Trance of King Duldzin at Shar Gaden Monastery’s Inauguration

During the opening of Shar Gaden Monastery in 2009, the oracle of Dorje Shugden took trance of the peaceful form of Dorje Shugden. He answered questions presented to him, gave advice and blessed those assembled.

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Dorje Shugden Oracle at Shar Gaden Monastery’s Inauguration

October 2009 marked the official opening ceremony of Shar Gaden Monastery in South India. In this video, the oracle of Dorje Shugden takes full trance of the Dharma Protector as part of the celebrations to bestow advice and blessings and performs a vajra dance.

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Trance of Wrathful Dorje Shugden at Shar Gaden Monastery

Filmed in October 2009, this video shows the pre-trance preparations for the invocation of wrathful Dorje Shugden to enter the body of the oracle. The oracle begins by first performing the serkym offering and other prayers to Dorje Shugden.

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Tsongkhapa Meditation Centre

Tsongkhapa Meditation Centre

Temples December 24, 2015 3 522

Founded by Venerable Zawa Rinpoche, Tsongkhapa Meditation Centre is a Dharma centre in Canada dedicated to the preservation of the authentic Buddhadharma in general and the oral transmission lineages of the Gelug Tradition founded by the great master Je Tsongkhapa in particular.

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Dorje Shugden Vajra Dance at Chide Gasong Monastery

The video shows the monks of Chide Gasong Monastery in Yushu County, Qinghai, China performing a Dorje Shugden Vajra Dance. The vajra dance is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist ritual which is traditionally performed to clear obstacles for the growth of the Buddhadharma.

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Gaden Damcholing Monastery

Gaden Damcholing Monastery

Temples September 10, 2015 2 191

Gaden Damcholing Monastery is a new Dorje Shugden monastery in Markham, Tibet that is open and accessible to the public at large. 16 December 2014 marked the inauguration of this monastery, which provides a home for over 200 Buddhist monks.

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Jangchup Lamrim Temple

Jangchup Lamrim Temple

Temples May 31, 2015 0 354

Recently, Gonsar Rinpoche returned to the roots of his religious faith to build a monastery in Lumbini, Nepal. As Lumbini is considered by all Buddhists to be the holiest pilgrimage site in the world, establishing Jangchup Lamrim Temple there to house the Sangha and spread the Dharma is extremely auspicious.

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200,000 Attend Denma Gonsa Rinpoche’s Enthronement

The unmistaken incarnation of His Eminence Denma Gonsa Rinpoche was recognised by four sources which includes the greatest Gelugpa masters of our time. The enthronement of a tulku is the formal recognition of a particular individual.

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Dorje Shugden Kangso at Chogdong Monastery, Tibet

In this video, we can see Dorje Shugden being propitiated by monks at Chogdong Monastery in Tibet. Dorje Shugden has been propitiated for more than 400 years by people from all walks of life and the number of his practitioners keeps increasing as he is no other than the Buddha Manjushri.

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Initiations in Serpom Monastery by Venerable Achok Rinpoche

Achok Rinpoche confidently conferred the Yamantaka initiation and commentary on 17 – 18 January 2015 in Serpom Monastery, which he had received from Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche and Geshe Yeshe Wangchuk.

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H.E. Achok Rinpoche Gives Initiations in Serpom Monastery

On 17 – 19 January 2015, His Eminence Achok Rinpoche gave a series of initiations in Serpom Monastery. Achok Rinpoche conferred the Yamantaka empowerment and commentary, followed by the White Manjushri and Medicine Buddha initiations.

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H.H. Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche Confers Monk Vows on Denma Gonsa Rinpoche

In December 2014, His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche conferred the novice monastic vows on the young Denma Gonsa Rinpoche. It is truly a blessing to be able to witness the presence of these two holy beings.

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Serpom Monastery’s Dorje Shugden Torgya

The Dorje Shugden Torgya is a puja which is performed to dispel all obstacles, negative energies and hindrances caused by misguided beings. This particular puja was performed specifically to ensure Serpom Monastery is clear of obstacles and surrounded by positive energies.

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H.E. Denma Gonsa Rinpoche’s Enthronement Ceremony

This is the full video of H.E. the 20th Denma Gonsa Rinpoche’s enthronement ceremony. More than 200,000 people gathered on this auspicious day to witness the return of an attained master whose previous lives have been incredibly beneficial.

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H.E. Denma Gonsa Rinpoche’s Enthronement in Gonsa Monastery

On 31 July 2014, His Eminence the 20th Denma Gonsa Rinpoche was enthroned in Gonsa Monastery. Over 200,000 practitioners from Tibet and around the world gathered to celebrate such an auspicious event.

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Dorje Shugden Oracle in Rabten Choeling

In November 2014, the Venerable Gameng Kuten took trance of the Protector Dorje Shugden in Rabten Choeling Buddhist Monastery and gave advice to His Eminence Rabten Rinpoche and Gonsar Rinpoche, and also blessed those present.

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Wrathful Dorje Shugden Trance at Gaden Khachoe Shing

These videos show the inauguration of Gaden Kachoe Shing and the Venerable Gamang Kuten in trance of wrathful Dorje Shugden. H.H. Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche was present to officiate the opening of the new monastery

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H.H. Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche Accepts Tenshug

2014 was the year Khen Rinpoche, accompanied by his entourage, made an offering of tenshug to His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche at Trijang Buddhist Institute in Vermont, USA. Tenshug is a long-life ceremonial offering to the spiritual guide.

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Fire Puja in Taiwan with H.E. Daknak Rinpoche

In 2014, Kyabje Daknak Rinpoche personally presided over four days of pujas: a one-day Yamantaka peaceful fire puja and a three-day Medicine Buddha puja. Fire pujas are Buddhist ceremonies during which offerings and substances are placed in a roaring fire.

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Vajrayogini Fire Puja in Trijang Buddhist Institute

From 28 June to 27 July 2014, Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche led a Vajrayogini retreat and fire puja at Trijang Buddhist Institute. A fire puja is a ritual traditionally performed after a retreat to compensate for any faults.

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