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This topic contains 13 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Vinnie 8 years, 6 months ago.
June 2, 2016 at 3:29 am #8619
Melba BauerCan everyone please pray for my cat? Donald is a ginger tabby and has been with me for 12 years. He’s been with me through thick and thin. He kept me company at college and he was there for the birth of my first child. Now he’s sick with a tumor. Couple of weeks ago I took him to the vet because he hadn’t been eating very much and was kind of lethargic. I hope he will be fine but he really needs your prayers so the treatment will go well. Sorry I’m new to all this stuff but I thought I’d give it a shot and ask anyhow. Will he be okay?
June 2, 2016 at 4:18 am #8624
Hello Melba, i am very sorry to hear about Donald and will do a prayer for him tonight. Hope things go well and please let me know how he gets on.
It would be very good if you too can do some simple prayers for Donald because you have a special karmic connection with him. Simple recite Dorje Shugden’s mantra OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA as many times as you wish (the more the better) and once you have finished, without speaking, immediately blow on him. You can blow at the site of his tumour, and also on the crown of his head. It will be very good to do this.
June 4, 2016 at 3:54 am #8629
Melba BauerThank you bengkooi for your advice, I will do that for him. But I am not Buddhist so is it OK for me to do this? What does karmic connection mean? I have a strong love for Donald. The first time I saw him in the shelter and we have been inseparable since.
Also how loud should I recite the mantra? Is there a particular time I should do it? Thank you again for your kindness.
June 4, 2016 at 7:13 am #8633
Wei ThengHi Melba, Dorje Shugden Mantra can be recited by anyone, anytime, anywhere. You do not need to be a Buddhist to recite the mantra.
Mantras are a specific combination of sounds that encompass the essence of the Buddhas and, when recited, tap into the energy of the enlightened beings. Dorje Shugden mantra will invoke the energies of Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden who are very effective to protect us and clear our obstacles. That’s why the mantra can be used for healing, blessing the sick or animals too. It doesn’t necessary need to be very loud when you recite it, as long as you can hear your recitation of the Mantra will do.
Hope that helps. Take care & may Donald get well soon!-
June 11, 2016 at 3:56 am #8710
Melba BauerThanks Wei Theng. I’ve been doing as Beng Kooi suggested which is to recite and blow on the site of the tumour and on the crown of his head. Donald wasn’t quite himself a couple of days after the treatment started but seems to have recovered somewhat. Anyway I’ll keep everyone posted, thank you again.
August 17, 2016 at 1:01 am #9138
Wei ThengThat’s great to hear Melba.
Hope Donald have effective treatment & speedy recovery.
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha!
June 4, 2016 at 6:59 am #8632
Wei ThengDear Melba,
I am sorry to hear that you cat Donald has a tumor. I will include him in my daily prayer dedication so that he has effective treatment and less pain.
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha.-
June 11, 2016 at 3:52 am #8709
Melba BauerThat’s very kind of you, thanks so much Wei Theng.
June 5, 2016 at 2:16 am #8637
Karmic connection is the special connection between sentient beings who have past karma with each other. In your case, you and Donald have karma with each other, or a karmic connection, that has resulted in him being your cat or conversely, you his owner.
This special connection that both of you have in this life means that you can benefit him more directly when you engage in virtuous actions and dedicate the resulting positive potential, which Buddhists call merit, to him. Of course, others can also pray for Donald and dedicate their prayers to him, but the effect is greatest when you do it for him, since you have the strongest connection with him in this life.
In the same way, the main reason why Dorje Shugden’s practice is so effective is because he has the strongest karmic connection with beings of this time. This means that of all the thousand Buddhas, prayers to Dorje Shugden for assistance will bear the swiftest results as we need less positive potential in order to reach out to him. Therefore, there are fewer “barriers” for him to help us. And this is why Dorje Shugden is such a powerful and potent practice for anyone of this time to engage in, regardless of whether they are Buddhist or not.
How is Donald doing by the way?
June 11, 2016 at 3:51 am #8708
Melba BauerHi Beng Kooi,
I understand what you mean by karmic connection, your reply was very clear. Donald is doing better, thanks for asking. He’s still in the clinic but the vet says he is responding to the treatment so that’s something. I’ve been doing what you suggested which is blowing the mantras on him when I can. I’m not sure I’m saying it right but I guess it doesn’t really matter?
Sorry, you also mentioned that others can pray for Donald and dedicate their prayers to him. Do you know anywhere that offers these kinds of services? Maybe I could pay them to do a little prayer on Donald’s behalf if there’s even such a thing in Buddhism?
Let me know and thanks for your patience with answering my questions. It’s appreciated more than you know.
June 11, 2016 at 4:53 am #8716
You’re right, it doesn’t really matter if you don’t pronounce the mantras perfectly as long as you do it the best you can. Buddhas like Dorje Shugden are 100% compassionate and as long as you are reciting with faith, he will do what he can to help according to the rules of karma.
Yes, there are Buddhist services where you can engage others to pray on your behalf. This is a tradition that stems from the monasteries. In Tibet, it is common for laypeople to request the monks to perform the necessary prayers for various life situations where a little divine help is needed. While the prayers are done, the petitioner usually sponsors food for the monks, covers the cost of the offerings and makes a monetary donation that helps the monastery pay its bills and gives the monks a little extra money to purchase some basic necessities such as soap, food, study items and so forth.
If you would like to have a Dorje Shugden puja done for Donald, you can do so thru Serpom Monastery, Phelgyeling Monastery, Shar Gaden Monastery, etc. Apart from the monasteries, you can also engage the services of Kechara’s puja house, which was conceptualised by H.E. Tsem Rinpoche. The puja team has been trained by the monks of both Gaden Shartse and Shar Gaden Monastery, and they are able to perform a wide range of pujas and rituals. If you would like to have a puja done on your behalf, you can do so online via Vajrasecrets.com -> vajrasecrets.com/pujas
Glad Donald is hanging in there.
July 4, 2016 at 6:29 am #8917
Melba BauerHi I just wanted to let everyone know that Donald is doing much better. He is responding to treatment. The most obvious sign of that is that he has regained his appetite. For a fat cat like him who really likes his food, him not eating was very worrying.
Well on the topic of pronunciation I figured as much. Figured since Buddhism’s originally Indian that the pronunciation of some mantras in Tibet may have become a little skewed. Still the monastic tradition in Tibet was very strong so they must have been doing something right.
Thanks for clearing up the topic of sponsored prayers for me. Good to know what the money is used for. I’ll keep you guys in mind. Actually come to think about it, now that Donald’s better, should I still sponsor a prayer for him or is it not necessary now he’s on the up and up?
July 4, 2016 at 9:28 pm #8921
Sarah YapDear Melba, It’s great to hear that your cat, Donald is getting better! May his condition continue to improve.
The power of pujas and prayers is certain something undeniable. I have a similar experience when one of my senior dog was paralyzed on all fours. He had a very bad slip disc after he fell while jumping (he’s a small breed… about the size of a large cat). We sent him to the vet and after they did the x-rays, they told me that there’s nothing they could do for him except give him some steroids and hope he recovers. During this time, we would recite Medicine Buddha mantras and blow on him, and the Pastors in Kechara also made prayers for him during our weekly Medicine Buddha puja in our Dharma centre. I’m glad to say that it has been 3 years since that incident, and he is still doing great. He regained mobility and can walk now. This year, he is 15 years old.
You are right, Buddhism originally came from India (actually, more accurately it’s present day Nepal… but I think 2,500 years ago, there was no distinction between India and Nepal… not too sure about this point). Many of the mantras are actually in sanskrit. Because Mantras is actually the essence, and it is not really possible to translate from sanskrit to tibetan, what was done is that the Tibetans wrote down the sanskrit in tibetan phonetic. In fact, the Tibetan alphabet system has a special section that was developed for this reason. While the pronunciation may be perceived as ‘skewed’, because some word or sound in sanskrit is non existent in Tibetan, the essence is still the same. I’d like to view it as… perhaps a native Asian asked to read English for the first time, or a Westerner asked to read Chinese… it would sound a little strange, but in essence the meaning is the same. Also as you mentioned, with the blossoming of Dharma in Tibet, it is most certain they’re doing something right
Regarding your question about making prayers for Donald, I would say there is only benefit to continue. H.E. Tsem Rinpoche have always taught us to recite mantras and blow on our lovely pets to bless them, regardless whether they are ill or healthy. Rinpoche often say that as a Buddhist, having pets is not only taking the responsibility of caring for their physical needs… we must make full use of the short time they have with us, by benefiting them in all ways, including helping to plant good imprints into their minds so that in their next life, the seeds of Dharma will ripen. That is the ultimate love and care that we can give to our pets… in fact, to any sentient being, because giving them Dharma is one of the methods they can use to liberate themselves from suffering permanently.
Do read Rinpoche’s short advice here: http://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/mumu-pets/plant-seeds-of-dharma-in-your-beloved-pets.html
This was one of the first Dharma articles I read on Rinpoche’s blog. I am so glad that we are able to do more for our pets, in a spiritual way, especially since being born into the animal realm, they do not have the capability to engage in spiritual practice, but it doesn’t mean we can’t assist them.
Hope this helps, and wishing Donald a speedy recovery!!
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August 29, 2016 at 9:40 pm #9153
VinnieI am so sorry to hear about Donald. I hope that Donald is now fine.
Recently there is a sector that we can post prayer requests as well. Maybe you can repost this there so more people will be able to read this and pray for Donald as well. I hope this will help you as well.
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