As a camera person by profession, I have been involved in many filming projects throughout my career, but none were quite as challenging in terms of embracing the unknown as being part of The Paranormal Zone film crew. As the title suggests, The Paranormal Zone, which is in its 4th season, involves searching for unseen beings and doing detailed research into the unknown. Being on the crew has convinced me of the existence of otherworldly beings and it can often be unnerving on set.
There was one particular incident when we were filming a spirit summoning ritual performed by a native tribe in Malaysia. As the ritual was done at nightfall, we started trekking into the jungle at 7 p.m., and were guided to the ritual area. Carrying heavy film equipment while trekking in the wilderness for 20 minutes under dim light was truly a tough task, but we eventually arrived at our destination safely. Unfortunately we were unable to capture anything on film and only managed to record some strange sounds. We soon called it a day, disappointed that we didn’t get anything interesting and followed our experienced guide out of the jungle.
The trek felt particularly long. It should have only taken us 20 minutes to get out of the jungle but we walked in circles for over half an hour. Wondering what was going on, we checked with our forest guide who said that oddly, he couldn’t find the way out. Being a native of the local clan, he added that there was a possibility that we had unknowingly offended the jungle spirits.
We were stunned. Were we really trapped in the middle of an unfamiliar jungle with no idea how to get out? Worse, the trek home had been filled with mishaps – some crew members had fallen and injured themselves, while others had been stung by large insects. Worried for our safety, Phng Li Kim, the host of The Paranormal Zone took her Protector String (which was blessed by Dorje Shugden in trance), burned it and we all started praying to Dorje Shugden for a safe journey home. Not long after finishing our prayers as though a veil had been lifted, our guide located the way out and led us out of the jungle safely.
I was already a Dorje Shugden practitioner then, but experiencing his help firsthand during such a crucial moment showed me how instantaneous His assistance can be. This is just one of the many experiences that I received Dorje Shugden’s protection.
Jace Chong
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Wei Theng
Posted on February 17, 2017 #1 AuthorThank you Jace for sharing your experience. Dorje Shugden helps us swiftly when we requested especially to protect us from the negative energies. When my family and I go travelling, we will normally wear the protector string, protector pendants or ruel with us.
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha.
Posted on February 17, 2017 #2 AuthorOh wow! I have heard of being blinded by supernatural beings when in the woods or at haunted locations. Sometimes these beings will lead the people off course and into dangerous situations. It must have been scary in such a dark and unknown conditions where the guide who is familiar with the land is also helpless. Good thing that Li Kim had the Dorje Shugden protector string with her and took the right actions to lift the veil. Dorje Shugden is so swift in his help and more people have the opportunity to meet with his practice to receive his protections. Thank you for sharing this amazing testimonial with us Jace.
Wah Ying
Posted on February 26, 2017 #3 AuthorThanks Jace for sharing, reading your story make me feel like I am witnessing or expriencing the scary experience myself! Yes Dorje Shugden could and always give immediate help to those pray to Him, saving them from danger. May your sharing helps more connected to Dorje Shugden, the Prptector of our times.
Posted on March 4, 2017 #4 AuthorI believe every word that you said. It reminded me of the stories my late father used to tell us of his logging days in the virgin jungles; of days when he and his crew couldn’t find their way out throughout the night until he apologized to the local spirits and got out of the jungle mils away from where they entered it. That, too, was the turning point for my father who until then did not quite believe in the unseen.
It was very fortunate that Phng Li Kim remembered the teachings of Rinpoche and carried a protector string with her. This tells me that Dorje Shugden can and do come to our assistance swiftly. We should not doubt his protection in times of need.
Now, I make sure that I always carry a protector strong and some blessed rice with me.
Stella Cheang
Posted on March 7, 2017 #5 AuthorIt must be terrifying being trapped in the jungle in darkness and having members of the crew suffering from mishaps. Thankfully Li Kim acted swiftly using Dorje Shugden’s protector’s string and recite Dorje Shugden prayers for protection and guidance. Dorje Shugden helps us swiftly, especially to dispel negative energy, evil spell, disturbance from ghosts and spirit. Thank you, Jace, for sharing this story with us.
Alice Tay
Posted on March 29, 2017 #6 AuthorProtector string is a blessed item that being blessed by the Dharma Protector of during trance in the monastery. We should bring along the protector string or protector rice especially travelling. Also, we can recite Dorje Shugden mantra faithfully to protect ourselves and help us expel the negative energies.
Thank you Jace for this useful method to protect ourselves.
Pastor Han Nee
Posted on April 13, 2017 #7 AuthorThis experience shared by Jace Chong is particularly striking because it is a firsthand experience! Jace, at the time that this took place, was filming a paranormal story in the depths of a jungle . Though the day had been disappointing, as they could not get to capture any paranormal phenomenon on camera, what happened when they were calling it a day, was a most scary paranormal experience ending with a miracle that only the most compassionate Dorje Shugden could have worked!
As the cast and the crew of the Paranormal Zone film series were leaving the jungle, being guided out by an experienced local guide, they got lost! The guide just could not find the way out. He feared that they had somehow disturbed the jungle spirits. This trek out would normally have taken about 20 minutes only. However, after half an hour, they were still going around in circles! Then, with full faith in Dorje Shugden, Phng Li Kim took out her Protector string and burnt it, while they all chanted prayers to Dorje Shugden.
A short while after they had completed their prayers, it was “as though a veil had been lifted”! The guide located the way out and led them to safety. The most kind and compassionate Shugden had come to their aid, as he he had always done! Only trust him! As Jace says, this is just one of the many times that Shugden had come to her aid.!
Lin Mun
Posted on November 12, 2017 #8 AuthorDorje Shugden can protect and save us swiftly in times of need. Can’t imagine if Jace and her crew team all stayed in the deep jungle. They will be exposed to even bigger risk. We are very fortunate to be give the opportunity to learn and practise Dorje Shugden, a practise given by Rinpoche. May more people engage in this practise.