I used to be skeptical when it came to Protectors. A Protector’s form looks fierce to me as I’ve only known Buddhas like Buddha Shakyamuni or Kuan Yin all my life. I was introduced to Protector Dorje Shugden as soon as I joined Kechara. How lucky I was! Every time I have a problem or when I am feeling down, I always rely on Dorje Shugden because he is known to help clear obstacles.
I experienced Dorje Shugden’s help when one of my friends owed me a huge sum of money for many years. I had no other way to approach this person and I’ve gave up, thinking that the only solution was to let it be. Surprisingly when I chanted Dorje Shugden’s mantra and relied fully on him, that person told me that he would return the money on a monthly basis. I was shocked and still did not trust him as he had said that a million times before. However, this time, over the course of six months, he returned everything.
I was lucky enough to be introduced to Dorje Shugden as I wouldn’t have known who else to go to. Thank you Rinpoche for your compassion in introducing Dorje Shugden to us. I believe Dorje Shugden will continue to help and bless everyone as long as we rely upon and trust him.
Tiffany Ong
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Posted on June 12, 2016 #1 AuthorThank you Tiffany for sharing your story on your experiences with Dorje Shugden the World Peace Protector. By having faith and relying on him fully, Lord Dorje Shugden will definitely answer our prayers. It was due to the kindness of our Guru, His Eminence the 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche that we are bless with this special Protector practice that will lead us to enlightenment.
Posted on July 11, 2016 #2 AuthorWow….. Nice sharing Tiffany. I think I have to chant more as i have a friend that owes me a big sums of money for many years too!!! I hope i can get back too hehehe… But i believe I can get my money back because I believe in DS. I hope my friend will kind enough to return the money as well.
Posted on July 27, 2016 #3 AuthorWhen we rely on protector to help us it’s good that we don’t state our expectation and let go. Let the protector do what is best for us and we continue with full devotion in our practice. Be it whatever outcome as long as it able to benefit us. Protector will choose a solution to benefit us in long term and sometime we are not able to see but it can never go wrong. Just have faith and we may discover it later.
Tiffany is a good example in this case as she has not expecting anything but she got what she thought she has lost.
Posted on July 27, 2016 #4 AuthorI’ve the same thought just like Tiffany’s, which was seeing the Great Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden, in a wrathful form which showing his fangs, fierce facial expressions and a third eye! He seem like a Demon, which I used to see in horror movies. However, after knowing that he is an emanation of Manjuhri, The Buddha of Wisdom, and reading more about his background and what he did for Buddhadharma before he actually arose as a Dharma Protector, then only I realised he is a real Buddha! How he looks like are meant to be able to help all sentient beings, with swift and smooth!
Stella Cheang
Posted on October 8, 2016 #5 AuthorThank you, Tiffany for sharing with us how the enlightened Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden can benefit us in ways beyond our expectation. He answers our prayers and help clear our obstacles to show us the true meaning of compassion, and also to ensure that we have a smooth path on our spiritual journey.
Alice Tay
Posted on January 3, 2017 #6 AuthorThank you Tiffany for this nice sharing which showed that we can rely on Dorje Shugden. With strong faith in Dorje Shugden, we will definitely get help from him to clear our obstacles.
May Tiffany always be blessed by Dorje Shugden and continue to learn dharma and practice dharma for the benefit of others.
Posted on April 14, 2018 #7 AuthorI send many mails and I directly contact one of Dorje shugden monastery in south India. Through that I got connected with one of monk in Delhi who practice Dorje shugden and I told him my every problem. But he say we can’t provide financial help. I choose your practice coz lots of people can get out of their problem by following dorje shugden. I thought that I also get some help. But get disappointed. It’s OK I don’t mind. Still May his eminence bless you all.