Read about the latest happenings in the Dorje Shugden world, gathered firsthand from the very people who experience them, organise them and participate in them.

Did you know this about Pabongka Rinpoche?

In the book ‘The Principal Teachings of Buddhism’, Kensur Lobsang Tharchin Rinpoche shares some insight into how he grew up, how he studied and his interactions with Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, the legendary master of Lama Tsongkapa’s lineage.

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Congratulations to Kyabje Zawa Rinpoche

Students of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche were on-hand to witness the opening of Venerable Zawa Rinpoche’s new Buddhist temple known as Centre De Méditation Tsongkhapa (or Tsongkhapa Meditation Centre) located in Ste-Sophie, Quebec, Canada.

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Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen’s special thangka

A very special thangka of Dorje Shugden in a unique peaceful form, that belonged to Venerable Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen. It hung in Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen’s room in Thubten Dhargye Ling centre in Los Angeles for many decades.

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Namkar Barzin

Namkar Barzin

BlogBuddhism August 13, 2015 2 440

Namkar Barzin’s story began during the Monlam Festival in the 1920s. On his way back to Mongolia after the festivities, a Mongolian geshe passed through Phari, an area where many of His Eminence Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s monasteries were located.

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See my beautiful shrine!

A short video of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s various Buddhist shrines and the sacred images on them. They all feature many offering items to create karma to have the resources in this and future lives to benefit more beings.

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700 Meet A Buddha

700 Meet A Buddha

BlogNews July 31, 2015 0 344

On the day of the trance at Kechara Forest Retreat, the esteemed Venerable Panglung Oracle was escorted into the prayer hall, where 700 people were waiting in anticipation to receive the direct blessings of Dorje Shugden.

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Tsa-Tsas are nice!

Tsa-Tsas are nice!

BlogBuddhism June 28, 2015 2 639

Tsa tsas are 2D images of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, saints, great masters, yogis, Mahasiddhas and Dharma protectors. The tsa tsas are usually made of a certain type of clay that has been removed of stones and other impurities.

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Who is Kache Marpo

Who is Kache Marpo

BlogBuddhism June 23, 2015 14 1,227

Kache Marpo is an ancient Buddhist deity who was installed as one of the Dharma Protectors in Samye Monastery by Guru Rinpoche, as one of the protective divinities to help increase the growth of Dharma in the country of Tibet.

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How My Protector Healed Me

The Venerable Panglung Kuten or Choje-la is an excellent oracle of Sera Monastery as was his father. His father was the famous Panglung Oracle whose line of oracles are passed on by heredity, meaning father to son.

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Lama Thubten Phurbu Teaches in the West

Lama Thubten Phurbu, the prominent Gelugpa master from the Yulshu Autonomous Prefecture was recently invited to conduct Dharma discourses in Italy, Switzerland and Nepal where he also received an offering of tenshug or long life puja.

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200,000 Attend Denma Gonsa Rinpoche’s Enthronement

The unmistaken incarnation of His Eminence Denma Gonsa Rinpoche was recognised by four sources which includes the greatest Gelugpa masters of our time. The enthronement of a tulku is the formal recognition of a particular individual.

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Initiations in Serpom Monastery by Venerable Achok Rinpoche

Achok Rinpoche confidently conferred the Yamantaka initiation and commentary on 17 – 18 January 2015 in Serpom Monastery, which he had received from Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche and Geshe Yeshe Wangchuk.

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Making Offerings Shar Gaden Monastery

Making offerings to the monastery and Sangha is well practised in all traditions of Buddhism. It is something that we should do either on a daily basis such as simple food offering to the Sangha, or on a larger scale.

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Gen Tenzin Donyo Enters Thukdam

In 2014, news of the passing of one of the sacred living jewels of Serpom Monastery surfaced. He was Gen Tenzin Donyo, widely known as Gen Ahzung. Outwardly, he was an ordinary, humble monk with simple practices and few possessions.

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Visiting His Holiness Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche in Vermont

In November 2014, representatives and students of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche traveled to Vermont, USA for an audience with His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche and to make offerings on Tsem Rinpoche’s behalf.

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A Mahamudra Offering

A Mahamudra Offering

BlogNews December 7, 2014 1 382

In 2014, the monks of Shar Gaden Monastery received 500 copies of ‘The Oral Instructions of Mahamudra’ from one of the most honoured Gelugpa lineage masters, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Authored by Geshe-la, this book, written in Tibetan, is based on the root text of Mahamudra.

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H.H. Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche Accepts Tenshug

2014 was the year Khen Rinpoche, accompanied by his entourage, made an offering of tenshug to His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche at Trijang Buddhist Institute in Vermont, USA. Tenshug is a long-life ceremonial offering to the spiritual guide.

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Denma Gonsa Rinpoche meets Panchen Lama

In 2014, a meeting of two great minds occurred between H.H. the 11th Panchen Lama and the young reincarnation of Denma Gonsa Rinpoche. They met for the purpose of reaffirming the incarnation status of the young tulku.

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Fire Puja in Taiwan with H.E. Daknak Rinpoche

In 2014, Kyabje Daknak Rinpoche personally presided over four days of pujas: a one-day Yamantaka peaceful fire puja and a three-day Medicine Buddha puja. Fire pujas are Buddhist ceremonies during which offerings and substances are placed in a roaring fire.

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Vajrayogini Fire Puja in Trijang Buddhist Institute

From 28 June to 27 July 2014, Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche led a Vajrayogini retreat and fire puja at Trijang Buddhist Institute. A fire puja is a ritual traditionally performed after a retreat to compensate for any faults.

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