The 5th Dalai Lama’s Prayer to Dorje Shugden

This prayer to Dorje Shugden was composed by His Holiness the Great Fifth Dalai Lama after he realised that Dorje Shugden was not an ordinary being but an enlightened Dharma Protector who had arisen after the death of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen.

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Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Chanting Dorje Shugden Prayers

This is a rare video of His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche chanting prayers to Dorje Shugden accompanied with the playing of ritual instruments. An erudite and knowledgeable master of the Gelug tradition, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was famous for his impeccable knowledge and perfect ritual skills.

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Request for Activity of Gyalchen Shugden

Composed by H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, this prayer recalls the qualities of Dorje Shugden, the purpose of his arising as a Dharma Protector, and beseeches him to protect and bless the practitioner with all the resources necessary for a smooth spiritual path.

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Intimate Advice For Us

Intimate Advice For Us

BlogBuddhism January 14, 2016 1 294

In a private trance in Kechara Forest Retreat, Dorje Shugden said clearly that working for Dharma is very good. When we work for Dharma, we will fulfil the needs of others and automatically fulfil our own needs without even thinking about it.

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His Eminence Khalkha Jetsun Dampa

His Eminence Khalkha Jetsun Dampa

Lamas January 12, 2016 4 1,769

The Khalkha Jetsun Dampa Khutuktus are the spiritual heads of the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia. They also hold the title of Bogd Gegeen. The Khalkha Jetsun Dampa is one of the most revered teachers of the Kalachakra Tantras, the Tara Tantras and the practice of Maitreya.

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Request for Activities: Dothey

H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche composed a very special prayer to Dorje Shugden called Dothey, which is a request for the activity of Dorje Shugden. It is perfect for use nowadays, given that most contemporary practitioners simply do not have the time to engage in extensive prayer.

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His Eminence Sokpu Rinpoche

His Eminence Sokpu Rinpoche

Lamas January 3, 2016 12 1,060

The great Mongolian Lama, His Eminence Sokpu Rinpoche is considered by many in the Tibetan and Mongolian community to be the emanation of Gyenze, the ‘increasing’ form of Dorje Shugden. Born in 1908, he was enthroned on the Hutugtu throne at a young age.

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Rabten Choeling

Rabten Choeling

Temples January 3, 2016 4 2,009

Perched on Mont Pèlerin, Switzerland, approximately 820m above sea-level and overlooking the Alps of Wallis and Savoy is Rabten Choeling, an institute for higher Tibetan Buddhist studies which houses a thriving monastic and lay community dedicated to the pursuit of Tibetan Buddhist practices.

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Request for Activities of Protectors

Like all great Gelugpa masters, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche relied on Dorje Shugden throughout his life and even composed prayers to him. At the request of the Gelug assembly at Varanasi University in Sarnath, India, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche composed the prayer below.

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His Eminence Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche

His Eminence Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche

Lamas December 27, 2015 5 1,520

Known as one of the most erudite scholar-yogi masters of this century to arise from the esteemed Gaden Shartse Monastery, His Eminence Kyabje Zemey Dorje Chang was the incarnation of a very renowned and high-ranking line of tulkus from Yangting in the Kham province of Tibet.

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Tsongkhapa Meditation Centre

Tsongkhapa Meditation Centre

Temples December 24, 2015 3 522

Founded by Venerable Zawa Rinpoche, Tsongkhapa Meditation Centre is a Dharma centre in Canada dedicated to the preservation of the authentic Buddhadharma in general and the oral transmission lineages of the Gelug Tradition founded by the great master Je Tsongkhapa in particular.

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His Eminence Domo Geshe Rinpoche

His Eminence Domo Geshe Rinpoche

Lamas December 17, 2015 5 2,644

In 1937, His Eminence the 2nd Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche was born into the Enchey Kazi family, a prominent and well-respected family in Sikkim. It is said that when he was born, many miraculous signs were seen and flowers blossomed around his parents’ home.

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Sampheling Monastery

Sampheling Monastery

Temples December 10, 2015 5 962

Sampheling Monastery is located in the far eastern region of Tibet known as Kham, and is widely considered to be the personal monastery of His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. It is also well known for being a stronghold of Dorje Shugden practitioners.

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His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche

His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche

Lamas December 7, 2015 5 1,685

His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche was born in 1953 in Shota Lhosum, Tibet. At the age of six, he was recognised as the 12th Dagom Rinpoche by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang. He was also recognised as the reincarnation of Ra Lotsawa, the “enlightened sorcerer”.

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The Blessings of the Guru

Guru devotion and clean samaya with one’s Guru are commonly recognised and emphasised as the foundation of Dharma study and practice in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism. From the legendary Padmasambhava of the Nyingma lineage to the revered mahasiddhas Milarepa and Naropa.

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His Eminence Denma Gonsa Rinpoche

His Eminence Denma Gonsa Rinpoche

Lamas November 16, 2015 6 844

In 1930, Denma Choje Jampa Thubten Gelek Gyatso was born in Namkha Zong, Tibet. At the age of three, he was recognised by H.H. the 13th Dalai Lama as the incarnation of the 18th Denma Choje and was presented the seal of office and official documentations of his recognition.

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H.H. Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche Chanting Dorje Shugden Prayers

Here is a very precious audio recording of His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche chanting the kangso of Dorje Shugden in his strong and resonant voice. The ritual instruments that we hear in the audio recording were also played by Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche himself.

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Venerable Geshe Rabten Rinpoche

Venerable Geshe Rabten Rinpoche

Lamas November 6, 2015 4 1,949

As the first Tibetan Buddhist master to introduce the complete Vinaya tradition and the study of the five major topics of Buddhism in the West, Venerable Geshe Rabten was hailed as a “ground breaker” who laid the foundations for the growth and expansion of the Rabten Buddhist monasteries.

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His Eminence Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche

His Eminence Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche

Lamas October 30, 2015 1 2,092

His Eminence the 5th Gonsar Rinpoche is the present incarnation in the line of Gonsar Tulkus, who are well-known as practitioners of the Hayagriva Tantras and for their ability to deliver clear, precise and logical teachings.

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Tashi Rabten

Tashi Rabten

Temples October 26, 2015 4 1,025

There are a few Rabten Monasteries founded by Venerable Geshe Rabten Rinpoche in Europe. One of these is Tashi Rabten Monastery in Austria, situated near Feldkirch, a medieval city in the western Austrian state of Vorarlberg. It is the second largest town in Vorarlberg in terms of population.

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