His Eminence Zava Damdin Rinpoche

His Eminence Zava Damdin Rinpoche

Lamas September 4, 2015 3 1,786

Born in 1975, Zava Damdin Rinpoche was recognised in the year 2000 as the reincarnation of one of the greatest Buddhist masters, yogis, healers, scholars and mahasiddhas in Mongolia, Zava Lam Damdin.

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Tugs Bayasgalant Nunnery

Established in 1990, Tugs Bayasgalant Nunnery meaning “Heaven of Joy”, is one of the few nunneries in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. Its main prayer hall features an exquisite shrine dedicated specifically to the saviouress, Tara.

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