The 5th Dalai Lama’s Prayer to Dorje Shugden

This prayer to Dorje Shugden was composed by His Holiness the Great Fifth Dalai Lama after he realised that Dorje Shugden was not an ordinary being but an enlightened Dharma Protector who had arisen after the death of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen.

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Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Chanting Dorje Shugden Prayers

This is a rare video of His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche chanting prayers to Dorje Shugden accompanied with the playing of ritual instruments. An erudite and knowledgeable master of the Gelug tradition, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was famous for his impeccable knowledge and perfect ritual skills.

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His Eminence Khalkha Jetsun Dampa

His Eminence Khalkha Jetsun Dampa

Lamas January 12, 2016 4 1,769

The Khalkha Jetsun Dampa Khutuktus are the spiritual heads of the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia. They also hold the title of Bogd Gegeen. The Khalkha Jetsun Dampa is one of the most revered teachers of the Kalachakra Tantras, the Tara Tantras and the practice of Maitreya.

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Dungkar Monastery

Dungkar Monastery

Temples January 11, 2016 7 1,920

Dungkar Monastery was officially founded by the highly revered Lama His Eminence Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche. It was the first Gelug monastery of that area and quickly became the most influential after it was entrusted to Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche in 1901.

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Video: Dorje Shugden And The Tradition of Oracles

Oracles are intermediary channels through which deities have communion with practitioners. Dorje Shugden oracles play an important role in Tibetan Buddhism from recognising incarnations of high lamas to giving advice in critical situations.

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Rabten Choeling

Rabten Choeling

Temples January 3, 2016 4 2,009

Perched on Mont Pèlerin, Switzerland, approximately 820m above sea-level and overlooking the Alps of Wallis and Savoy is Rabten Choeling, an institute for higher Tibetan Buddhist studies which houses a thriving monastic and lay community dedicated to the pursuit of Tibetan Buddhist practices.

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Request for Activities of Protectors

Like all great Gelugpa masters, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche relied on Dorje Shugden throughout his life and even composed prayers to him. At the request of the Gelug assembly at Varanasi University in Sarnath, India, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche composed the prayer below.

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His Eminence Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche

His Eminence Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche

Lamas December 27, 2015 5 1,520

Known as one of the most erudite scholar-yogi masters of this century to arise from the esteemed Gaden Shartse Monastery, His Eminence Kyabje Zemey Dorje Chang was the incarnation of a very renowned and high-ranking line of tulkus from Yangting in the Kham province of Tibet.

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Ganden Sumtseling Monastery

Ganden Sumtseling Monastery

Temples December 17, 2015 10 799

Ganden Sumtseling Monastery, also known as “Little Potala Palace”, is located just outside the city of Zhongdian. It is the largest Buddhist monastery in Yunnan province. The site of this monastery was chosen by His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama through divination.

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Sampheling Monastery

Sampheling Monastery

Temples December 10, 2015 5 962

Sampheling Monastery is located in the far eastern region of Tibet known as Kham, and is widely considered to be the personal monastery of His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. It is also well known for being a stronghold of Dorje Shugden practitioners.

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The Dalai Lama’s Dorje Shugden Chapel in Lhasa

This video shows Trode Khangsar, the famous Dorje Shugden Chapel in Lhasa, Tibet. Built in the 17th Century by His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama, monks still perform daily pujas to Dorje Shugden in this chapel to this day.

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The Blessings of the Guru

Guru devotion and clean samaya with one’s Guru are commonly recognised and emphasised as the foundation of Dharma study and practice in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism. From the legendary Padmasambhava of the Nyingma lineage to the revered mahasiddhas Milarepa and Naropa.

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Venerable Geshe Rabten Rinpoche

Venerable Geshe Rabten Rinpoche

Lamas November 6, 2015 4 1,950

As the first Tibetan Buddhist master to introduce the complete Vinaya tradition and the study of the five major topics of Buddhism in the West, Venerable Geshe Rabten was hailed as a “ground breaker” who laid the foundations for the growth and expansion of the Rabten Buddhist monasteries.

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Gangjong Namgyal

Gangjong Namgyal

Temples November 4, 2015 5 664

Gangjong Namgyal is built on a large piece of land in the Catskill Mountains that was offered to Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche by the Dungkar Gonpa Society that was established in 1976 in New York. Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche had visions of a piece of land with various auspicious signs.

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Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche’s Clairvoyance

If you look at the influential lamas of today who are doing great works around the world, it would be safe to say all of them can count the great master His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche as their direct teacher or lineage teacher.

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Praise of Dorje Shugden’s Origins

Composed by Kyabje Dagpo Dorje Chang, this prayer recounts the origins and previous lives of Dorje Shugden, beginning with Manjushri. It describes in detail how Dorje Shugden took rebirth as various enlightened masters before arising as the Protector Dorje Shugden.

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His Eminence Dagpo Rinpoche

His Eminence Dagpo Rinpoche

Lamas October 4, 2015 4 1,740

Born in 1932 in the region of Kongpo in south-eastern Tibet, His Eminence Dagpo Rinpoche, also known as Bamchoe Rinpoche was recognised by His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama as the reincarnation of Dagpo Lama Jampel Lhundrup at the age of two.

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Praise to Kache Marpo

Praise to Kache Marpo

PracticePrayers September 18, 2015 4 752

This praise to Kache Marpo is extracted from a ritual composed by His Holiness the Great Fifth Dalai Lama, who composed it at the request of Kache Marpo himself so that practitioners may connect with him to receive swift assistance.

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Invocation to Namkar Barzin

This praise to Namkar Barzin was composed by H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche, whose previous life as Kentrul Thubten Lamsang performed great Dharma deeds in Phari, the same region where Domo Geshe Rinpoche resided.

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His Eminence Serkong Dorje Chang

His Eminence Serkong Dorje Chang

Lamas September 7, 2015 5 1,682

H.E. the 2nd Serkong Dorje Chang was a prominent Lama during the time of H.H. the 13th Dalai Lama. Formerly a monk of Gaden Monastery, Serkong Dorje Chang is the only Lama in Gelug history whom the Dalai Lama has advised to return his ordination vows and take on a consort.

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