empowerment of Lama Tsongkhapa or, more specifically, the long life form of Je Tse Zin Ma and complete a formal retreat with a minimum of 100,000 Migtsema recitations. For this retreat, no fire puja is necessary.
After that, one should receive the Yamantaka initiation, either the Solitary Hero or the 13-Deity lineage and engage in the retreat, accumulating a minimum of 400,000 recitations of the main mantra, and 40,000 each of the other three mantras. One should then seal and complete the retreat with a sacred fire puja.
Lastly, one should request for sogtae (life entrustment initiation) of Dorje Shugden, engage in an extended retreat of at least 1,000,000 of the main mantra and 100,000 of the secondary mantra. Then, the retreat is sealed and completed with a sacred Dorje Shugden fire puja.
Upon completing these retreats, one can now make a formal request to one’s Lama for permission to begin performing divination. One can even request the Lama to consecrate the divination dice. However, one should not engage in such sacred retreats with the motivation just to engage in divination. Such a lowly motivation for the retreats is considered a waste. Instead, one should engage in the retreats with the highest of motivations as stated in the Lamrim or the King of Prayers. The side benefit of these retreats is the ability to divine the future for critical situations that cannot be solved by a simple logical course of action.
Once one has received the appropriate permissions from one’s Lama, then prior to engaging in divination, one has to recite the invocation and other propitiation liturgies three times, then offer serkym (golden drink offering) and then, with a good motivation, one may receive questions and proceed to divine the future for others. The details here are a short run down of the requirements and procedures needed to engage in the highly accurate divination method of the enlightened Protector Dorje Shugden.
This divination method is not a practice just for high Lamas. This is for anyone who is sincere and performs the divination free of the eight worldly Dharmas as best as one can. The accuracy of the divination will depend on one’s samaya, Guru devotion, motivation and how well-maintained one’s commitments to Dorje Shugden are.
One can consult a qualified Lama, receive this practice and go all the way. One can receive the lineage, engage in the retreats, and fire pujas in Shar Gaden Monastery. It is recommended to engage in a retreat every six months. The abbot of the monastery can confer the sacred initiations that one would need to practice.
Keep in mind: the ability to engage in Dorje Shugden’s divination is just a side benefit of engaging in the retreats. Lama Tsongkhapa, Yamantaka and Dorje Shugden retreats are meant to clear obstacles to realising the true non-dualistic nature of the mind and thereby propelling oneself to liberation.
Wisdom is much needed on the spiritual path, therefore what is better than to engage in the practice of Manjushri in the form of a lama – Lama Tsongkhapa, Manjushri in the form of a Yidam – Yamantaka, and Manjushri in the form of a Protector – Dorje Shugden. The Gelugpas have a saying that we practise Lama Manjushri, Yidam Manjushri and Protector Manjushri. Thus, we can awaken the primordial wisdom-Manjushri within us that has been dormant for eons.
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Stella Cheang
Posted on July 25, 2016 #1 AuthorDice Divination is a system used to predict the future through invoking specific deity. Different deity would have their different divination text to foretell the outcome. For Dorje Shugden, two authentic divination texts were recognized to be used to attain the divination from Him. These 2 texts are the writings of His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Dorje Chang, and the other is from Dorje Shugden himself who composed the text while in trance of the previous Choyang Duldzin Kuten.
Dorje Shugden’s divination text is broken down into six basic sections along with subsections and introductory advice. The six basic sections are based on each of the six faces of the dice. Therefore, the outcome primarily depends on which side the dice falls on. It is further broken down to 10 subsections.
It is very interesting to read that one can attempt to engage in the practice of divination of Dorje Shugden, meaning one can actually perform the divination. Of course there are rules and requirements to be fulfilled; first, one must receive the empowerment of Lama Tsongkhapa or, more specifically, the long life form of Je Tse Zin Ma and complete a formal retreat with a minimum of 100,000 Migtsema recitations. Next, one must receive the Yamantaka initiation, either the Solitary Hero or the 13-Deity lineage and engage in the retreat, accumulating a minimum of 400,000 recitations of the main mantra, and 40,000 each of the other three mantras. One should then seal and complete the retreat with a sacred fire puja.
Lastly, one must request for sogtae (life entrustment initiation) of Dorje Shugden, engage in an extended retreat of at least 1,000,000 of the main mantra and 100,000 of the secondary mantra. Then, the retreat is sealed and completed with a sacred Dorje Shugden fire puja. After the completion of all these retreats, one can make a formal request to one’s Lama for permission to begin performing divination.
This practice is for one who is sincere and performs the divination free of the eight worldly. The accuracy of the divination will depend on one’s samaya, Guru devotion, motivation and how well-maintained one’s commitments to Dorje Shugden are.
Sharon Ong
Posted on August 9, 2016 #2 AuthorThis is such an interesting read! It is good to know that this practice of divination is available to not just high Lamas, but to lay practitioners who have:
1) Completed the necessary prerequisite practices and retreats
2) Received sogtae
3) Obtained formal permission from their Guru
One important point to note is that the ability to engage in Dorje Shugden’s divination is just a side benefit of engaging in Lama Tsongkhapa, Yamantaka and Dorje Shugden retreats. If this powerful practice is just a side benefit, imagine what would be the main benefits of engaging such retreats.
May the primordial wisdom-Manjushri within all of us be awakened through Lama Manjushri, Yidam Manjushri and Protector Manjushri soon.
Pastor Moh Mei
Posted on August 31, 2016 #3 AuthorI believe in the power of divination specially the Dorje Shugden divination lineage but I am skeptic about the need to request for divination.
In Tibetan Buddhism we are supposed to believe our Guru and Buddha is one. Our practices are supposed to be centered on our Guru – hence the focus on guru devotion. But very few really understand what guru devotion really means, I certainly don’t. In my opinion if we do, there will be no need for divination.
Jace Chong
Posted on August 31, 2016 #4 AuthorDice Divination is an authentic practice in Tibetan Buddhism. I believe the authenticity is real, however for me, something more powerful than relying on divination is to have full faith to our Guru and to carry out our Guru’s teachings through body, speech and mind.
However not everyone would have such faith, so Divination is something people willing to rely on easier as it’s from a divine and unseen being. Fortunately the Dice Divination of Palden Lhamo and Dorje Shugden are very reliable that will not only give a clear direction to solve problems, but also to benefit that person in the ultimate level which is to practice Dharma more.
Pastor Antoinette
Posted on August 31, 2016 #5 AuthorDivination is very tempting as we constantly encounter problems, difficulties and even sickness. I rejoice for such a practice which is very beneficial if we follow all the way and do what is requested from us through divination. Ii is most important to stick to the “prescription” if not we cannot expect the results.
As written above, the accuracy of the divination depends on our guru devotion, motivation and our commitments to Dorje Shugden. Relying on and practicing the Dharma and studying the Lamrim will bring the results that we wish.
Thank you for always sharing Dharma with us.
pammie yap
Posted on August 31, 2016 #6 AuthorI personally have not seen an actual divination session. Would be interesting to watch for once though.
What I understand is, if someone were ask for a divination, whatever the answer, 1 must follow through the outcome.
I have heard quite a few people who ask for it but gave up while halfway through or they do nothing about it. We must not think that a divination is a shortcut or a quick fix to our problems. 1 must follow through or else there will be no results. Why would we ask for help and then not do anything about it?
Only we can help ourselves, the Buddhas and divination can only assist us and give us the best solutions.
Posted on September 1, 2016 #7 Author“Only we can help ourselves, the Buddhas and divination can only assist us and give us the best solutions.”I’m totally agreed with you, Pammie. Once, if we requested for a divination, we must act according to the result of divination because we have already been given a such privilege to know the best solution of an event. If we do not follow the words if the wisdom beings, unfortunately we have to bear on the consequences that we created for ourselves.
Pastor Henry Ooi
Posted on August 31, 2016 #8 AuthorI have witnessed many times the sheer accuracy of the dice divination performed by His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche. When the advice and instruction from the divination is followed and done to the tee, the requestor would see very good and favourable result.
Posted on August 31, 2016 #9 AuthorIt’s glad to know that the tradition of Dorje Shugden divination practice is well preserved and and still exist. This divination is to help us to overcome our obstacles and not just the person who does the divination must have great samaya but the person who ask for divination must have great faith too in order to follow through the advice from the result of the divination.
It’s just like we see doctor for our sickness. After the doctor has checked on s will prescribe medication for us to heal. If we don’t follow what the doctor advice we will not get heal and we can’t blame the doctor. In this case it’s the enlightened being that giving us the prescription which is much high level than a doctor that can see our future. So we should have great devotion and faith if we have decided to ask for divination else it will not be effective.
Eric kksiow
Posted on August 31, 2016 #10 AuthorI used to mix with Taoism background friends before i join Kechara, in Taoism tradition is very popular in Divination ( fortune tellers, human channeling with other highly attained beings or maybe spirits ), mostly peoples ( included me ) are asking about of how their Success, Legal actions, Sickness, Life span, Spirits, Travelling, wealth and resources.
My point : the beautiful part of Buddhism dice divination ( main point ) is focus on Dharma activities. Main focus point is the focus on others. Glad to know that.
Thank You DS.ORG admin for this very detailing article about dice divination.
Eric kksiow
June Kang
Posted on September 1, 2016 #11 AuthorAfter reading this article, i am confuse. i was thinking it looks like the advise given by the guru or whatever the guru asked us to do are some sort of divination. but we tend to believe more of divination. Just like Pastor Moh Mei mentioned if we believe our Guru and Buddha is one, we don’t need the divination.
Khoo Hou Haw
Posted on September 1, 2016 #12 AuthorAlthougg divination is a tradition in Tibetan Buddhism, I believe that for a practitioner who has a qualified Guru to guide them, and they follow the Guru’s instructions diligently, they will not need the divination. As the Guru’s instructions to the student are already the best for a student to progress in their path to enlightenment.
Posted on September 1, 2016 #13 AuthorI have heard about divination many years ago, and yes, divination is not just for High Lamas to do, it also appear that a normal person can also do divination for others, but that person who did divination must keep their practice very intact, must keep their guru samaya very clean, because if one of this was broken, divination did by that person will not be accurate anymore, therefore, keeping our practice well is very important.
To me, Divination is mainly meant for other people and not for a Dharma student, because a Dharma student already have the protection and blessing from their guru, the instructions their guru gave them is already the divination done for the student and that student must comply. Our guru can see our past, present and future, when he asked us to do something, that means it will benefit us in every way.
I have witness myself many years ago when H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche scolded one of his student as he has went off track, the things that Rinpoche said to him, and later on when Rinpoche did a dice divination, it appear exactly the same as what Rinpoche said earlier. hence, it showed that when we trust our guru and follow through his instructions, we don’t even need to do any divination, because if we could not follow our guru’s instruction, how can we make sure we can follow the instruction from the divination.
Pastor Chia
Posted on September 1, 2016 #14 AuthorI felt amazing by how compassion of Dorje Shugden through the previous Choyang Duldzin Kuten giving oral transmission and commentary for the divination text and pass the the lineage. So many people can get help from Dorje Shugden by his divination. Personally i had witness the accuracy of Dorje Shugden divination perform and the result has benefit many people who requested. I hope with the great faith to Dorje Shugden and close samaya with the guru, sincere people can learn this type of divination with good motivation helping more others who seeking for help at the future.
Pastor Henry Ooi
Posted on September 1, 2016 #15 AuthorPerhaps I can give my opinion to the comments by Pastor Moh Mei and June.
Divinations help those who are sincere by clearing their worldly obstacles for their dharma practice, paving a smooth path towards their spiritual journey.
If we trust and believe in our root guru, then the guru’s advice is final, we do not need divinations. But most of us do not hence the guru, out of humility, performs divinations for us. It shows the degree of our faith and trust – we trust a god more than our guru. A god who we cannot see. Yet we disregard the advice of our guru who had chosen a human form to teach and guide us on our dharma practices.
Julia Tan
Posted on September 1, 2016 #16 AuthorI asked a few divinations before. That’s how i started Gyenze practice which was the result of the divination to clear my obstacles. At that time, I did not truly understand but due to the faith I have to my guru, I followed through along with a few pujas. My situation improved ever since. I received tremendous benefits specially in my spiritual path. I believed the power of divination. Divination had also helped my mother when she was not well and a few of my friends when they are facing very critical time. The result is also very depend on our faith and how we follow the instructions given by the lama according to the divination result. Divination is powerful when the faith is with us.
Posted on September 4, 2016 #17 AuthorAs I read through this article on Dorje Shugden divination, I kept thinking how kind the enlightened Protector is to give us an avenue to overcome our obstacles. Usually its is in great distress that people would request for divination and the Protector would prescribe a set of necessary advice that must be followed, be it puja, donations, etc. Anything that will help you to gain the necessary merits to overcome the obstacles faced. The advice will always be within your ability albeit sometimes painfully. For someone miserly, it may to give away a huge amount of money which probably hurt his miserly nature but still within his capabilities. Of course, after asking, it would be foolish to not follow the advice given as it will create more karma for you to not have solutions to problems or your problems will grow bigger.
The person who is qualified to do the dice divination of Dorje Shugden must be much admired. The qualifying requirements certainly will need someone with great stability and compassionate motivation to fulfil. As the article said, it is not just for the ability to divine but with the motivation of helping others in need. How noble!
Thank you DorjeShugden.org for sharing this interesting article and may we have our own-grown Divination Master who compassionately take on the role to help others.
Posted on September 13, 2016 #18 AuthorTo be able to do divination requires a lot of pre-requisites. The various retreats and practices like Yamantaka and the personal requirements of sogtae and avoidance of worldly concerns among them. Therefore, the divination itself will be very powerful.
“Keep in mind: the ability to engage in Dorje Shugden’s divination is just a side benefit of engaging in the retreats. Lama Tsongkhapa, Yamantaka and Dorje Shugden retreats are meant to clear obstacles to realising the true non-dualistic nature of the mind and thereby propelling oneself to liberation.”
So, the person who is able to and given the permission to do divination must be very practiced indeed. So, divination is a way for the lay or ordained to give advise that the follower will and can follow, which may not be followed should the same advice be given without the divination dice.
Therefore, it is for the follower’s benefit and from his expectations and perceptions that the divination dice is used.
Wah Ying
Posted on October 12, 2016 #19 AuthorThank you for this informative article on Dorje Shugden divination with the spiritual explanation about the authentic divination texts, what make the divination accurate, and the purpose or right motivation to engage in the retreats.
I have heard many and experienced myself about the accuracy of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s diviation and whoever follow through the divination result and instructions have the obstacles cleared and problems solved. As a student or the person who requested a divination, he/she should have faith in the Guru and Protector, and to follow through the instructions, then only their problems can be solved, thus whatever helps your lama or the master or the Protector wishes to bestowed upon you can be effective.
Alice Tay
Posted on November 29, 2016 #20 AuthorDorje Shugden’s dice divination is very accurate with 2 authentic divination texts that are from the writings of His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Dorje Chang and Dorje Shugden himself who composed the text while in trance of the previous Choyang Duldzin Kuten.
A good news to the practitioners that this divination method is not a practice just for high Lamas, but for those are sincere and performs the divination free of the eight worldly Dharmas as best as one can. The accuracy of the divination will depend on the practitioner’s samaya, Guru devotion, motivation and how well-maintained their commitments to Dorje Shugden.
Wylfred Ng
Posted on October 27, 2017 #21 Author谢谢仁波切的分享。
在藏传佛教中, 有很多特别的方式可以帮助别人, 其中一个就是通过多杰雄登占卜。 在这里提到其实要得到多杰雄登占卜的传承并不是高僧的特权, 反之, 如果你有帮助人的意愿, 你们都可以进行前行来得到占卜的传承。
当然文章中有提到, 我们进行前行并不只是单单是要得到占卜的传承那么少, 我们的发心还是要如普贤行愿品或是菩提道次第中的发心 ,可以成佛救度众生。
文章里也有提到, 如果你已经得到多杰雄登占卜的传承, 你每半年都需要进行闭关。 仁波切曾经说过, 占卜是占卜师与要求占卜者的恶业直接对抗, 如果占卜师的功德不够的话可能占卜过程会不太顺利。
当然如果要求占卜者平时有在做佛法修持或工作, 与上师的三昧耶非常清净的话占卜过程都会非常顺利。
Lama K.S.Tashi
Posted on September 12, 2020 #22 AuthorWhere can I get the divination dice & the text?