Tagpu Pemavajra and Visions from Gaden Heaven

Tagpu Pemavajra was a highly attained lama who had many authentic visions of the Buddhas and even received direct teachings from them. Upon Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche’s request, Tagpu Pemavajra travelled to Tushita, the heavenly abode of Lama Tsongkhapa where he received the complete cycle of teachings on Dorje Shugden.

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His Eminence Zasep Tulku Rinpoche

On 1st July 1948 in the Year of the Earth-Ox, Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, the 13th incarnation of Lama Konchog Tenzin of Zuru Monastery, was born as prophesied by Jetrung Rinpoche to a father born in the Tiger year and a mother in the Bird year.

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The Advantages of Propitiating Dorje Shugden: Part 2

In general, a Dharma Protector serves to protect the Dharma, its precepts and precious teachings as well as the practitioners. To be specific, it is not the Dharma itself that requires protection but its availability, proper understanding and practice that have to be safeguarded.

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Karchen-la Celebrates His 101st Birthday

Venerable Karchen Lobsang Chodar was born in Shigatse, central Tibet. At a very young age, he enrolled in Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, one of the largest monastic universities in Tibet.

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Dorje Shugden in the Sakya Tradition

Before Dorje Shugden was widely practised in the Gelugpa tradition, he was enthroned as a Protector of the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism. The Sakya reliance on Dorje Shugden began with the supreme Sakya throneholder, the 30th Sakya Trizin Sonam Rinchen.

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Geshe Thubten Trinley Teaches Lamrim in Shar Gaden

From March to April 2016, Shar Gaden Monastery hosted the turning of the wheel of Dharma with the visit of Ven. Geshe Thubten Trinley, who gave an extended series of teachings on the Bodhisattva Vows and the Middling Lamrim with H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s commentary.

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The Spiritual Lineage

The Spiritual Lineage

Overview March 23, 2016 28 13,874

Tracing the lineage between Guru and disciple is an important aspect of the Buddhist teachings as blessings descend from the lineage masters to the practitioner. What follows is a brief summary of the close lineage of Dorje Shugden’s practice.

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This photo gallery contains selected images of great masters both past and present who have upheld and continue to uphold the lineage of World Peace Protector Dorje Shugden.

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Dorje Shugden’s Life Entrustment Initiation

Serious practitioners who wish to establish a deeper connection with Dorje Shugden can receive the life entrustment initiation, also known as sogtae. It greatly supports our spiritual progress as Dorje Shugden guides us not only in this lifetime, but in all future lives.

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Download: Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors

Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors, composed by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, is a commentary based on Kyabje Dagpo Rinpoche’s praise to Dorje Shugden and makes the complete knowledge of Dorje Shugden’s history and practice easily and readily available to practitioners.

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This photo gallery contains a selection of stunning images of the World Peace Protector Dorje Shugden, his emanations and his entourage from around the world.

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Download: Dorje Shugden Audio Recordings

Receive Dorje Shugden’s blessings in the form of sound by listening to these professionally recorded prayers of Dorje Shugden performed by one of the greatest Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in India.

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Video: The Lineage of Dorje Shugden in Kechara

Kechara’s Dorje Shugden lineage can be traced directly through an unbroken line of lineage masters all the way to Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen. Thus, the practice of Dorje Shugden within Kechara is ripe with the blessings of the lineage.

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Top 12 Dorje Shugden Lamas in the World

This video features some of the most renowned and accomplished Tibetan Buddhist masters in the world, all of whom propitiate Dorje Shugden as their Dharma Protector. Thus, we too can entrust our lives to Dorje Shugden with full confidence and faith.

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Download: The Illusory Play

His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang wrote an extensive autobiography of himself before he entered clear light in 1981. This autobiography was written at the advice of His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche and other lamas.

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H.H. the 4th Tagpu Pemavajra

The 4th Tagpu Pemavajra Jampel Tenpai Ngodrub, most commonly known as Tagpu Dorje Chang, was a highly accomplished yogi whose great achievements and attainments were well-known and acknowledged by innumerable Lamas during his time.

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His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche

The great master Pabongka Rinpoche was the pivotal lineage holder of the Oral Gaden Tradition in the 20th Century. It was his particular merit to locate and find all these partial transmissions, to learn and realise them, and bring them together once again to pass them.

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His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche

His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche

Lamas February 11, 2016 2 2,664

Born on 10th March 1901 in one of the most spiritual places of Central Tibet, Tsel Gungtang, His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso was the third incarnation in the line of Trijang Rinpoches.

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The Three Bodies of a Buddha

The Three Bodies of a Buddha

BlogBuddhism February 11, 2016 25 1,714

In the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, fully enlightened beings manifest in three different aspects to benefit sentient beings. These are called “Trikaya” (literally meaning “Three Bodies”) and they are the Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya.

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The Collected Mantras of Dorje Shugden

The Collected Mantras of Dorje Shugden Hot

Practice February 5, 2016 21 19,321

Here are a collection of mantras related to Dorje Shugden, his entourage and his lineage which can be recited anytime and anywhere, as a standalone practice or in combination with one’s daily prayers. Initiations are not necessary for the mantras listed here.

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