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  • Ken

    Posted on April 29, 2018 12


    I was referring to the prayer posted on this page (, it seems to be only in tibetan, so I was curious wether it has an english translation.

    Best wishes

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on April 29, 2018

      Hello Ken,

      Thank you for the clarification. Unfortunately, we do not have an English translation of this particular Request for Activities prayer at this time. But there are translations of equally powerful prayers, as I mentioned earlier.

  • gurumart

    Posted on April 28, 2018 28

    I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina: There's only one Kadampa Buddhist Center here, but I do not like Western masters: I look for a line like Lama Ganfgchen or Pabongka or Trijang, or the Gaden Shartse Monastery: I'm alone, and I want to know if it is possible to do a practice in my room, some ritual to open my ways: I would like some expert lama to come to my city, I read that you practice them to invoke Dorje Shugden are very long, and complicated: download the Nkangso and another ritual that you offer on this site, but I do not understand anything, and for that reason I want some advice: at the Kadampa Center in my city they always ask for money and that makes me uncomfortable. Thank you very much, greetings and I hope that soon a teacher like Lama Gangchen will come who I personally knew in 2004.

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on April 28, 2018

      Dear gurumart,

      Thank you for your question. I hope that your prayers are answered soon, and you are able to learn the Dharma as you so wish. Since, you know Lama Gangchen, who is a very qualified and authentic teacher, perhaps you should get into contact with his centre and ask for my guidance. You seem to have a connection with Lama Gangchen, so you should nurture this connection because it is a very good one.

      In regards to which practice you can do, the joint practice of Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden is extremely beneficial. We have a short practice available here: It is a lot shorter than the full Kangso text to Dorje Shugden, and can be done on a daily basis. This will be very good for you. There is a video here that explains how to engage in practice to make it easier for you:

      Alternatively, there is an even shorter prayer available here: if you recite this prayer, then you can concentrate on the recitation of Dorje Shugden's mantra.

      Either of these will be extremely beneficial as a daily practice for you to engage in. I hope this helps.

      Thank you

  • Trip Out

    Posted on April 25, 2018 19

    I have heard speculation concerning this type of practice. What type of relationship in your own words do you have with The Dali Lama and or The Karmapa? thanks so much for your feed back.

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on April 25, 2018

      Dear Trip Out,

      Thank you for your question. As a practitioner of Buddhism from the Gelug tradition, I do not have a relationship with His Holiness the Karmapa. This is because the Karmapa is the supreme head of the sacred Karma Kagyu tradition, as i have not received teachings from this tradition before, I have no connection apart from my deepest admiration for the Karmapa as the holder of his tradition.

      In regards to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, even though we belong to the same lineage, I also have no relationship with the Dalai Lama, apart that His Holiness is one of the teachers of my Guru, but not my Guru's main teacher. I hope this helps answer your question. If it does not, please do ask more. Thank you.

  • Ken

    Posted on April 19, 2018 19

    Hello, I also wonder wether there is an english translation of the "Request for Activities of Dorje Shugden" on your prayer page?

    Best wishes

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on April 19, 2018

      Dear Ken,

      If you are referring to the prayer to known as Dothey composed by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, then yes. It is also known as the Request for Activities of Gyalchen Dorje Shugden. You can find the text here:

      The above page also has a commentary to the prayer. It is a very powerful prayer invoking on the energies of Dorje Shugden into our lives, and was written by one of the greatest masters of recent history. I hope this helps. Thank you.

  • Tenzin Gejor

    Posted on April 16, 2018 30


    1 ANSWER
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      Posted on April 16, 2018

      Dear Tenzin Gejor,

      I am very sorry to read that you suffer due to contracting polio when you were younger. What the Buddha taught is that life can be full of a lot of suffering. Some people go through a lot of suffering but what the Buddha taught is that we can use this suffering to further our spiritual path.

      When we are dealing with problems in life, we need to do two things. The first is to seek physical help and the second is to seek spiritual help. In your case, if your problems are linked to your physical health condition, you should seek medical help. At the same time, you can engage in the practice of Dorje Shugden, which you can find

      When you engage in the practice of Dorje Shugden sincerely, this can help to make things in life smoother and clear obstacles for you. I hope this helps. Thank you.

  • Ken

    Posted on April 15, 2018 51


    I the mantra for increase on your web page (OM BENZA WIKI BITANA PUNYE SIDDHI HUNG) connected with the main form of Dorje Shugden or is it connected with Gyenze?

    And what is the particular quality/activity or benefit of Dorje Shugdens main form, Duldzin, in relation to his other emanations such as Trakze? - When is this main form, Duldzin, invoked and called upon as compared to Trakze being a wrathful form to protect from danger and black magic? And is it a "peaceful" form?

    Thank you for the patience.

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on April 15, 2018

      Dear Ken,

      Thank you for your question. The mantra that you have mentioned is associated with the main form of Dorje Shugden, also known as Lord Duldzin. The main form of Dorje Shugden has more than one mantra, as you have found out. The main form of Dorje Shugden encompasses all of his activities.

      We can engage in the specific practice and mantras of his other emanations if we have an affinity with that form, we are assigned the practice by our teacher, or we need more specific help. For example, those going through financial difficulty can propitiate the main form of Dorje Shugden using the mantra you have mentioned, but they can also propitiate his Gyenze form for more specialized help in alleviating their financial difficulties. The specific mantra to Gyenze is : OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA TSESO PALJOR LONG CHO THAMCHED PUTRIM KURU OM. You can read more about the practice here:

      Similarly, one can propitiate the main form of Dorje Shugden for health and well-being, but if you are suffering for a specific health problem and you want help dealing with that specific problem, you can engage in the Shize form of Dorje Shugden.

      I hope this helps answer your question. Thank you.

  • Ken

    Posted on April 7, 2018 129

    Hello, is the mantra «Om benza wiki bitana shartrum maraya phet» a mantra of Trakze or is it for another form of Dorje Shugden?

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on April 7, 2018

      Dear Ken,

      The mantra Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shatrum Maraya Phet is not the mantra of Trakze, or another form of Dorje Shugden. This mantra invokes the main form of Dorje Shugden but with the main focus of the destruction of obstacles, and inner and outer enemies. Inner enemies here refers to emotions and thoughts that lead ourselves and others to suffering. Outer enemies here refers to situations that cause ourselves and others suffering.

      Trakze's mantra is Om Benza Wiki Bitana Rakya Rakya Hung. You can read more about Trakze's practice here: I hope this helps. Thank you.

  • Gejor

    Posted on April 1, 2018 24

    So it will be a false allegation if I mention that your community help people by financially those who follow Dorjee shugden. Because I saw in my life that many people who follow Dorjee shugden bless by wealth and success. It just a question my intention is not to hurt your sentiments and pointing towards your respected community.
    Thank you

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on April 1, 2018

      Dear Gejor,

      Thank you for your question. As I mentioned in an earlier reply, any Dharma organisation or even normal practitioner of the Buddha's teachings seeks to help others in whatever means they can, sometimes this can take the form of financial aid, but mostly it comes in the form of care and compassion. Such as helping those who are ill, who have passed away, their families, providing emotional and spiritual support during the times people are suffering in their lives. This is exactly what a family would do. In fact within the teachings as taught by Shantideva, there are meditations in which we contemplate on the kindness of our mother and then extend that to those people who are close to us, and then to every sentient being. This generates the strong feeling of love and compassion towards all beings. This results in our working tirelessly to aid beings as best we can, in whichever way they would need.

      The blessings of Dorje Shugden bestowing things like wealth and success on people is not dependent on what organisation you belong to. It is dependent on practicing the Buddha's teaching, and making a connection with the divine beings such as Dorje Shugden. His practice is so much more than one that provides you with success in life, but also protection from spirits, healing, creating conditions so that you can practice Buddhism properly and as an emanation of Manjushri can help you to develop wisdom as well.

      Our sentiments are not hurt, please do not worry. We just wanted to share that Dorje Shugden's practice is so much more than gaining wealth and success. I hope this answer helps you.

      Thank you.

  • Tenzin

    Posted on March 29, 2018 24

    I heard u help people who come under your roof and by following your dharma he will bless you with success wealth and happy life is it true

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on March 29, 2018

      Dear Tenzin,

      Thank you for your question. You don't need to be under our roof to be blessed with success, wealth and happy life. If you practice the Buddhist path sincerely, transform your mind to be more compassionate and wise, and help other to the best of your ability, you will be blessed. The Dharma we practice comes from the great monasteries of Tibet, and in turn the Dharma from there stems back to Buddha Shakyamuni. If you are practising any form of Buddhadharma that has a lineage back to the Buddhas and great masters, then if you engage in the practices sincerely, you will surely gain benefit. It is not about which Dharma centre or organisation you belong to, but the practices themselves. I hope this helps. Thank you.

  • Tenzin

    Posted on March 28, 2018 17

    Is it true that you help people if they joined your community or organisation

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on March 28, 2018

      Dear Tenzin,

      It is the Buddhist way to help as many people as one can. Therefore, whether you join our community or organisation, If it is within our ability to help you in your problems in life, then we strive to do so. That is what it means to practice spirituality, to help alleviate another person's suffering. The Buddha taught to show compassion to all beings, regardless who they are. Therefore, we try to help as many people as we can. I hope that answers your question. Thank you.

  • Tsetan phuntsok

    Posted on March 24, 2018 12

    I live in nepal Kathmandu boudha. I am tibetan . I want to study about dorje shugden dharma. How can I contact ?

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on March 24, 2018

      Dear Tsetan Phuntsok,

      Thank you for your question. I am glad you want to know more about Dorje Shugden. If you go to this link:, His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche has opened two fantastic Dorje Shugden chapels in Kathmandu. If you are in the Boudha area, one of the chapels are very close by that you can visit and learn more. You can make offerings to the statue to gain merit and take some of the free distribution materials to learn more. I hope this helps.

  • Shwetabh Gupta

    Posted on March 22, 2018 78

    Hi, I'm in New Delhi, is there a temple or teacher I can meet here to pursue Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden?

    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on March 22, 2018

      Dear Shwetabh Gupta,

      Thank you for your question. At the moment, perhaps you can search online for the contact details of the Delhi Dorje Shugden society. They should be able to point you in the right direction of a particular temple and or teacher located in Delhi. I am sure there is one, but I do not have the details at hand. They society will be the best ones to point you in the right direction. I am very glad to read that want to learn more about Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden. I hope this helps. Thank you

  • jason tay

    Posted on March 11, 2018 36

    Hi, i from singapore ,where i can find guru practice Dorje Shugden or temple with Dorje Shugden

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on March 11, 2018

      Dear Jason Tay,

      Thank you for your question. I do not know of any Dorje Shugden temple based in Singapore. However the nearest would be the Kechara Buddhist Organisation in Malaysia. You can find more information about them here:

  • Anthony

    Posted on March 8, 2018 17

    Hi there, have been quite a long time seems this website is not updating... Looking forward to more interesting article and discussions regarding Dorje Shugden... :)

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on March 8, 2018

      Dear Anthony,

      Yes, this website is still active. If you do want to ask any questions of have a discussion, you can always ask here or post your question on the discussions page:

  • Jason Lai

    Posted on February 24, 2018 57

    Pls advise me, where is Dorje Shugden Temples in Thailand?

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on February 24, 2018

      Dear Jason Lai,

      Thank you for your question. Unfortunately we do not know of any particular Dorje Shugden temples in Thailand. The closest large Dorje Shugden temple that we know about would be Kechara Forest Retreat in Malaysia. I hope this helps.

  • A.A.

    Posted on November 19, 2017 27


    Can I ask about the 6th panglung kuten? Can I know about his life in more detail? For example which was the year when he is passing away? And who was he? He was a monk? Can we know more detail about his life? I'm a searching about this lineage and I'm very curious.


    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on November 19, 2017

      Dear A.A.

      Thank you for your question. The 6th Panglung Kuten was actually not a monk but a layman, the lineage of the Panglung Oracles was passed to his son, the 7th Panglung Kuten who is himself a monk. In fact it was the 6th Panglung Kuten who gave the Dalai Lama the advice to leave Tibet, via Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. There is not much about his life written in English, but you may find some useful information here: This article is about the re-establishment of Panglung Ritroe, or the hermitage of the Panglung Oracles. I hope this helps. Thank you

  • Julia

    Posted on October 30, 2017 18

    Tashi delek!

    we are going to Tibet in April, 2018. Could you, please advise, is it possible to meet with Lama Jampa Ngodup Wangchuk Rinpoche? And which Rinpoche it is possible to meet in Tibet? thank you

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on October 30, 2017

      Dear Julia,

      Thank you for your questions. It is nice to hear that you will be going to Tibet in April. Unfortunate we are not aware of Lama Jampa Ngodup Wangchuk Rinpoche's schedule. You may want to contact his monastery or centre directly for more information. As for other Rinpoches, there are many in Tibet but we do not have all their plans for the year.

      Depending on where you live in the world, there may be lamas closer to you. Seeking an audience with them might easier than meeting lamas from Tibet. You can search online for your nearest Tibetan Buddhist centre.

  • Jocelyn

    Posted on October 20, 2017 706

    Hi dear Tsem Rinpoche,

    Tashi delek!
    May I have the following mantra in Tibetan words? Thanks!

    Dorje Shugden:






    Entourage Mantra

    Kache Marpo’s mantra:

    Setrap's Mantra:

    Thanks with love!

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on October 20, 2017

      Dear Jocelyn,

      Thank you for your question. Unfortunately I do not have all the mantras that you have requested in Tibetan script at hand. However, the main mantra of Dorje Shugden written in Tibetan script is below:


  • Kenneth

    Posted on October 15, 2017 213

    Hello, is the mantra for Control as found in the mantra-section; om benza wiki bitana washam kuru ho, the same mantra as the one in the Wangze-practice? Or is this mantra for Control for another form or Dorje Shugden?

    Best wishes,

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on October 15, 2017

      Hello Kenneth,

      Yes the "control" mantra of Dorje Shugden is the same as in the Wangze practice. This is because Wangze is the control form of Dorje Shugden. He manifested in the form of Wangze with the primary function to "control". Even though Dorje Shugden has many types of mantras, this one corresponds to a particular form of Dorje Shugden, and that is the function of control. You can recite this prayer by visualising Dorje Shugden in his normal appearance or in the form of Wangze. If you are engaging in the Wangze practice however, then you should obviously visualise Wangze when you do the practice.

      In general, the Buddhas have four types of enlightened activity. These are pacifying, increasing, controlling and wrathful. Both the mantra and the practice of Wangze belong to the "control" aspect. You can read more about Wangze's practice here:

  • LILY

    Posted on October 2, 2017 124

    dear sir
    I need help for my son who has leg pain from last 12 yrs. we have got scan mri and all tests done but got no help. he says he will kill himself since its unbearable, recently someone said its black magic done on him. which puja/ prayer centre of buddhists do you suggest me to take him to. kindly help me urgently.
    Thanks and regards

    1 ANSWER
    • Answer from Pastors


      Posted on October 2, 2017

      Dear Lily,

      I am very sorry to read about the problems you are going through. If you suspect that this is because of black magic, please engage in the practice of Trakze or better to get your son himself to engage in the practice if he is able to. Here is a link to the practice: The prayer text is included in the post, just click on the link and you can download the text. Even though he looks very wrathful, this is because Trakze arises from Dorje Shugden's compassion to help us. This is one of the most effective methods that i have come across to deal with black magic. Please read the post carefully and engage in the practice diligently. If the pain is really from black magic then it will help for sure.

      You can also sponsor a Trakze puja here:

      Or a Medicine Buddha puja here for healing, health and wellbeing:

      I hope this helps. Please write back with more information if you need to so we can give more advice if needed.