Dorje Shugden’s golden domed hat is a representation of the protection he grants to practitioners and upholders of Madhyamaka, Nagarjuna’s special view of Emptiness as embodied perfectly in Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings.
Nagarjuna elaborates on what we now call Madhyamaka philosophy in commentaries on the direct or true meaning of the Prajnaparamita Sutras in his “Collection of Middle Way Reasoning“.
This is a group of six texts Nagarjuna wrote, the famous main treatise titled “Root Verses of the Middle Way on Wisdom“. This “Middle Way” is defined as one between the extremes of annihilationism and eternalism, both of which are refuted by Nagarjuna because they are dependently co-arisen.
Nagarjuna is also said to be an accomplished alchemist/metallurgist who could transmute iron into gold.
A Travelling Tibetan Lama’s Hat
Common amongst all traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, the domed hat is traditionally worn by Tibetan lamas while travelling on the road to protect themselves from the elements.
Hence, the golden domed hat also symbolises Dorje Shugden’s mobility and swiftness in coming to the aid of sincere practitioners who practise the Middle Way.
Dorje Shugden doesn’t just stay in one place; he is always moving, always traveling and always on-the-go to help whomever calls upon him.
Gold from the Dzambu River
Dorje Shugden’s golden domed hat is adorned with gold from the Dzambu river. In Buddhist cosmology, the centre of the universe is Mount Meru or Mount Sumeru (Tibetan: ri rab), a huge mountain with four sides made of precious stones and full of the most wondrous things.
Around Mount Meru is a vast lake, and around this lake is a chain of golden mountains. Behind this chain of mountains is yet another lake surrounded by golden mountains, and this repeats itself seven times – seven lakes and seven chains of golden mountains.
Beyond the last chain of mountains is the lake Chi Gyatso. Chi Gyatso is where the four worlds were founded, each like an island with its own specific state and inhabitants. Our own world to the South is called Dzambu Ling.
Thus, Dorje Shugden’s domed hat being adorned by gold from the Dzambu river is another indication that Dorje Shugden is accessible to us, close to us, the inhabitants of Dzambu.
So, Dorje Shugden’s golden domed hat tells us that he protects the practitioners and upholders of the true meaning of the Prajnaparamita Sutras as taught by Buddha Shakyamuni, which was elaborated by Nagarjuna and perfectly taught by Lama Tsongkhapa. He is ever mobile, swift and ready to aid the inhabitants of this world.
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hi like to ask can i practice Dharam of Dorje Shugeden with out a Teacher or lama ?Guru?iiam 78 year of age. in canada.thank you
Möge Daddy seine Telepathie Kräfte verbessern, nam myoho renge kyo
Hello dear Rinpoche. I found this page and would welcome a reconnection via email. You took two automobile tours with my wife Carol and me Indiana and Michigan in 1990 and 1991. You also had supper at our house once. I hope this finds you in good health! Carol, unfortunately, is in very poor health due to advanced Alzheimer's disease. Please keep her in your thoughts.
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Posted on May 25, 2017 #1 AuthorAnswers the question why Dorje Shugden is protector of our time. Why he is so suitable to come to our aid. He is right here within our 6 realms and in our corner of the world – Dzambuling.
Even the hat is shaped like a lama’s hat, showing that he is travelling all the time. Such compassion to be here to answer our distressed call.
Datuk May
Posted on May 30, 2017 #2 AuthorAs explained in this write up, Lamas of Tibetan Buddhism wear a domed hat as they travel far and wide to propagate the Dharma. This means that it is a traditional travelling hat.
Explains why Dorje Shugden wears such a hat as he travels to every corner of the worlds to assist and protect sincere practitioners.
It is very good to know the significance of Protector Dorje Shugden’s iconography with our practice.
Paul Yap
Posted on May 30, 2017 #3 AuthorI really like and interested in Buddhist Cosmology, it tells us so much more beyond our modern science. I always believes the existence of many other realms beside what our naked eyes can perceive. Dorje Shugden has chosen to live in the same world with us – Dzambu Ling, this shows his compassionate quality in liberating all sentient beings. As he has the closest karma and affinity with us, it’s more efficacious for us to pray and take refuge in Dorje Shugden
Alice Tay
Posted on May 30, 2017 #4 AuthorDorje Shugden’s golden domed hat is represented the highest view of Madhyamaka, Nagarjuna’s special view of Emptiness as embodied perfectly in Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings. Its golden domed hat also symbolises Dorje Shugden able to help the practitioners swiftly especially those who are sincere practise the Middle Way.
Thank you for sharing this explanation about Dorje Shugden’s golden domed hat.
Lim Han Nee
Posted on June 21, 2017 #5 AuthorDorje Shugden’s golden domed hat is symbolic of the protection he grants to practitioners and upholders of Madhyamaka, Nagarjuna’s special view of Emptiness as embodied perfectly in Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings. The gold of the hat is from the Dazmbu river.
Nagarjuna upholds the Madhyamaka philosophy , which is the philosophy of the Middle View of Emptiness,the correct view of Emptiness or the direct or true meaning of the Prajnaparamita Sutras. The Middle View avoids the extremes of nihilism and eternalism, both of which are refuted by Nagarjuna, because both are in actual fact interdependently arisen.
Dorje Shugden’s dome-shaped hat made of gold from the River Dzambu, which, according to Buddhist cosmology flows in the Southern Continent -Earth- shows that Dorje Shugden is close to us and accessible.The golden domed hat also symbolises Dorje Shugden’s mobility and swiftness in coming to the aid of sincere practitioners who practise the Middle Way.He can come to our aid very swiftly.
Dorje Shugden’s golden domed hat thus signifies that he protects the practitioners and upholders of the true meaning of the Prajnaparamita Sutras as taught by Buddha Shakyamuni, which was elaborated by Nagarjuna and perfectly taught by Lama Tsongkhapa
Lim Han Nee
Posted on June 21, 2017 #6 AuthorDorje Shugden’s dome-shaped hat that symbolises Nagarjuna’s middle or correct view of emptiness,as taught perfectly by Lord Tsongkhapa, shows us undeniably that Wisdom Manjushri has come to us in this degenerate time in an accessible way, through a Protector that arose to ensure that beings of this degenerate age are led to the realisation of the truth of the emptiness of self swiftly and thus are able to cut delusions and suffering swiftly and incisively.
Stella Cheang
Posted on July 1, 2017 #7 AuthorThe iconography and symbolism of Tibetan Buddhist are profound yet logiacl at the same time. For example, the Gold Dome Hat wore by the enlightened Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden. The Gold dome Hat represents the promise of protection from Dorje Shugden towards the practitioners of Nagjurna’s view in emptiness, which is enshrined in Lama Tsongkhapa’s teaching.
In Tibetan Buddhism cosmology, Dzambu Ling the southern atmosphere where us human resides. Therefore, as the gold color of Dorje Shugden’s hat has been adorned with the gold from Dzambu River, it signififies the close distance between Dorje Shugden and the pratitioners, hence the swift assistance he can provide when called upon.
As we understand more about the iconography of Dorje Shugden, we will be assured that they are signs of an enlightenment being. When we propiate Dorje Shugden, we will be guided and guarded on the path towards spiritual enlightenment.
Vivian Ong
Posted on July 12, 2017 #8 AuthorDorje Shugden’s dome hat represents his swiftness in assisting the practitioners when called upon for help. Dorje Shugden will help dharma practitioners in clearing their obstacles that comes along their spiritual path so that the practitioner can progress smoothly in the path. Many of us who have been practising Dorje Shugden for quite a while already will experience the swiftness of Dorje Shugden when called for help and assistance.
Su Ming
Posted on August 30, 2017 #9 Author” Golden domed hat also symbolises Dorje Shugden’s mobility and swiftness ” which shows the compassion state of Dorje Shugden.
This is one thing i like about Tibetan Buddha iconography as there are explanation on what each buddha wears and also holds. Explanation of the iconography makes you understand the buddha better and faith towards buddhism increases instead of relying on blind faith.
Posted on August 30, 2017 #10 Author在藏传佛教中僧袍、圆顶帽 ~
在藏传佛教中,圆顶帽子传统上由西藏喇嘛穿着,在路上行走,保护自己免受元素的伤害,那么从多杰雄登护法的法相中,包括许多高僧大德为多杰雄登护法所写的礼赞文或仪轨中,都有”圆顶帽“ 包括在里面,比如我们常念诵的多杰雄登迎请文中念诵的那段“出家僧装严于身,头戴金色圆顶帽”都非常直接的表示与说明了多杰雄登护法是证悟的护法,并且祂是特殊地保护由龙树菩萨与宗喀巴的中观论的伟大护法。
Jerry Sito
William Chua
Posted on August 30, 2017 #11 AuthorThank you for the explanation of the domed hat. We now understand the significance of this travelling hat which provides swift protection and assistance to practitioners. We can call upon him when we need help. That is also why Dorje Shugden is the protector of our time when he supports us in our Dharma growth in this Kaliyuga times.
Sock Wan
Posted on August 30, 2017 #12 AuthorThank you for explaining the iconography of the golden domed hat. Buddhism is not an idol worshipping religion. There is a meaning behind every details depicted on an Buddha image, and the meaning makes a lot of sense. It is important to understand the iconography to strengthen our faith and to be able to explain to others who have doubts.
Wylfred Ng
Posted on August 30, 2017 #13 Author在佛教中, 佛像的所有细节都代表着不同的意义。 在这篇文章中解释的就是多杰雄登圆顶帽的意义。
圆顶帽第一个意思就是多杰雄登主要的任务就是守护宗喀巴大师对于龙树菩萨中观正见的教诲。 当初乃琼护法化身成为小男孩对持律主扎巴坚赞的请求就是希望持律主扎巴坚赞可以化身成为守护宗喀巴大师教诲的护法。过后持律主扎巴坚赞的转世杜固扎巴坚赞就在那一世履行承诺化身成为多杰雄登护法, 守护宗喀巴大师的教诲。
圆顶帽也是传统上高僧在长途旅程上戴的帽。 这也代表多杰雄登可以迅速帮助我们。 图片中我们看到达赖喇嘛与大宝法王都曾经戴过圆顶帽, 所以多杰雄登的圆顶帽也不是多杰雄登特有的, 也不是格鲁传承特有的。
Posted on August 30, 2017 #14 AuthorThe symbolism in Tibetan Buddhist iconography is a form of communication and expression to the viewer and each of the objects represent different meaning that relate to our understanding. Each of the deity has different forms and with different iconography that help the practitioners to visualise during meditation and for higher practitioners they are tools for them to reach certain goal.
It’s very important for us the practitioner to understand the meaning of each Buddha’s iconography to help us in our practice and gain more faith. Dorje Shugden’s hat is just like what we have in modern days and it just shows how He is the protector of our time, that even His hat, sword, boots etc we can relate them in modern appearance and terms.
Carmen Koo
Posted on August 30, 2017 #15 AuthorApart form Dorje Shugden’s mobility and swiftness in coming to aid sincere practitioners, Dorje Shugden wearing the golden domed hat shows that in his past incarnations he was a high Tibetan Lama, as Tibetan Lamas wore the domed hat traditionally while travelling on the road.
It is important to learn the iconography of Buddhas and what each specifically represents as the teachings of the Buddhas is represented in its iconography. We pray to Buddhas, but understanding what we are praying to and why is much more powerful than merely praying.
Dorje Shugden has no bias in this help, and very swift. As we do our prayers to him daily, we continue to build on the proximity of the relationship we have with him, and in time, his assistance towards us becomes much more swift.
yin ping
Posted on October 29, 2017 #16 AuthorGolden domed hat is traditionally worn by Tibetan lamas during travelling to protect themselves from the elements. Dorje Shugden is wearing a golden domed hat too which represents he is constantly traveling and grant his protections to practitioners. The golden domed hat also represents the highest view of Madhyamaka, Nagarjuna’s middle or correct view of emptiness which taught perfectly by Lama Tsongkhapa. According to Buddhist cosmology, our world to the South is called Dzambu Ling. Dorje Shugden’s domed hat was adorned by gold from the Dzambu river, an indication that Dorje Shugden is accessible to us. It is always good to know and memories meaning of each iconography. It helps when we are doing visualization during prayers and meditations. Our faith in dharma practice will grow stronger.