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  • Maheswaran

    Posted on August 11, 2016 60

    I'm frm shah alam n as Been long time dat I wanted to visit a place like dis..but today I got to know der is 1 in malaysia. My only d requirements needed to visit such a wonderful Holly place tqvm

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on August 11, 2016

      Dear Maheswaran,

      Thank you for your question. I believe you mean that you would like to visit Kechara Forest Retreat to see the largest statue of the holy Dharma protector Dorje Shugden in the world.

      You can contact Kechara House, which is our temple in Petaling Jaya and the front desk can give you more information and make arrangements to visit Kechara Forest Retreat, which is located in Bentong, Pahang. In fact on Mondays at Kechara House at 8pm there is a Dharma protector puja (prayer) which invokes on the enlightened energies of both Dorje Shugden and Lord Setrap. You are very welcome to attend if you would like.

      You can telephone Kechara House on +603 7803 3908, email at [email protected] or you can even visit in person.

      The address is: Kechara House
      No. 7, Jalan PJU 1/3G,
      Sunwaymas Commercial Centre,
      47301 Petaling Jaya,
      Selangor, Malaysia.

      Opening Hours
      Monday – Wednesday: 1pm – 10pm
      Thursday & Friday: 1pm – 6pm
      Saturday: Closed
      Sunday: 9am to 1pm

      I hope this helps. Thank you.

  • Brehanna Walker

    Posted on August 9, 2016 28

    Why do good people have to suffer so much?

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on August 9, 2016

      Dear Brehanna Walker,

      Thank you, this is a very good question. In Buddhism we believe in the law of Karma. This is also known as cause and effect. According to Buddhist cosmology, each and every one of us has had countless previous lives. In these lives, we have engaged in either positive or negative actions. Positive actions mean those that benefit others, and negative actions means those that harm others, not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. These previous actions are the cause, and the results are the circumstances we go through in this life and in future lives. Therefore Buddhism places a lot of emphasis on teachings of karma. That is why people undergo so much suffering, even those that are good people. The difference is that those who are good, do not engage in negative actions so do not create more negative karma to suffer from in the future. However, both good and bad people have negative karma.

      In Buddhism a lot of emphasis is placed on the purification of negative karma so that we do not suffer from its effects. This is necessarily included in all Buddhist meditation practices that focus on the Buddhas. Within Buddhism there are also practices centred on Dharma protectors such as Dorje Shugden. These practices help to purify this negative karma and create conducive conditions for our spiritual practice. You can read more about the role of Dharma protectors here:

      You can also watch a very good teaching on karma here: I hope this helps.

      Thank you.


  • lhuntrul trakze

    Posted on July 29, 2016 24

    where can I acquire the statue of Trakze featured on your page as the altar centerpiece. It is exactly what i am looking for

    lhuntrul trakze

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on July 29, 2016

      Dear Lhuntrul Trakze,

      You can invite a Trakze statue online here: This particular statue is made of brass and is 18 inches tall.

      It is very good that you would like a Trakze statue, the practice is very beneficial as I am sure you already know. It can clear a lot of obstacles in your spiritual path for you. I hope this helps.

      Thank you.

  • Demian

    Posted on July 6, 2016 88

    Hi, I was just visiting this website and found it to be extraordinary. However, I have a few questions. Are the oracle protectors like Nechung(aka. Pehar), goddess Tseringma, and Gadong even enlightened? If not, then how come the Dalai Lama still uses them? And another thing, is Dorje Shugden an enlightened being? If so, then does that mean that Yamantaka and Manjushri are enlightened as well? I want to know how I can identify which beings are enlightened and which ones are not.

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on July 6, 2016

      Dear Demian,

      Thank you for your question. The protectors who take trance of Nechung, Tseringma and Gadong oracles are not enlightened beings. The reason why the Dalai Lama uses them is that when they were oath-bound they promised to help protect and spread the Dharma. They are not enlightened beings but worldly deities, unlike other Dharma protectors who are manifestations of the enlightened beings.

      Dorje Shugden is an enlightened beings, in fact he is the same as Manjushri and Yamantaka. They are definitely enlightened beings. You can read more about Manjushri here:

      On our level, by that I mean we are not enlightened, we cannot directly perceive the mind of another being to see if they are enlightened or not. But we can use our minds to make logical conclusions as to the nature of various beings, through investigation into their actions and upon the advice of our Gurus and enlightened masters. I hope this helps.

      Thank you.

  • pob

    Posted on June 30, 2016 36

    Hi folks, was wondering if you could give me your thoughts on the Wikipedia entry for rime which has a section alleging persecution of the Rimé movement , wondering how historically accurate this is ?
    many thanks

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on June 30, 2016

      Dear Pob,

      Thank you for your question. I have read the above article that alleges persecution against the Rime movement. Within the history of Tibet there have many instances of religious conversion between the four major schools for political reasons. However I do not personally believe this claim that there was such strong persecution against the Rime practitioners of the past as alleged in the article.

      The claim that Pabongka Rinpoche and his students promoted sectarianism does not accord with the teachings that Pabongka Rinpoche gave. In fact in Liberation in the Palm of Your Hands, it clearly states that Pabongka Rinpoche taught that to even deride any of the four schools or any branch of Buddhism for that matter causes a great deal of negative karma, let alone to promote sectarianism, which itself goes against the teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni.

      As for Pabongka Rinpoche’s students, his most famous disciple – Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche – was known to have given empowerments of the peaceful and wrathful forms of Padmasambhava and other Nyingma empowerments when he was 28 years old in Chatreng, Kham. This is recorded is his own biography. This just goes to show that he was not sectarian. If he was sectarian then there would be no reason why Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche would be keeping the commitments of this Nyingma practice in order to pass it on to others.

      There is also well-known saying that Padmasambhava, Lama Atisha and Lama Tsongkhapa are of the same mindstream, therefore a practicing Gelugpa would never deride the teachings or destroy the statues of another tradition. I hope this helps.

      Thank you.

  • Kelsang Phumwang

    Posted on June 10, 2016 60

    I am a very poor student with many obstacles and I have made MANY mistakes during my practicing career.
    Is it possible that Dorje Shigden would ever reach a point where he would give up on me and reject me or be forced to not offer me protection. This weighs heavily on my mind at the moment but I think I'm on the verge of improvement, because I have been taking positive steps which has raised my courage and confidence. Any helpful advice would be most appreciated! Peace, Love and Bledsings to all living beings ( though you predominantly, in this context!! ) x

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on June 10, 2016

      Dear Kelsang Phumwang,

      Thank you for your question. I am sorry to hear that you feel that you have made many mistakes in your practice. But you need to remember that the only way to truly progress on our spiritual journey is to learn from our mistakes, and then make the effort to ensure they do not occur again. Those who do not make mistakes and then overcome them, cannot progress on the journey to enlightenment. Please do not be sad that you may have made mistakes in the past, we must concentrate what we are doing now. In fact you should be happy as you now know what you need to do.

      As Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being, an emanation of Manjushri, by definition he would never give up on you or any other sentient being for that matter. One of the qualities of an enlightened being is that they have ultimate compassion, equal for all beings. As operating from this compassion, there is no way that he will give up on us, no matter the mistakes we have made. As long as we recognise these mistakes, make a conscious effort to refrain from repeating them, make amends if our mistakes have caused others harm, and purify these mistakes, then Dorje Shugden will always be there to help us.

      From what you have written, you are making positive changes in your life and practice at the moment, so you are overcoming your mistakes, which is a wonderful thing. Dorje Shugden will never abandon you as long as you do not generate the negative karma to block his presence in your life. You can be sure of that. The spiritual journey can be challenging at time, as with all of our journeys in life, but I rejoice that you are overcoming your mistakes, and bettering yourself. I hope this short answer helps.

      And thank you very much for your wishes of love, peace and most of all your blessings, I cherish them.

  • Rodrigo Rodrigues

    Posted on May 11, 2016 773

    Good evening (from Brazil), dear ones. I am kind desperately trying to "figure out" how to better set up the offering table for the "Kangso", the long sadhana of Dorje Shugden, also known as "Melodious Drum Victorious in all Directions". If is possible to send me some drawing, map or scheme with instructions in English, I will be very glad. I already have the initiation of Dorje Shugden. Thanks in advance.

    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on May 11, 2016

      Dear Rodrigo Rodrigues,

      See the diagrams for the altar setup for a Dorje Shugden retreat. You can use this setup for your practice of the long sadhana of Dorje Shugden as well. For more information please click here: and scroll down to the section in regards to setting up an altar and making offerings. This will provide you with a comprehensive list and resources you may need to set up your offerings better.

  • Honkahluen

    Posted on April 15, 2016 64

    What are the benefits of bejeweled basement of buddha statue?

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on April 15, 2016

      Dear Honkahluen,

      I'm not completely sure as to the meaning of your question but i think you are referring to the base that Buddha statues sit on. This is usually a lotus or a throne. The lotus represents the enlightened quality of the Buddha, specifically in relation to the quality of compassion which is equal towards all sentient beings. A throne represents the importance of the Buddha in our lives, and the high position we give them as enlightened beings.

      As to why some people decorate these with gold or jewels, it is because it is an offering to the Buddhas. When we offer something we find precious, such as jewels this generates a lot of merit for this person. Hence people often offer gold and jewels not only just on the base but on the actual statue itself. For example it is very common to see the face of the Buddha painted in real gold as an offering to generate great amounts of merit for one's spiritual practice. I hope this helps.

  • Shugden Supporter

    Posted on April 8, 2016 114

    Hi all Dorje Shugden followers,
    A great Dorje Shugden Mantra - By His Holiness Serkong Tritul Rinpoche to share with you guys...

    0 ANSWER
  • Lum Kok Luen

    Posted on January 16, 2016 61

    Dear Rinpoche,
    I am awed, amazed and overwhelmed by your wisdom. This wisdom cannot be obtained but only through complete guru devotion. You have set a perfect example for us to emulate and through guru devotion, we get enlightenment.

    The path now is very clear. We know how to move. Lojong and Lam Rim is our guiding lamp and through guru devotion, we will achieve our spiritual path.

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Tsem Rinpoche

      Tsem Rinpoche

      Posted on January 16, 2016

      Dear Lum Kok Luen,
 Thank you for your sharing. I am so glad you visit this space to learn Dharma. I am not the best Dharma teacher, but I try my best. 
Yes, the path has always been clear for me. Lojong and Lam Rim practice are what will help us overcome our harmful habituations of lifetimes. By changing our habituations, we change our mind and future. It’s all in our hands.

      Buddha is the greatest teacher but we have to aspire to be good students. I do aspire. 
I do the best I can daily and put my complete faith in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. I watch my karma and my mind daily. That is the best I can do. I try my best to serve others and develop compassion, great compassion and eventually Bodhicitta which is my goal.

I request you to study more on Dharma and apply. You will see Dharma’s magnificence! You will be blessed. Good luck!!
 Tsem Rinpoche

  • Thomas Marshall

    Posted on January 16, 2016 54

    I maybe need this. All kinds of obstacles come my way at the moment rinpoche‬.

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Tsem Rinpoche

      Tsem Rinpoche

      Posted on January 16, 2016

      Dear Thomas Marshall and all my friends, there are many methods to clear obstacles. The best and most supreme is the meditation on emptiness. But in order for that to be effective we have to be advanced.

      The practice of Dharma is not about Dharma Protectors or removing obstacles. But instead it is to educate, unlearn, learn, re-learn our views that bring more sufferings. Is there suffering beyond our views? Of course there are. But our views add to or increase or extend the already existent sufferings collected individually and as a group. Dharma is about correct view. So when we change our views, we can have some breathing space to apply higher Dharma practice to purify, transform and negate all sufferings. It is a long process but necessary.

      There are many other practices to eliminate obstacles both created and thrown at us or just inherent because of the nature of our existence, but I have talked about other practices in the past. Today I chose Dorje Shugden due to the many requests I have had to share this for years. I have received this practice from fully qualified lamas. And I share it here not because I am so advanced, but this practice has helped me very much for the last 32 years.

      You do not have to be a Buddhist or Gelug or even perfect to practice Dorje Shugden. Whatever perfect means. LOL. Dorje Shugden is Manjushri in wrathful protective form according to Their Holinessess Trijang Rinpoche and Zong Rinpoche. So Manjushri Dorje Shugden will assist anyone without labels. You don't have to be anything or any labels but if you reach out to a compassionate being such as Dorje Shugden and you practice Him consistently, He will help you. I promise you.‬

      I get so many requests and emails from people who need help. It hurts me to see I cannot do much because I am ordinary too, but it motivates me to introduce Dorje Shugden's practice in the hopes you will get blessed, protected and find help. I have hundreds of true stories of how Dorje Shugden has helped in my life and the lives of people around me and I have met. He cannot solve your problems according to the way you want sometimes, but he can bless you to find a way.

      Do not ask Him to solve your problems the way you want, but leave it to His wisdom. Our idea of solving the problem may not be long term beneficial. You don't have to practice Shugden but if you feel a connection, why not? If it was good enough for hundreds of great masters for four hundred years, it will definitely benefit you all. I wish you all the best always. Be consistent. Once you start, go all the way. It does not benefit Dorje Shugden, but you.‬

      My motivation to post about Dorje Shugden is to benefit. Tsem Rinpoche‬

  • Ryan

    Posted on January 16, 2016 108

    Dear Pastors, Could you explain the meaning of Namkar Barzin's mantra, OM BIYADA-PAR DHAMA-DHARA SOHA and what are the benefits of invoking this being?

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on January 16, 2016

      Dear Ryan,
 I have not received a commentary of the meaning of Namkar Barzin’s mantra, therefore I cannot answer this part of the question. 
You can read more about Namkar Barzin here

      There is also a prayer in the above post. 
Namkar Barzin is an unenlightened Dharma Protector, who in a previous rebirth was a Mongolian Geshe. He is propitiated for protection and to clear obstacles in both spiritual and secular life. He is also part of Dorje Shugden’s Entourage.

  • danny

    Posted on January 16, 2016 67

    Hi there, danny here. About the Dorje Shugden practice, instead of using the Guru Yoga of Tsongkapa, can I use Guru Yoga or other yidam from other sect then I continue with the Shugden? Because i'm not from the gelug lineage. thank you. tashi deleg

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on January 16, 2016

      Dear Danny,
 Yes, you can engage in the Guru Yoga/Yidam practice from your lineage before continuing to practice Dorje Shugden. You should also consult with your own Guru to confirm as well.

  • gu

    Posted on January 16, 2016 813

    What is the mantra for Ratna Shugden?

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on January 16, 2016

      Dear Gu,
 Here is the mantra of Ratna Shugden:

      Here is the mantra of Ratna Shugden’s Entourage:

      I know you said that you are constantly traveling for work and therefore only have time to recite the mantra, which is perfectly fine. But when you have time you should study and learn the actual practice of Ratna Shugden and engage in the practice when you are able to. This will increase the efficacy of the mantras and help you in the practice.

      As with anything in life, the more effort we put into something, the more we can benefit from it. 
H.E. Tsem Rinpoche has given a commentary as well as the prayer text on a blog post. It can be found here:

  • sg

    Posted on January 16, 2016 27

    How does one cultivate faith in a Buddha like Dorje Shugden/Setrap when one only has superficial knowledge?

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on January 16, 2016

      Dear Sg, 
There are many ways in cultivating faith in the Buddhas and Dharma Protectors. The key is to be diligent in your practice. As you see results, your faith will deepen.

      However to gain true faith one must gain a deeper understanding of the Dharma in general and the practice in particular. This can only come about through study and learning. The Buddha taught that we must know what we practice, and in the process of learning faith will develop.

  • GU

    Posted on January 16, 2016 77

    Currently I am doing DS 100k times as I am lacking of space and time to do Sadhana. Can I do the same for Ratna Shugden mantra? As I am constantly travelling and the only convenience I have is to chant the Mantras. Is it fine?

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on January 16, 2016

      Dear GU, 
Yes. There is absolutely no need to worry. You can do the same for the mantra of Ratna Shugden. Since you are constantly traveling you do the best you can. You have my sincere good wishes.

  • Jean Simon Rousse

    Posted on January 16, 2016 22

    Hello you have a very nice web site love it and love your teaching!

    I have a question that I need explanation. I always love wrathful buddhas and I have those attraction for them and don't know why do I have this attraction? And why do I have such a strong desire of practicing Vajrayana ? I love to get these empowerments I already receive Dorje Shugden and some empowerment but not the higher tantra empowerment.

    I am a practitioner in the new kadampa tradition but! I know that I need to have a strong connection with the teacher but I do not feel that connection! Love is book but do not feel this connection!!!

    When I look some great master such as you just looking at you and I could feel a connection! It is the same as other great masters too! So what should I do? I want a teacher to guide me from a distance because I do not have a great master near me. Could I take you as my teacher?

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on January 16, 2016

      Dear Jean Simon Rousse, 
I am glad that you have such a strong connection with the Vajrayana tradition. It is good you have taken empowerments, please study up on the practices, engage in the practices and keep the commitments made during the empowerment. This will help your practice greatly. 

      In the Vajrayana tradition, since the core of the practice is based on Guru Devotion, there are very strict rules and regulations regarding new teachers. 
Those who you have taken Refuge and/or empowerments from are considered to be your Guru(s), and as per tradition you cannot take on another teacher without the permission of your existing teachers unless they have already passed away. You should read up more about the importance of Guru Devotion within our tradition. 

      That being said, you can always use His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche’s teachings to supplement the teachings received from your own teachers. I hope this helps.


    Posted on January 16, 2016 20

    So, I recently discovered that I have many many many house-guests (sorry, I mean mice/rats) someone will probably come out to advise me, but and I would really like to do something different if possible. I don't want to hurt them (although that may be inevitable due to where they are their number, and the entire situation).

    I have heard sometimes mice will disappear of their own accord, if certain prayers are said. I'm not sure what I could do, as my prayers are not strong enough, and wonder if there is anything you could advise in this situation. With many thanks for your time, and thoughts for this. .

    I was playing migtsema to them and making a small prayer that we could get out of this situation.

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on January 16, 2016

 Please keep playing the migtsema mantra to them and making your good prayers that this situation can be resolved without harm. Another good mantra to chant for them would be Medicine Buddha, this will also plant imprints in their mindstreams so that they can take a fortunate rebirth whenever they pass over into their next life. 
You can also chant Dharma Protector mantras such as Dorje Shugden or Setrap, to remove the obstacles so that they leave without having the need to resort to other means. I hope this helps.

  • GU

    Posted on January 16, 2016 129

    I have a friend who is from a different faith who is constantly tormented by demons and negative entities. I recommended Setrap practice with Guru Yoga but he is unable to engage himself in a practice because he is living in a household of different faith. Is there any chanting he can do? Setrap , Sengdoma, Trakze? Which would help him?

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on January 16, 2016

      Dear GU,
 Either of the mantras for the deities you have mentioned (Setrap, Sengdongma and Trakze Dorje Shugden) can help with those who are being attacked by negative energies. I have known the mantra of Trakze as well as the visualisations to be extremely effective in these sorts of cases. 
However please bear in mind that your friend is of a different faith. You should encourage him to find help within whatever faith he is from.

  • GU

    Posted on January 16, 2016 1,302

    What are the diffrence for these 2 Dorje Shugden Mantras and which emanation does it refer to ?
    For Demonic attacks which mantra can be chanted and how many times should it be chanted?.

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on January 16, 2016

      Dear GU, 
I have listed information about the
      Mantras below:

      1. Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shatroo Maraya Phet
      This is a mantra for the destruction of one’s obstacles to
      spiritual practice, both inner and outer. 

      2. Om Benza Wiki Bitana Rakya Rakya Hung
      This is the mantra for protection and is the mantra of Trakze Dorje Shugden.

3. Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha
      This is the main mantra of Dorje Shugden. 

      For those who are being attacked by negative beings or under the influence of black magic, the mantra of Trakze Dorje Shugden should be recited together with the practice and visualisations. 
Please follow the link here to the practice:

      There is a video sharing by Pastor Niral on this topic is available on Youtube here: