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This is a section for you to clarify your questions about Dorje Shugden. Just post your question below and check back later for the answer.

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  • S Yeo

    Posted on July 18, 2022 181

    Dear sir, madam,
    I am interested in attending transmissions and initiations for lineage teachings. I am in Singapore though. Does have any centres or affiliations in singapore? If not how could I be in touch with any of your buddhist pastors or attend any dharma events ?
    I am in Singapore. By the way are you guys also affiliated with Kadhampa Buddhist Association the one lead by Taiwanese Dromtug Rinpoche?


    1 ANSWER
  • Mel

    Posted on July 15, 2022 92

    Hi, can I know if I have health problem and financial difficulties at the same time , how should I practice ? Can I practice both Shize and Gyenze at the same time during my daily sadhana ? If both prayers can be combined into one , what is the sequence of prayer ? Please explain the sequence of prayer with its visualisation from taking refuge, the four immeasurable, guru yoga of lama tsongkhapa,migtsema, dorje shugden’s prayer such as invocation, Kangshag, torma, serkym, mantra recitation, dothey, dissolution and dedication for each form. If both cannot be combined, should I separate the practice into two times by reciting the daily sadhana of shize form first then repeat the whole prayer starting from taking refuge till dedication with gyenze form ? If the prayer should be separated to two times , should serkym be done twice for each prayer ? Thank you.

  • Matas Urbonas

    Posted on March 15, 2022 11

    hey, I found this website and it feels like home a little, I am looking for guidance into 1-2hours of buddhist practise inclusion into my spiritual life a day, could you guide me and intuitively select what would be good for me, thank you

    0 ANSWER
  • Lim Huat Seng

    Posted on September 21, 2021 21

    One lady I know left her own house saying her husband always finds problems and beats her up.
    She lives now with her daughter in a small rented room outside. Is there any way to help her? This case is in Vientiane, Laos. Pitiful.
    Please help.

    0 ANSWER


  • Lim Huat Seng

    Posted on August 22, 2021 61

    deat .HE Tsem Rinpoche,
    Which is the best and shortest mantra or prayers of Dorje Shugden to ward off jealous people or keep jealous people away from me.

    1 ANSWER

    Posted on June 30, 2021 44

    Please send me 12 month astrology I am Mewa 3, cant seem to find the article to continue with others date of birth, thank you

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  • Evis

    Posted on June 20, 2021 30


    I am currently doing the Vajrasattva ngöndro and was wondering, since there is a Part in the sadhana where you recite the Vajrasattva Mantra 21 Times If I could Just incorporate the füll visualisation with vajrasattva above me and the whole process of the nectar Entering me etc while also Holding the dorje shugden visualisation or should I do that after having finished the dorje shugden sadhana.

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  • Walter Salamano

    Posted on April 5, 2021 46

    Goodmorning everyone,
    I am starting the practice of chanting the mantras of Dorje Shugden and I ask how a transmission is possible in order to have a better and more correct connection with the lineage.I'm writing from Italy so I was is there any online meeting where you can get the benefit of lineage transmission? Thanks.

    1 ANSWER
  • Alex

    Posted on November 19, 2020 30

    Hi. I am new at Dorje Shugden. I have decided to recite his mantras first of all to find my soulmate for life. I am sure He will help me. Any advice for his mantras to recite?
    Thanks to all.

    0 ANSWER


  • Mrs. LEUNG

    Posted on November 10, 2020 8

    I am referred to contact ZAWA Tulku Rinpoche in Canada. Would appreciate if this can be passed on to him to email me at [email protected] for crucial assistance required.

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  • Brian

    Posted on November 1, 2020 19

    Is there more the one dorje shugden empowerment ritual

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  • Brian

    Posted on October 30, 2020 14

    Does a full a Dorje shugden empowerment have an effect on expanding the consiouness of the individual for a period of time just before the ceremonies finish is it something totally different

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  • Asaaga Semaka

    Posted on October 8, 2020 33

    How do i dispel evil spirits{lizards spirit} from my body and stop seeing them in my dreams

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  • Kunzang

    Posted on September 6, 2020 48

    Is the Dorje Shugden empowerment in the NKT the sogtae from Tagphu Dorje Chang's pure vision lineage or it something different?

    1 ANSWER
  • leong

    Posted on September 3, 2020 83

    Old Master Thailand has promised to give me back something. I have tried many ways to contact him but it has been MORE THAN 5 YEARS & 5 MONTHS already. By reciting Dorje Shugden MANTRA, DO YOU THINK THIS WOULD HELP ME TO MAKE CONTACT with Old Master Thailand? PLEASE HELP ME AND TELL ME WHAT TO DO..........

    1 ANSWER
  • Woody McGee

    Posted on July 16, 2020 21

    I received an initiation from
    Kabje Yongyal Rinpoche
    In Bloomington Indiana sometime ago and I have a
    question about it. How
    can I contact Rinpoche
    to discuss some features of
    the initation?
    Many thanks wishes for
    your sucess and well
    Woody McGee

    0 ANSWER


  • antonio gomez

    Posted on July 7, 2020 31

    Lama Michel once said that today the oath ismade out of several paths. I currentlty follow LigMincha Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Do I have a conflict here: Can I follow both?

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  • Clinton

    Posted on June 29, 2020 185

    Good day, I’m a Dharma practitioner based in South Africa. I took refuge and Bodhisattva vows in the Nyingma tradition. I am not bound to any particular tradition though, in my personal approach. I am also loosely affiliated with the New Kadampa Tradition as I received my very first teachings in that lineage, namely a Je Tsongkhapa empowerment in 2010. After I took Refuge and Bodhisattva vows in 2019 I began having dreams about Dorje Shugden. In one dream he appeared as though hovering over my chest and promised to protect me. I have had other dreams where Dorje Shugden appeared and had a very compassionate nature and expression. My question is: why was it difficult to do Dorje Shugden practice as a member of the NKT but upon taking refuge in the Nyingma lineage, I’m having dreams of Dorje Shugden and experiencing his energy positively? I am considering rejoining the NKT but I don’t want to break my connection to the Nyingma lineage or my gurus. The NKT’s structure and Je Tsongkhapa’s teachings resonate strongly with me. Your advice would be much appreciated.

    May the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas bless you.

    Thank you ??

    Ps. Can one do Dorje Shugden practice without empowerment?

    Thanks ?


    Posted on June 21, 2020 32

    Is there a center of Kadampa Internacional (NKT-IKBU) in São Paulo - Brazil. If there is, please, take me a address. Thanks.

    1 ANSWER
  • Ken

    Posted on June 9, 2020 57

    Is the last word in Gyenze’s mantra the actual word «OM» as in the beginning of most mantras? Or is it a pronounciation-expression of another syllable?

    I thought it was the syllable «OM», but wanted to ask.

    Best wishes.

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