His Eminence Trehor Kyorpen Rinpoche

His Eminence Trehor Kyorpen Rinpoche was a was a great yogi of both the Tantric generation and completion stages. A learned scholar and erudite master, he obtained his Geshe Lharampa title from Drepung Monastery in Tibet.

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Phelgyeling Monastery’s New Abbot

In early May 2016, the Buddhist world lost a dedicated, sincere practitioner when the abbot of Phelgyeling Monastery in Nepal, Venerable Gen Chodrak, entered clear light. He remained in tukdam meditation for almost two days before his current incarnation left us permanently.

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The Previous Existences of Dorje Shugden

Dorje Shugden reincarnated as a Dharma Protector in order to be of benefit to sentient beings. He arose from a long line of incarnations that stem all the way back to the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, Manjushri.

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Shar Gaden Monastery

Shar Gaden Monastery

Temples March 8, 2016 10 1,464

Shar Gaden Nampar Gyalway Ling Monastery, a full-fledged Gelug monastic seat for higher Buddhist studies was established on 23 February 2008 to provide an avenue for those with karmic affinity with the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden to study, practise and uphold their lineage.

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H.H. the 4th Tagpu Pemavajra

The 4th Tagpu Pemavajra Jampel Tenpai Ngodrub, most commonly known as Tagpu Dorje Chang, was a highly accomplished yogi whose great achievements and attainments were well-known and acknowledged by innumerable Lamas during his time.

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Lama Tsongkhapa’s Holy Items

Some of the most important holy items which are still kept in Tibet are the sacred relics of Lama Tsongkhapa. According to Buddhist tradition, holy relics can generally be categorised into three types.

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His Eminence Sokpu Rinpoche

His Eminence Sokpu Rinpoche

Lamas January 3, 2016 12 1,060

The great Mongolian Lama, His Eminence Sokpu Rinpoche is considered by many in the Tibetan and Mongolian community to be the emanation of Gyenze, the ‘increasing’ form of Dorje Shugden. Born in 1908, he was enthroned on the Hutugtu throne at a young age.

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His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche

His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche

Lamas December 7, 2015 5 1,685

His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche was born in 1953 in Shota Lhosum, Tibet. At the age of six, he was recognised as the 12th Dagom Rinpoche by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang. He was also recognised as the reincarnation of Ra Lotsawa, the “enlightened sorcerer”.

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His Eminence Kundeling Rinpoche

His Eminence Kundeling Rinpoche

Lamas September 27, 2015 5 3,058

His Eminence the 13th Kundeling Rinpoche’s auspicious birth took place on 13 January 1959, which coincided with a lunar eclipse and “Makar Sankranti”, an important religious festival for Hindus all over India and Nepal.

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The Atisha Charitable Trust

The Atisha Charitable Trust

Temples September 25, 2015 0 1,060

On 3rd May 1994, H.E. the 13th Kundeling Rinpoche established The Atisha Charitable Trust following his wish to translate faith into meaningful action. Its main goals are to serve the spiritual, educational and social needs of the underprivileged, within India and elsewhere with a strong sense of spirituality.

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His Eminence Daknak Rinpoche

His Eminence Daknak Rinpoche

Lamas September 17, 2015 2 874

His Eminence Kyabje Daknak Rinpoche is considered by many to be the Nirmanakaya form of Buddha Amitabha and Dharmapala Setrap and is seen as a Living Buddha at both Zetho Monastery and Sera Mey Monastery.

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Venerable Dromtug Rinpoche

Venerable Dromtug Rinpoche

Lamas May 24, 2015 3 1,374

The 18th Dromtug Rinpoche was recognised by His Eminence Serkong Tritul Rinpoche as an emanation of Avalokiteshvara and Mahasiddha Mahipa, one of the 84 Mahasiddhas of India.

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