Yangting Dechen Ling

Yangting Dechen Ling

Temples October 10, 2015 4 350

Yangting Dechen Ling Monastery, also known as Shugden Monastery, is located in Yangding in Kham, Tibet. The original monastery was founded by Yogi Je Lodö Namgyal, one of the foremost disciples of Lama Tsongkhapa, in 1421.

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Dorje Shugden in Tseri Sagong Monastery, Tibet

This video shows a large statue of Dorje Shugden located in Tseri Sagong Monastery in Chamdo, Tibet. Many masters and ordained sangha are preserving and spreading the lineage of this enlightened Dharma Protector, whose practice is unsurprisingly flourishing in Chamdo.

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Taktsang Lhamo Setri Monastery

Taktsang Lhamo Setri Monastery

Temples September 18, 2015 3 512

Founded by the 53rd Gaden Setri Gyaltsen Sengge of Gaden Monastery in 1748, Taktsang Lhamo Setri Monastery is from the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and is one of the earliest monasteries to enshrine Dorje Shugden as their Dharma Protector.

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Gaden Damcholing Monastery

Gaden Damcholing Monastery

Temples September 10, 2015 2 191

Gaden Damcholing Monastery is a new Dorje Shugden monastery in Markham, Tibet that is open and accessible to the public at large. 16 December 2014 marked the inauguration of this monastery, which provides a home for over 200 Buddhist monks.

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Dorje Shugden Monasteries in Tibet

The practice of Dorje Shugden continues to flourish in the monasteries of Tibet. This video shows just a few of the monasteries in the Land of Snows who keep Dorje Shugden’s lineage alive and well.

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Gangchen Monastery

Gangchen Monastery

Temples August 15, 2015 0 656

Gangchen Monastery was founded in the 15th Century by Panchen Zangpo Tashi, one of His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche’s previous incarnations. The monastery is located in Shigatse, Central Tibet and is famous for preserving the precious and sacred Tantric teachings, as well as its many associated miracles.

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Zetho Monastery

Zetho Monastery

Temples August 7, 2015 2 249

Situated in Lhorong in Chamdo Prefecture, Tibet, Zetho Monastery is the traditional seat of the Daknak lineage. Zetho Monastery is the largest in Lhorong and presently houses over 300 monks and a flourishing community of Dorje Shugden practitioners.

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Shree Choephel Kundeling Monastery

Shree Choephel Kundeling Monastery is a Gelugpa monastery in Lhasa, Tibet which was established in 1663. It is one of the temples appointed by His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama as a royal temple. The monastery is also known for its Lamas who are often selected to be the Regent of Tibet.

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Dorje Shugden Monastery in Chakzamka, Riwoche

The practice of Dorje Shugden is widespread, even within Tibet itself. This video shows a monastery located in Chakzamka, Riwoche which is a part of Kham, Tibet where Dorje Shugden is practiced strongly.

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Segyu Monastery

Segyu Monastery

Temples July 6, 2015 3 998

Established in the mid 15th Century, Segyu Monastery is recognised as the pioneer of the Gaden lineage’s great Tantric monasteries. Many of the Tantric teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa including Guhyasamaja, Heruka and Yamantaka were actually developed here.

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Dorje Shugden in Jampa Ling Monastery

Jampa Ling Monastery in Chamdo, Tibet was built by Lama Tsongkhapa’s disciple in 1444. It is said that during Lama Tsongkhapa’s travels, he prophesied that the Buddha’s doctrine would flourish in this area. Today, Jampa Ling Monastery houses over 1,300 monks.

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Lama Thubten Phurbu Spreading Dorje Shugden in Tibet

This video shows Lama Thubten Phurbu consecrating a new Dorje Shugden chapel in Chamdo, Tibet. Lama Thubten Phurbu is an influential Gelug Lama who has been spreading the tradition of Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden within Tibet to preserve these precious lineages for the future.

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Phagri Monastery

Phagri Monastery

Temples May 17, 2015 3 241

The exceptional scholar Geshe Palden Tendar was one of the geshes who were seconded to Phagri. At the end of his three-year tenure, Geshe Tendar stayed on in Phagri and established his own monastery with a magnificent Maitreya statue.

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Venerable Geshe Yeshe Wangchuk

Venerable Geshe Yeshe Wangchuk was a prominent Gelug master who spread the Buddhadharma and Dorje Shugden’s practice widely in Tibet. Born in 1928 in the Tarlam region of Kham, Tibet, Geshe Yeshe Wangchuk entered monastic life when he was only eight years old.

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Dorje Shugden Kangso at Chogdong Monastery, Tibet

In this video, we can see Dorje Shugden being propitiated by monks at Chogdong Monastery in Tibet. Dorje Shugden has been propitiated for more than 400 years by people from all walks of life and the number of his practitioners keeps increasing as he is no other than the Buddha Manjushri.

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5,000 Receive Dorje Shugden’s Life Entrustment in Chamdo

In Jinka Monastery, 5,000 devotees received Dorje Shugden’s life entrustment initiation from Khenpo Zongluo Jampa Khedrup Rinpoche of Chamdo Jampa Ling Monastery.

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5,000 Receive Dorje Shugden’s Practice in Tibet

Gaden Yangchen Phuntsok Ling Monastery held a four-day Winter Ritual Dance between 31 October and 3 November 2013 with a large crowd gathering to watch the monks dance in their ceremonial robes and receive blessings.

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Venerable Panglung Oracle in Tibet

The Venerable 7th Panglung Kuten of Sera Monastery traveled to Tibet in September 2013 at the invitation and request of many. At the various locations that he visited, the Panglung Oracle took full and glorious trance of the King Protector Dorje Shugden and his grand minister, Kache Marpo.

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Dorje Shugden in Yunnan, China

A picture in the article entitled “Monks study at branch school of Yunnan Institute of Buddhist Studies” clearly shows a framed picture of the mandala of Dorje Shugden. This is an encouraging sign of the growth of Dorje Shugden’s practice.

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