buddist astrology
Posted by GWENETH THOMAS POWELL June 30, 2021 0 44
Please send me 12 month astrology I am Mewa 3, cant seem to find the article to continue with others date of birth, thank you
Shugden QuotesView all
[Dorje Shugden] is a very special protector and very precious, so therefore you have to do puja monthly.
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
Of course, Lama and I practiced Dorje Shugden for many years. That was always the main thing that Lama did …
- Lama Zopa Rinpoche on Lama Yeshe
Dorje Shugden and the Deities of his mandala are the same nature as the Deities of the body mandala of …
- H.E. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
The aggregates, elements, sources, and limbs of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang, Appear in the aspect of the five lineages of …
- H.H. Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo
Understanding our nature, Great Wisdom Being Dorje Shugden please hold us close to your bosom as an only child to …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
When we rely on Dorje Shugden, all things around us – entourage, people, friends, finances, needs, spiritual development, meeting the …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
Dorje Shugden is very close to the Gelugpa and Sakyas but being an enlightened being, a Buddha, he has no …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
To do Dorje Shugden’s practice is to gain the merit, to gain resources that you need to help you along …
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche
Glory of the wisdom, compassion and power of infinite Buddhas, Miraculously powerful protector of Manjusri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings, Arisen as a …
- H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama
First you [Dorje Shugden] gave me a highly qualified Spiritual Guide, Under whom I studied and practiced Dharma. When through …
- H.E. Gyara Tulku Rinpoche
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