Home Discussions Dorje Shugden in General Dorje Shugden practice

This topic contains 7 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Valentina Suhendra 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #9827

    Jeffry William

    Hi all,

    I want to ask about Dorje Shugden practice in general. I am wondering is there any difference in benefit whether we know where our DS practice stemmed from in term of lineage or not? Why is that so?

  • #9829

    Valentina Suhendra

    Dear Jeffry

    Thank you for your question. Lineage is a very important aspect of any Buddhist practice for the following reasons:
    1. An authentic lineage shows that the teaching/ practice has an authentic source and it is not made up
    2. The foundation for a practice to be successful is to keep refuge vows to the three jewels because it is through keeping these vows, the blessing of the deity and the lineage masters continue to flow.

    Dorje Shugden is a powerful practice with authentic lineage. Do learn more about Dorje Shugden lineage masters by clicking the following link:

    The Spiritual Lineage

    Thank you I hope the explanation above is helpful.


    • #9842

      Jeffry William

      Thank you valentina for the comprehensive explanation on the lineage represented in the link. It is also revealed the authentic lineage of Dorje Shugden from master to master down to H.E The 25th Tsem Rinpoche.

  • #9843

    Jeffry William

    Hi Valen,

    I have another question regarding to the specific benefit acquired when we practice particular form of Dorje Shugden. What is the basis whether Dorje Shugden will grant our wishes or not? For example, Dorje Shugden Gyenze is well-known for his efficacy to granting wealth to those who pray to him. And how by praying for wealth in this case, can help us to achieve Enlightenment as preached by Lord Buddha? Isn’t that hoping for wealth is commonly perceived as greedy?

  • #9844

    Valentina Suhendra

    Dear Jeffry

    Thank you for your question. For the benefit of the readers, there are five forms of Dorje Shugden:
    Dulzin Dorje Shugden – Duldzin is the manifestation of the aggregate of consciousness or the Buddha Akshobhya and therefore, he counters anger and hatred. He bestows wisdom and clears all inner and outer obstacles.
    Shize Vairochana Shugden – He purifies our negative karma and heals by pacifying serious illnesses and natural disasters.
    Gyenze Ratna Shugden – Gyenze increases life force, wisdom, inner and outer wealth, and all that is meritorious.
    Wangze Pema Shugden – He brings about peace of mind and helps to tame very difficult people and turn negative situations around.
    Trakze Karma Shugden – His practice is especially efficacious in overcoming powerful and life-threatening obstacles, violent and volatile living spaces and huge obstacles for both spiritual and secular endeavours.

    Do read more about Dorje Shugden five forms in this article http://www.dorjeshugden.org/overview/dorje-shugdens-entourage

    What is the basis whether Dorje Shugden will grant our wishes or not?

    Dorje Shugden will grant the wishes if you have the karma for it, if fulfilling the wishes will benefit you not only in the short term but also in the long term to create conducive condition for Dharma practice. Dorje Shugden may not for example grant your wishes if your intention is to harm other beings or if granting your request will bring you further away from the Dharma.

    It will be easier for Dorje Shugden to fulfil your request if you have previously build connection with him and you maintain a good samaya with your teacher.

    How by praying for wealth in this case, can help us to achieve Enlightenment as preached by Lord Buddha? Isn’t that hoping for wealth is commonly perceived as greedy?

    Please also note that Gyenze does not only provide increase in material wealth but also in spiritual wealth. Gyenze will help you to advance in your spiritual practice.

    Having or wanting material wealth is not necessarily associated with greed. If the intention is good, having wealth can create a conducive condition to your spiritual practice and enable you to sponsor Dharma projects. Maintain a good intention and Dorje Shugden will help.

    Do read more about how Gyenze will help you further http://www.dorjeshugden.org/practice/dorje-shugden-gyenze-to-increase-life-merits-and-wealth

    I hope the explanation above help you and my best wishes in your spiritual practice.


    • #9847

      Jeffry William

      Thank you for the comprehensive explanation, Valentina.

  • #9848

    Jeffry William

    Hi all,

    I am wondering what is the benefit if one has Dorje Shugden initiation? Is there any link to the article that particularly discuss about this? I would be happy to learn further. Thank you.

    Kind Regards,

  • #9854

    Valentina Suhendra

    Dear Jeffry

    Thank you for your question. The followings are some benefits of receiving Dorje Shugden sogtae (Dorje Shugden’s Life Entrustment Initiation):

    – one receives a lineage transmission filled with blessings stemming from the lineage lamas that can be traced all the way back to the time of Buddha Shakyamuni.
    – Dorje Shugden is sworn to protect the initiate until the initiate has achieved Bodhicitta, and the initiate swears to take Dorje Shugden as their protector until they attained Boddhicitta
    – Dorje Shugden will guide us in this life time and gently lead us back to the Dharma in all future lives until we eventually gain Boddhicitta

    Do read more about Dorje Shugden life entrustment initiation in the following link:

    Dorje Shugden’s Life Entrustment Initiation

    Thank you and my best wishes on your spiritual practice.


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