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Gaden for the West and Gaden Tashi Choling Retreat are pleased to announce the upcoming Highest Yoga Tantra Retreat of Vajrayogini.
The retreat will be led by Acharya Zasep Tulku Rinpoche at the newly completed Temple of Gaden Tashi Choling Retreat located in the beautiful mountainous forests of Canada. The retreat will start with a Vajrayogini Initiation and will continue for three weeks of practice and mantra recitation of Vajrayogini Tantra. Acharya Zasep Tulku will offer teachings of generation and completion stage of Vajrayogini. This retreat will be completed by a fire puja led by Acharya Zasep Tulku Rinpoche.
Pre-requisite: To take the Vajrayogini initiation you must have already taken either the Heruka or the Yamantaka initiation. (Zasep Rinpoche will not give either of these at this Vajrayogini retreat.) Rinpoche will, however, offer the Vajrayogini Initiation.