Like most non-practising Buddhists, I used to have no idea what Dharma Protector practice is and why it’s important to engage in it. From my upbringing, Kuan Yin (Chenrezig) was the designated Bodhisattva who would answer our prayers and requests out of her great compassion. Little did I know of our karmic affinity with the Protector of our time and the immense benefits of His powerful practice that enable us to deal with our mundane challenges more effectively.
The power of the Dharma Protector is in the speed with which He grants solutions to our worldly challenges. When we are deeply entrenched in trying to fulfil our daily needs, we are generally unable to commence, continue or deepen our spiritual practice. For example, if we are hungry, we may not be able to concentrate. Thus, by swiftly removing our obstacles and fulfilling our worldly needs, He allows us to focus on spiritual practice.
When it comes to Protector practice, we should focus on propitiating an enlightened Dharma Protector, which is akin to relying on the Three Jewels. Enlightened Dharma Protectors are a source of refuge, and they can help us achieve attainments as well as Enlightenment.
Dorje Shugden is one such enlightened Dharma Protector as He is an emanation of Lord Manjushri. He arose as a Dharma Protector to safeguard the uncommon Gaden lineage and to protect Nagarjuna’s Middle Way view as taught by Lama Tsongkhapa.
Personally, I am very grateful that through the grace of my Guru, His Eminence, the 25th Tsem Rinpoche, I was introduced to Dorje Shugden’s practice. By trusting my Guru and Dorje Shugden, I feel that I have a reliable spiritual guide who can help me manoeuvre my way through samsara’s temptations. Truly, Dorje Shugden can grant swift assistance when divine help is needed and I would like to share a few personal experiences that can attest to His mighty and compassionate power.
He Took the Pain Away
The trance event on 21 June 2015 was unforgettable for me. It was my first time witnessing the oracle taking trance of Dorje Shugden and his minister. On the morning of 21 June, I drove all the way from Kuala Lumpur to Bentong, relying heavily on my left arm because my right arm was alternately painful and numb.
My right arm’s condition was a typical white collar health hazard, due to long hours in a fixed position. The pain had been repeatedly plaguing me on and off for a couple of weeks prior to the day of the trance, and I intended to seek medical help at a later date.
During the event, the oracle took trance of Kache Marpo and blessed all those present. It was such a surreal experience when everyone queued up to receive his blessings as well as some blessed protector rice from this revered minister of Dorje Shugden. Upon receiving his blessings, I immediately felt the numbness in my right arm begin to fade away.
By the end of the day, I no longer had any pain or numbness in my right arm, and it has remained pain-free till today. For someone with no experience in the power of divinity prior to this, it was eye-opening to experience the power of the Dharma Protector first hand. It also cemented my faith in Dorje Shugden and His entourage.
He Opened My Eyes to the Truth
A few years ago, I was going through a difficult time in my personal life. The constant need to deal with a partner with a roving eye proved to be very distressful. Nothing went smoothly at that time, which worsened my feeling of powerlessness. In the end, my opportunities for happiness were eaten away by doubts and insecurities.
I began to seek spiritual help as there was a nagging thought in my head that my problems could not be solved by common methods. A friend introduced me to Kechara and I consulted a Pastor. I was promptly advised to engage in Dorje Shugden kangso and serkym offering.
Within a week, I received horrible news that immediately put a stop to my relationship. My partner’s cheating ways were accidentally exposed due to his carelessness and we went our separate ways. In this manner, Dorje Shugden lifted the wool from my eyes and gave me the courage to call it quits. Retrospectively, this painful incident brought me to Kechara and fertilised the Dharma seeds in me to grow.
He Reduced My Financial Losses
In 2014, I was actively hunting for Klang Valley properties for investment purposes. Fanned by friends who knew the market well, I was bullish and went overboard by venturing into circles unfamiliar to me.
Through a stroke of bad luck and miscalculation, I was on the losing end of a property deal and it was highly unlikely that my deposit would be returned. The negotiation was at a stalemate and I was at a disadvantage because I did not possess the necessary documentation to support my claims. My friends in the legal industry told me without hesitation to forget about getting my money back.
At my wits’ end, I requested for a Dorje Shugden kangso to be conducted by Kechara’s puja house. I vividly recall thinking, deep down, that it was a futile effort and wishful thinking to get back even part of my deposit. After all, who would willingly part with monies safely in their possession that was technically legally theirs?
To my surprise, about two months later the lawyer representing the seller called. They had decided, out of goodwill, to return half of my deposit. It was truly an unexpected miracle.
He Sheltered Me from Prejudice
Throughout my career, I have had the fortune of working with talented people but I ran out of luck not too long ago.
The management had approved one of my projects for implementation. As the Strategy Lead of this partnership project, I was naturally enrolled into the implementation team by default, along with a few others and a senior person, who was assigned to be responsible for the project.
Being new to the project and the business, the Project Lead was eager to step up but unwilling to heed advice and suggestions from the team. He was particularly prejudiced against me and in retrospect, I believe it was because he wanted to be seen as the hero of the project. He was also in the habit of treating me in a disrespectful manner especially in front of other project members. I could imagine his insecurity but his behaviour was not professional at all.
Feeling frustrated and upset, I consulted one of Kechara’s pastors who advised me to increase the number of Dorje Shugden kawang recitations and serkym offerings during my daily prayers. I followed her advice and interestingly, just two weeks later, something changed.
The unprofessional behaviour of the Project Lead soon unraveled under the watchful eye of the management and even some of the important stakeholders. Two weeks from the day I started more intensive prayers, the Project Lead announced that he was going on a month-long holiday.
I later discovered that the Project Lead had been reassigned to another position within the organisation. It was also later revealed that he would not be returning to the project team and the reigns were handed over to someone more suitable.
In Hindsight
It would be a lie to say that I believed completely in Dorje Shugden or Dharma Protector practice from the very beginning. Rather, my faith, trust and relationship with Dorje Shugden has been cultivated through keeping my samaya with my Guru and my daily prayers.
Having been fortunate to have had first-hand experience of Dorje Shugden’s divine help, I hope more people will be introduced to His practice so that they too can have their wishes fulfilled and obstacles removed.
Stella Cheang
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Lum Kok Luen
Posted on September 22, 2017 #1 AuthorHi Stella,
You have experienced and saw first hand the unending compassionate nature of our Lama, Lord Dorje Shugden and Manjushri.
We are so, so, so fortunate to have the merits to be able not only to obtain the teachings, BUT to experience it first hand the love and compassion of such Enlightened Buddhas within the midst of our country.
I have also experienced His compassion in so many, many instances. Long life to our Lama and may He continue to turn the Dharma wheel.
Thank you Stella.
Posted on September 28, 2017 #2 AuthorRejoice for you for you having experienced Dorje Shugden’s swift help and thank you for sharing with us.
If not for the kindness of Rinpoche for giving us the dharma and introducing Dorje Shugden, many would not have benefited in different ways that is most meaningful to them.
Lin Mun
Posted on October 14, 2017 #3 AuthorHi Stella, thanks for sharing your experience on how Dorje Shugden has helped you in many ways. Many Chinese when they have obstacles in their life be it health, career and etc would like to seek help from shaman. They believe that he/she would have the power to heal and remove all our obstacles. I am very fortunate to find Kechara and have Rinpoche as our Guru. For which without him I would never be able to follow the right spiritual path, dharma and transforming myself. Hence, we should rely on an enlightened Dharma Protector who time and again proven that he can help us swiftly in overcoming our challenges.
Alice Tay
Posted on October 27, 2017 #4 AuthorIt is important for us to have faith and keep the promise to our guru. Always remember that without the guru, we may not have the dharma. We did not have the merits to meet Buddha Shakyamuni in person but we can still learn Buddha teachings from our precious guru. Guru is like our yidam, dakas, dakinis and dharma protector to teach and protect us. Through our guru, we are only able to connect to the dharma.
Great to hear that Dorje Shugden helped Stella in solving her problems especially in clearing obstacles for her spiritual growth. Thank you Stella for this nice sharing.
Wylfred Ng
Posted on October 27, 2017 #5 Author谢谢Stella 的分享。 多杰雄登是佛教护法, 首要的任务就是护持佛法, 让佛法修行者更精进。
当然多杰雄登是文殊菩萨的化身, 他会善巧的以不同的方法引领不同的人开始修习佛法。我也相信是因为多杰雄登给你的信心,让你开始修佛, 也花更多时间在佛法上。